
  1. 目前,索家村刚刚结束第一届国际艺术节和开放日活动,并且证明索家村已经成为视觉艺术家的理想的艺术群落。

    Now that SJC has celebrated its first annual international arts festival and open studio day it has proved itself as a viable artists'community .

  2. 如果他们提出的合理化建议能被接受,那么索家村的艺术家们将与北京一同分享文化金牌。

    If they rise to the challenge and a workable suggestion is accepted , then SJC artists should share a cultural gold medal with Beijing city .

  3. 索家村国际艺术中心在为北京这个文化之都增姿添彩,况且完全是艺术家们自己出资使其完善起来的。

    This international arts centre has been given to Beijing on a silver platter – and at absolutely no cost to anyone but the artists themselves .

  4. 导火索是2005年11月16日当时号称亚洲最大的艺术家聚居地索家村国际艺术营被城管强行拆除。

    The fuse of the work was ignited on the November the16th in2005 at Suojia Village , which was the biggest living area for artists in Asia and it was forced to demolition by the government .

  5. 当时他在北京郊区索家村艺术区,为一位雕塑师担任助理。当索家村被强行拆除时,他隐形于废墟之中,抗议强拆行动。

    When Suo Jia Cun , an artists " village in suburban Beijing where he worked as a sculptor 's assistant , was forcibly demolished , Mr. Liu disappeared into the ruins to protest the destruction .