
  • 网络System initialize;system initialization;INIT;System Init;sysinit
  1. 给出了Bootloader、系统初始化、串行通信等软件模块的实现方法;

    A software realization method of Boot Loader , system initialization , and serial communications is given .

  2. 重映射是ARM嵌入式软件开发中一个非常重要的概念,它是系统初始化过程中一个重要的环节。

    Remap is a very important concept in the ARM embedded software development , it is also a key step in system initialization process .

  3. Linux系统初始化过程分析与控制方法

    Linux Initialization Process Analysis and Control Methods

  4. 基于HFC的CDMA系统初始化协议研究

    Research on Initialization Protocol for S-CDMA Based on HFC CATV Networks

  5. 主要的有系统初始化模块、参数读取模块、温度计算模块、数据存储模块、LED显示模块、键盘模块。

    The system mainly contains initial model , parameters-reading model , temperature-computation model , storing model , LED-display model and keyboard-input model .

  6. 使用ENCRYPTION系统初始化参数指定CICS应使用的加密级别。

    Use the ENCRYPTION system initialization parameter to specify the level of encryption that CICS should use .

  7. 需要单个ifdef来按操作系统初始化path对象。

    A single # ifdef is needed to initialize the path on a per-operating system basis .

  8. 软件部分则重点介绍了DSP控制程序中各个功能模块的设计,主要包括系统初始化模块、采样模块、数据缓存模块和数据传输模块等。

    The key modules of the DSP control program are introduced in the paper , including initialization module , data acquisition module , storage module and transport module etc.

  9. 基础数据在HR系统初始化的时候要用到,是整个系统正常运转的基础。

    The basic data are required in HR system initialization and regarded as the basis for the normal running of the whole system .

  10. DSP控制软件通过C语言和汇编语言混合编程实现,由系统初始化模块、高速AD采集及预处理模块、控制算法模块、分组快速DA输出模块、通讯模块等组成。

    The control software include the system initialization model , the high speed AD model , the DA output model , the control algorithm model and the communication modle .

  11. 运动控制器软件部分包括DSP系统初始化程序和控制算法两个部分,文中给出了DSP初始化函数以及各控制算法的软件设计流程图。

    The software of motion controller includes initializing program of DSP system and control algorithm . The DSP initializing functions and the flow chart of control algorithm are provided .

  12. 接下来,内核将启动系统初始化进程init,这将成为第一个进程。

    Next , the kernel will start the system initialization process init which will become process number one .

  13. 本文的框架通过将视图与数据、控制分离,将系统初始化过程划分为插件载入,根据插件生成界面UI两个阶段。

    Through the separation between view and data , control , system initialization process is divided into plug-in loading , and generation of UI two stages .

  14. 在KEYRING系统初始化参数中指定已创建的keyring(ringcicsb)的名称。

    In the KEYRING system initialization parameter , specify the name of the key ring ( ringcicsb ) that you created .

  15. 完成这些操作之后启动第一个用户空间程序(init),并执行高级系统初始化工作。

    When complete , the first user-space program ( init ) starts , and high-level system initialization is performed .

  16. 系统初始化后进入由键盘、显示、SCI、故障处理等模块组成的后台程序。

    After initialization , the system ran into the background program which includes keyboard , display module , SCI module , and fault processing module .

  17. 在核谱采集软件编制过程中,采用C语言完成了系统初始化、A/D转换控制、DSP图形窗口显示、Flash程序的下载和USB通信等模块。

    In the nuclear spectrum acquisition software compilation process , using C language completed system initialization , A / D conversion control , DSP graphical window display , Flash program download and USB communication module .

  18. 本文对利用C语言进行项目开发的过程和项目结构作了说明后,分析了本课题的软件实现的编排情况,主要讨论了系统初始化和中断处理的安排。

    After the course used C language to develop the project and the project structure is introduced , the arrangement of the software programming of this thesis is analyzed . Main discussion includes the system initialization and the arrangement of interrupt handling .

  19. 对协议中定义的节点类型,链路类型,拓扑结构,各种数据包的格式,事务,包的编码解码,CRC校验,寻址模式,系统初始化,和分配协议等几个方面进行详细介绍与分析。

    It discusses the node , link , topology , package , transaction , package encoding , CRC , addressing , system initialization and so forth in detail .

  20. 其主程序先完成系统初始化,再根据相应模式和档位,通过ISA总线输出数据信号并传送到地址锁存器及模拟开关。

    After the initialization , according to the corresponding modes and position , the main progress sent data signals to address latch and simulate switch through ISA bus .

  21. 最常用的方法可能是把合适的脚本挂上init系统初始化进程,在系统启动时启动程序。

    Probably the most common approach is to start the program up at system startup time by hooking a suitable script into the init system-initialization process .

  22. 在监控终端的整体方案以及功能设计完成之后,详细讨论了监控终端的硬件、系统初始化程序、液晶显示控制程序、TSP触摸屏和数据通讯控制程序的设计方法。

    After its whole scheme and function are finished , the design way about hardware design , system initialization process , LCD screen control , touching screen control and data communication control is deeply introduced .

  23. 如果您只看这个目录中的内容,可能就会忽略了inittab中的一些设置,它们可以完成了一点系统初始化的工作

    What you might miss , if you just look at these , are the entries in inittab that do a bit of other system initialization

  24. 采用UML类图和顺序图描述了信息交换平台主要功能模块的实现,包括:站点监控、任务调度、系统初始化、日志管理、消息处理、数据传输等。

    By means of UML class chart and sequence chart , the author describes the implementation of the main function modules in Information Exchange Platform , including site monitor , task schedule , system initialization , log management , message management , data transmission , and etc.

  25. 添加sysctl-p到一个系统初始化文件中,以便在每次重新启动时设置内核参数。

    Add sysctl-p to a system initialization file to set kernel parameters after each reboot .

  26. 这就意味着为了使devfsd能在恰当的时间启动和运行,您必须修改系统初始化脚本。

    This means that tweaks to your system initializations scripts will be required in order to get devfsd up and running at just the right time .

  27. 系统初始化包括软件复位、地址设置和参数分配等模块。

    System initializing majorly deals with software reset and parameters configuration .

  28. 关于阿尔法微型计算机系统初始化命令文件的讨论和改进

    Discussion and improvements about system initialization command file of alpha micro computer

  29. 它通过系统初始化脚本和配置文件管理。

    It is managed through system-initialization scripts and configuration files .

  30. 这个函数执行了大量的子系统初始化操作。

    This function performs a large amount of subsystem initialization .