
  1. 传统的被动测距声纳,对于远程目标采用K系数分配法实现目标的被动定位,而对于近程目标无法实现测距。

    For the traditional passive ranging SONAR , K parameter distribution method ( K - PDM ) is used to estimate the time delay to range for far targets .

  2. 对于近程目标采用K系数分配法会产生测距模糊问题,但近程信噪比较高,相关峰明显,可以较准确地找到峰值的位置,利用直接测量法进行时延估计。

    However , for near targets , K-CDM has the problem of range blurring , then direct measurement method ( DMM ) is used instead the higher SNR and the clear summit .

  3. 此外,定义临界距离,并以此为分界点,分别采用K系数分配法和直接测量法对中远程和近程目标进行测距,解决了被动声纳的近程测距模糊问题。

    The difficult problem of close range ambiguity in passive sonar is overcome by defining a critical distance and by measuring targets distance using two methods , the direct measurement and a K-distribution .

  4. 对于中远程目标,信噪比较低,相关峰不明显,根据跟踪系统提供的方位字,利用K系数分配法进行时延估计;

    For far targets , based on azimuth word from tracking system , K parameter distribution method ( K-PDM ) is used to estimate the time delay because of the lower signal to noise ratio ( SNR ) and the vague correlation summit .

  5. 为了对比研究地价空间系数分配法得出的立体综合用地地价,提出了加价模型来对地价空间系数分配法得出的地价进行验证分析。

    To compare the coefficient of land distribution method to get the space three-dimensional integrated land price , proposed price " model " distribution coefficient of land price verification method to get the land .