
  • 网络system classification;Taxonomy;systematics;classification
  1. 此阶段与藓类植物的系统分类、发育和进化有密切关系。

    This stage has a close relation to the system classification development and evolution of moss .

  2. 目前,二者的系统分类已经成为锹甲科分类研究中的一个突出问题。

    At present , the system classification has become a prominent question in lucanidae taxonomy study .

  3. DNA分子标记在真菌系统分类与鉴定中的应用

    Application of DNA Molecular Markers in Systematic Classification and Identification of Fungi

  4. DNA指纹技术在畜禽亲缘系统分类上的应用

    Application of DNA Fingerprints in Animal and Poultry Phylogenetic Classification

  5. 基于XML的土壤系统分类检索系统的元数据模型

    XML-based metadata model for retrieval system of Chinese Soil Taxonomy

  6. pylori感染按悉尼系统分类法确定。

    Pylori infection , intestinal metaplasia according to the updated Sydney classification .

  7. 本文介绍了CSCW的三要素:通信、合作、协调;CSCW的系统分类。

    In this paper the three factors of CSCW : communication , cooperation and harmony ; Classifying of CSCW system is introduced .

  8. GT-等价关系下DAE系统分类问题的研究

    On the Classifications of DAEs under GT-Equivalence

  9. 企业BN的系统分类,企业BN的识别方法,包括检核表法、专家诊断法、问题暴露法及对比法;

    Systematic classification of enterprise BN ; the enterprise BN identification method : checking table method , experts diagnosis method , problem discovering method and contrastive method ;

  10. 并从土壤系统分类专家的知识表示和推理机的构建两个方面,提出了土壤分类专家系统(SCES)的体系结构。

    The structures of soil classification decision trees and reasoning machine were also discussed to construct the framework of SCES .

  11. 小浪底工程地下厂房设计时,在对围岩进行分类的基础上,采用直接对比法、间接类比法、Q系统分类等方法进行综合分析,确定各洞室的间距及其喷锚支护参数。

    On the basis of classification of wall rock , the spaces between holes and coefficients of rock support were determined by integral analysis such as direct analogism , indirect analogism and Q-system classification method in the design of underground workshop of Xiaolangdi project .

  12. 采用我国工程岩体分级标准、水利水电规范分类、国际上通用的RMR分类与Q系统分类对隧洞围岩体进行定性、半定量的质量分级。

    To adopt the hierarchic standard classification of rock engineering , water conservancy and hydropower classification norms , the international generic Q and RMR classification system for a quantitative and semiquantitative classification of tunnel country rock .

  13. [提要]结合文献复习和1例典型病例报告,对脉管病相关性消耗性凝血病(Kasabach-Merritt综合征)的原发病、病理生理机制和治疗方法作出系统分类和总结。

    A review of the primary lesions , pathophysiological mechanism , therapeutic options of vascular-lesion related consumptive coagulopathy ( Kasabach-Merritt syndrome ) and a case report were presented .

  14. 目前国际上土壤分类主要有美国土壤系统分类(ST)和世界土壤资源参比基础(WRB);国内土壤分类主要有土壤发生分类(CSGC)和土壤系统分类(CST)。

    At present , the central soil classifications in international level are soil taxonomy ( ST ) and world soil resources reference base ( WRB ), and in national level are Soil Generation Classification ( CSGC ) and Chinese Soil Taxonomy ( CST ) .

  15. 山东省土壤系统分类试拟

    An attempt to establish a soil classification system in Shandong Provence

  16. 皖南山地土壤系统分类研究

    Taxonomic classification of soils in the mountain regions in South Anhui

  17. 贵州黔灵山土壤系统分类

    Research on soil taxonomic classification of MT. Qianling of Guizhou province

  18. 中国土壤系统分类:我国土壤分类从定性向定量的跨越

    Chinese soil taxonomy : a milestone of soil classification in China

  19. 云南省元谋干热河谷的土壤系统分类

    Soil taxonomic classification in Yuanmou dry and hot valley , yunnan Province

  20. 基于地统计学的中国土壤系统分类制图方法研究

    Study on Cartography of Chinese Soil Taxonomy Based on Geostatistics

  21. 安徽省石灰岩风化物发育土壤的特性和系统分类

    Properties and taxonomic classification of soils derived from limestones in Anhui Province

  22. 关于节肢动物系统分类与进化的分子佐证

    Some molecular evidences for systematic and evolutionary problems in Arthropoda

  23. 侧耳属真菌系统分类研究概况

    Review of Studies on Systematic Taxonomy in the Genus Pleurotus

  24. 师范院校植物学(系统分类)教学改革的初步研究

    Studies on Teaching Reform of Plant Taxonomy in Normal University

  25. 石灰岩分布区茶园土壤系统分类探讨

    Soil taxonomy of tea garden soil in Limestone Region

  26. 不确定度分量不必按随机和系统分类

    No necessity for classifying the partial of indeterminate degree by random and system

  27. 有关六足动物(昆虫)系统分类中的争论热点

    On the hotly debated points in phylogeny of Hexapoda

  28. 鹤科鸟类的系统分类和气管进化

    The classification and evolution of trachea in gruidae birds

  29. 甘肃省竹亚科植物系统分类及分布

    Systematic classification and distribution of Bambusoideae in Gansu province

  30. 土壤系统分类研究是目前世界土壤科学界研究的热门领域之一。

    Soil taxonomy is one of the worldly hot fields in soil science .