
  • 网络pedigree analysis;pedigree;genealogical analysis
  1. 结论:(1)荧光定量PCR对缺失型DMD携带者检测较应用系谱分析、CK值准确。

    Conclusions : ( 1 ) FQ-PCR is more accurate than the methods based on CK value and pedigree analysis .

  2. 利用系谱分析和SSR标记对河南省小麦主要推广品种间的亲缘关系进行了研究。

    Pedigree analysis and simple sequence repeats ( SSR ) were used to analyze the relationship among main released wheat cultivars in Henan Province .

  3. 一个疣状表皮发育不良家族的HLA系谱分析

    Analysis of HLA Pedigree in An Epidermodysplasia Verruciformis Family

  4. 半夏不同种质资源AFLP指纹系谱分析及其应用

    AFLP fingerprinting of Pinellia ternata and its application

  5. SSR标记作为一种有效的基因型鉴定技术,能够产生足够多的等位多态性,已成为育种系谱分析的有效手段。

    SSR markers as an effective genotyping technology that can generate enough allelic polymorphism , has become an effective means of breeding pedigree analysis .

  6. 采用分布于水稻基因组的221个SSR位点结合系谱分析法,研究了水稻籼粳亚种间杂交衍生系和亲本的遗传多样性和亲缘关系。

    Studies on genetic diversity and genetic relatives of indica-japonica subspecies rice hybrid deriving pedigrees and the parents was conducted by using 221 SSR and pedigree analysis .

  7. 报道一个疣状表皮发育不良家族的HLA系谱分析结果,并随访观察13年。

    Analysis of HLA pedigree in an epidermodysplasia verruciformis family is reported . It was the first report in our country . We have been followed up for 13 years .

  8. 方法:家系资料采用系谱分析及问卷调查,家系成员行外周血染色体脆性位点分析,免疫酶联法检测EB病毒VCA/IgA、EA/IgA。

    Methods : The pedigree materi-als came from the examination of chromosome fragile site , assay of immuno-enzyme for EB virus VCA / IgA , EA / IgA .

  9. 方法通过家族调查、系谱分析、手术病理和定期随访等手段追踪调查4个HNPCC家系,共计15岁以上成员84人。

    Methods A total of 85 members aged over 15 years in 4 pedigrees of HNPCC were analyzed by family investigation , pedigree analysis , surgical pathology and regular follow up .

  10. 本文综述RAPD技术的基本原理、特点及在果树品种鉴定、系谱分析、遗传作图、基因定位、育种等方面的应用,并对RAPD技术存在的问题进行讨论。

    The basic principle and characters of Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA ( RAPD ) and its application to cultivars identification , pedigree analysis , genetic map construction , location of genes , and breeding of fruit trees are reviewed . Some problems in RAPD application are also discussed .

  11. 系谱分析中可见几代连续传递;

    In pedigree continuous transmission in a few generation was found .

  12. 从加拿大大豆系谱分析谈大豆产量育种

    Evaluation yield breeding of soybean from the pedigree analyses in Canada

  13. 黑龙江省大白菜品种资源及系谱分析

    Analysis of Genetic Resources and Pedigree of Chinese Cabbage in Heilongjiang

  14. 我国主要高粱杂交种的系谱分析

    An analysis of the pedigrees of the main hybrid sorghums in China

  15. 黑龙江省大豆品种系谱分析

    Analysis of the pedigree of Soybean Cultivars in Heilongjiang Province

  16. 家族性单纯房间隔缺损的临床特点和系谱分析

    Clinical characteristics and pedigree analysis of a familial isolated atrial septal defect

  17. 我国红麻育成品种的系谱分析及育种策略

    Analysis on Kenaf Cultivar Genealogy and Breeding Tactics in China

  18. 五个美国水稻品种的广亲和性及其系谱分析

    Wide compatibility of five American rice varieties and pedigree analysis

  19. 三个家族性高胆固醇血症样表型纯合子家系遗传异质性及其系谱分析

    Three Homozygous Patients of Familial Hypercholesterolemia Like Phenotype and Their Pedigree Analysis

  20. 杂交水稻抗瘟性的遗传系谱分析与优化组合

    Spectrum Analysis and Combination Matching Optimization on Hybrid Rice Resistance to Blast

  21. 安徽省主要育成水稻品种及其系谱分析

    Analysis of the Main Developed Rice Varieties and their Genealogy in Anhui

  22. 第三,结合系谱分析,进行分子水平的遗传多样性研究。

    To study genetic diversity of cotton combining with pedigree on molecular level .

  23. 利用系谱分析探讨水稻广亲和性的遗传

    Discussion on Genetics of Wide Compatibility by Pedigree Analysis

  24. 广西主要杂交大豆育成品种系谱分析

    Ancestral Analysis of Soybean Cultivars Released in Guangxi

  25. 中国大豆抗(耐)胞囊线虫病品种及其系谱分析

    Released Soybean Varieties Resistant to Cyst Nematode in China and Their Resistance Genetic Derivation

  26. 方法对单纯性晶状体异位一家系进行临床研究和系谱分析。

    Methods Clinical observation and pedigree analysis were undertaken in a family with ectopia lentis .

  27. 春小麦品种数量性状遗传距离的测定及其系谱分析

    Determination for Genetic Distance of Quantitative Character of Spring Wheat Varieties and Its Pedigree Analysis

  28. 通过系谱分析了解不同来源抗病基因的抗黄萎病性能;

    The relationship was analyzed between progenitor gene of resistant cultivars and verticillium wilt resistance .

  29. 我国抗枯萎病棉花品种(系)的系谱分析

    Analysis on the Pedigree system of Cotton Varieties ( Lines ) With Fusarium Wilt Resistance

  30. 圈养大熊猫的系谱分析

    Pedigree Analysis of Captive Giant Panda