
cāo miàn nèi zhì wǎnɡ
  • rough endoplasmic reticulum
  1. 浆样细胞,其胞质充满板层状糙面内质网,但不含特殊颗粒,它是否由透明细胞转化而来,尚待确证。

    The plasma-like cell which did not contain granules is brimmed with laminal rough endoplasmic reticulum .

  2. 在发育的玉米种子中,醇溶蛋白在胚乳细胞的糙面内质网被合成后,最终蓄积成内质网衍生的难溶性球状蛋白体。

    Zein are synthesized in the rough endoplasmic reticulum ( ER ) of endosperm cell of the developing seed , and finally accumulated into the globular protein body ( PB ) derived from the ER .