
  • 网络soweto
  1. 索韦托的曼德拉家族博物馆保存着许多纪念物,参观者会在其中发现一条拳击世界冠军的腰带,这是美国拳击名宿雷纳德(SugarRayLeonard)赠予曼德拉的。

    Among the memorabilia in the Mandela Family Museum in Soweto , visitors can find the world championship belt given to Mandela by American boxer Sugar Ray Leonard .

  2. 当地时间今天上午刚刚获得第五个NBA总冠军的科比来到约翰内斯堡市索韦托内的足球训练营,参加了当地一个慈善活动,帮助当地少年儿童远离艾滋病。

    Local time this morning just won a fifth NBA championship Bryant came to Soweto in Johannesburg City football training camp , participated in a local charity to help local children from AIDS .

  3. 他在索韦托能够容纳40000人的体育场发表讲话。军队将军们将AlbertinaSisulu的灵柩抬到这里,举行精心安排的葬礼。

    He was speaking at the40,000-capacity stadium in Soweto , where Mrs Sisulu 's coffin had been brought by military generals for an elaborate service .

  4. 第二天我去了索韦托

    But the next day I went to Soweto ,

  5. 在我去索韦托之前我以为我了解世界的问题

    Before I went to Soweto , I thought I understood the world 's problems

  6. 从索韦托开始我开始了解到

    I started learning in Soweto ,

  7. 我按照事先准备的讲稿对媒体说索韦托是一个里程碑

    When I gave my prepared remarks to the press , I said Soweto is a milestone .

  8. 来自工会组织和施压集团的南非民众聚集在索韦托的一所大学校园里。

    Crowds of South Africans from trade unions and pressure groups gathered at a university campus in Soweto .

  9. 近期进入卢萨卡索韦托市场的污秽小巷的中国商人使得鸡肉价格减半。

    The recent arrival of Chinese traders in the grimy alleys of Soweto market in Lusaka halved the cost of chicken .

  10. 八十多岁高龄的马蓬亚先生最近还在约翰内斯堡附近的索韦托开办了一个巨大的购物中心。

    Now in his eighties , Mister Maponya recently opened a huge shopping center in Soweto , near the city of Johannesburg .

  11. 当时奥巴马正在约翰内斯堡大学位于索韦托的校区,发表有关加强美国和非洲贸易往来的演说。

    Obama was in the huge Johannesburg township to deliver a speech on strengthening trade ties between the United States and South Africa .

  12. 这个博物馆以1976年在索韦托反种族隔离抗议中牺牲的一名年轻男孩而命名。

    She also will visit the Hector Pieterson museum , named after a young boy who was killed in anti-apartheid protests in Soweto in1976 .

  13. 妈妈要是知道我19岁那年去过索韦托镇,定会气得心脏病发作。

    My mother would have had a heart attack if she had known that I had been to Soweto at the age of 19 .

  14. 通过短暂的索韦托之行,沃尔福威茨了解了它的历史,知道了那里的生活和服务供应所面临的挑战。

    Wolfowitz had a brief tour of Soweto to understand its history , get an impression of life and the challenges of service delivery .

  15. 约翰内斯堡也有着丰厚的文化底蕴,有大量妙趣横生的博物馆,包括种族隔离博物馆、宪法丘,以及世界著名的索韦托。

    Cultural wealth is also in abundance , with a host of interesting museums including the Apartheid Museum , Constitution Hill and the world acclaimed Soweto .

  16. 她在索韦托的一个教堂里向聚会的人们做演讲,鼓励年轻女性致力于结束饥饿、腐败、艾滋病毒和艾滋病。

    She addressed the packed congregation at a church in Soweto , inspiring young women to be a generation that works to end hunger , corruption and combat HIV and AIDS .

  17. 奥巴马在索韦托当着一小群观众演讲,非洲大陆成千上万人则通过电视转播观看了这场演讲,有人问他为何不到祖籍肯尼亚访问,这可是个棘手问题。

    Speaking in Soweto to a small audience and on screens to millions watching around the continent , Obama was challenged on why he was not visiting Kenya , his ancestral home .