
táng kuài
  • Candy;The sugar Cubes;lumps of sugar
  1. 这就是为什么糖块是又快又好的能量来源。

    That 's why a candy bar is a good source of quick energy .

  2. 这个孩子的口袋里塞满了米糖块。

    The child stuffed his pockets with candy .

  3. 该方法利用差速离心分离植物细胞核,经低熔点琼脂糖块或低熔点琼脂糖微珠包埋,蛋白酶K原位裂解后制备大分子量核DNA。

    Generally it includes isolation of purified nuclei by differential centrifugation , embedment of the nuclei in either low-melting-point agarose plugs or microbeads , and digestion with proteinase K in situ to release high molecular weight ( HMW ) DNA .

  4. 研究者还用喷洒和没有喷洒DEET的糖块来测试蚊子。

    The researchers also tested mosquitoes with " sugar stations " sprayed with and without DEET .

  5. 利用离心分离细胞核,经低融点琼脂糖块包埋、蛋白酶K原位裂解,结合低融点琼脂糖脉冲电泳去除淀粉制备高分子量核DNA。

    It included isolation of purified nuclei by centrifugation , embedment of the nuclei in low-melting point agarose plugs , digestion in proteinase K in situ to release high molecular weight DNA , and isolation of purified HMW DNA from abundant starch using low melting agarose pulsed-field gel electrophoresis .

  6. “哦,亨利”是一种含有乳脂软糖、花生以及焦糖的糖块,它是由雀巢公司在美国和加拿大的赫尔希(Hershey)公司生产的(这两个公司生产的亨利糖块实际上有点不一样)。

    The Oh Henry ! is a candy bar containing fudge , peanuts , and caramel . It 's made by Nestle in the USA and by Hershey in Canada ( the two versions are actually a little bit different ) .

  7. 糖块溶解在咖啡里时,咖啡成了溶液。

    Coffee is a solution when a sugar lump dissolves in it .

  8. 加入药物的糖块,用于润滑咽喉。

    A medicated lozenge used to soothe the throat .

  9. 这袋糖块你和你的朋友分著吃吧。

    Share this bag of sweets with your friends .

  10. 给孩子们把糖块分开。

    Divide the candies among the children .

  11. 窗户是透明的糖块。

    The windows were transparent sugar .

  12. 首先,我们发现孩子所拿取的糖块数量,当然要取决于碗里有多少块糖的数量。

    First , we find that the number depends , of course , on the items involved .

  13. 造成令年轻人和成年人苦恼的粉刺的罪魁祸首是过于旺盛的皮脂腺,而不是糖块。

    Overactive sebaceous glands , not candy bars , cause the blemishes that can embarrass adolescents and adults .

  14. 除了巧克力糖块,一种最受欢迎的美国小吃是巧克力脆片甜饼。

    Besides the chocolate candy bar , one of the most popular American snacks is the chocolate-chip cookie .

  15. 为了理解这一点,试想一位店主按照一个固定价格向顾客出售方糖块的情形。

    To understand this , consider that a shopkeeper sells a candy bar to a customer for a fixed price .

  16. 融化供氧化学物氯酸钾,放入一些糖块,接着,你将会看到颇具魔幻色彩的烟火表演。

    Melt the oxygen-supplying chemical potassium chlorate , drop in some candy , and a fantastic display of fireworks will follow .

  17. 在桌子底下摸索着找掉在地上的糖块.我得在黑暗中摸索着找电灯开关。

    Scrabble about under the table for the dropped sweets I had to feel about in the dark for the light switch .

  18. 那双手不会出现了。我丢掉糖块,自己冲进人群,然后消失了。

    That hands can 't appear . I throw away the loaf sugar , a person runs into the crowd , then disappeared .

  19. 她说,为了偷“糖块,有两次我差点给抓住。”

    " I have almost got arrested on two occasions ," she said , for stealing " candy bars , I think . "

  20. 或者,让一个小孩子从碗中取“一些”糖块,我们可以数一数他取了多少。

    Or a child is invited to take " some " sweets from a bowl and we then count how many he has taken .

  21. 我们应该有更多的孩子能够仰望夜空,眼中所看到的银河不应仅仅只是“一条糖块”而已。

    More of our children should be able to look up at night and see that the Milky Way is not just a candy bar .

  22. 本实用新型在糖块制作中,糖块脱模便利,生产效率高,糖块废品率低。

    The utility model has convenience candy block demoulding , high productive efficiency and low candy block reject rate in the process of manufacturing candy blocks .

  23. 仆人把那只翻过来的空茶杯和没有吃完的糖块端回去,问了问他还要什么。

    The servant brought back his empty glass turned upside down with an unfinished piece of nibbled sugar beside it , and asked if anything were wanted .

  24. 如果病人是有意识的,并且能够吞咽东西,那么马上给病人吃糖块或者是甜的东西,以此来增加血液中的含糖量。

    If the casualty is conscious and capable of swallowing , immediately give sugar lumps or other sweet food to raise the level of sugar in the blood .

  25. 有一次,她选择在后院走廊里放上一些糖块来喂食蚂蚁,希望它们会因此搬到外面而离开她的厨房。

    One time she chose to put a few sugar cubes on her back porch to feed the ants in the hopes that they would move outside and leave her kitchen alone .

  26. 最有效的产品是多磺酸粘多糖软膏,其抑制率为69%。她往口袋里放了许多糖块,使口袋胀得鼓鼓的。

    The most effective product was MPS ointment with an inhibition of 69 % . The effects of heparin ointments varied widely . She put so many candies into her pocket that it bulged out .

  27. 一种可以防潮的纸张状透明物,用来包装糖块、香烟等。把5张托盘用防潮包装纸进行真空包装后,在表面上贴上部品单。

    A transparent paper-like product that is impervious to moisture and used to wrap candy or cigarettes etc * The tray bundles must be vacuum packed in MBB and attach part list tag on it .

  28. 尽管这种价值(即美元的价格)在外汇市场上或许会波动,但只会在一个狭窄的区间内变化,不会影响这位顾客实时购买方糖块的能力。

    That value ( the price of the dollar ) might fluctuate in foreign exchange markets but only within a narrow band and will not affect the ability of the customer to buy the candy bar in real time .

  29. 下步是吃糖果了,这又引起一阵喧闹,大鸟们埋怨还没尝到味儿,糖就没了,小鸟们则被糖块噎着了,还得别人替它拍拍背。

    The next thing was to eat the comfits : this caused some noise and confusion , as the large birds complained that they could not taste theirs , and the small ones choked and had to be patted on the back .

  30. 我依然记得当时的情景:我如何兴高采烈地穿过他们家的玫瑰花园;如何遇到了他们家的大狗利奥,还有卷毛长耳小狗弗里茨;行动敏捷的大马宁录又如何伸着鼻子吃我手里的黄油和糖块。

    I remember with delight how I went through their rose-garden , how their dogs , big Leo and little curly-haired Fritz with long ears , came to meet me , and how Nimrod , the swiftest of the horses , poked his nose into my hands for a pat and a lump of sugar .