
zǐ jǐn
  • corydalis;violet
  1. 因此,紫堇总生物碱具有降低血压和抑制NA引起的血管的收缩效应。

    Therefore , general alkaloid of Corydalis can cause decrease of blood pressure and cause relaxation of aortic muscle precontracted by NA .

  2. 观察了紫堇总生物碱对家兔动脉血压的影响以及对去甲肾上腺素(NA)诱发的离体主动脉肌条的收缩的影响。

    The effects of distilled liquor of Corydalis alkali on blood pressure and contraction of isolated aortic smooth muscle string induced by prnoradrenaline ( NA ) pretreatment in rabbits are discussed .

  3. 去氢紫堇碱对兔血小板cAMP质量浓度的影响

    Effects of Dehydrocorydaline on cAMP Mass of Concentration in Rabbit Platelets

  4. RP-HPLC法测定苦地丁及其复方制剂中紫堇灵的含量

    Determination of the content of corynoline in Corydalis bungeana Turcz and its compound Chinese medicinal preparations by RP-HPLC

  5. 方法用HPLC测定生品、酒炙与醋炙延胡索中延胡索乙素和去氢紫堇碱的含量。

    Methods A HPLC method was used to determine the contents of tetrahydropalmatine and dehydrocorydaline in Rhizoma Corydalis crude drug , stir-frying with wine and vinegar .

  6. 目的:研究脱氢紫堇碱(DHC)对兔血小板中cAMP和cGMP含量的影响以探讨其抑制血小板聚集的作用机制。

    Objective : To study Effects of dehydrocorydaline ( DHC ) on cAMP and cGMP concentration in rabbit platelets in vitro .

  7. 用细胞内固定微电极技术观察了异紫堇啡碱(isocorydine)对家兔窦房结电活动、豚鼠心室肌动作电位及Ba~(2+)诱发的豚鼠心室肌自发电活动的作用。

    The effects of isocorydine on the action potentials of rabbit sinoatrial node and guinea pig ventricular muscles as well as the spontaneous electrical activity induced by barium ion in ventricular muscles were studied with intracellular microelectrodes .

  8. 异紫堇定对兔输卵管平滑肌活动的影响

    Effects of isocorydine on contraction of the rabbit oviduct smooth muscle

  9. 脱氢紫堇碱体外对兔血小板中环核苷酸含量的影响

    Effects of dehydrocorydaline on cyclic nucleotide concentration in rabbit platelets in vitro

  10. 异紫堇定抗猕猴失血性休克的实验研究

    Experimental Research on the Anti-Hemorrhagic Shock Effect of Isocorydine in the Monkey

  11. 四川紫堇属药用植物的报告

    Preliminary Studies on Medicinal Plants of Corydalis in Sichuan

  12. 浙江及其邻近地区的紫堇属植物

    On the genus Corydalis in Zhejiang and nearby areas

  13. 延胡索中生物碱成分的研究地丁紫堇对中枢神经作用的实验研究

    Experimental study of effect of Corydalis Bungeana Turcz Total Alkaloid on central nerve

  14. 异紫堇定对家兔缺血&重灌条件下红细胞脂流动性的影响

    Effect of Isocorydine on Lipid Fluidity of Erythrocyte Membrance Under the Ischemia-Reperfusion in Rabbits

  15. 10种紫堇属植物的过氧化物酶同工酶研究

    A Study on the Peroxidase Isozymes of 8 Species and 2 Varieties of Corydalis

  16. 异紫堇定对兔心乳头肌的作用

    Effect of isocorydine on rabbit papillary muscle

  17. 紫堇属植物生物碱的化学&青海高原四种紫堇属植物生物碱的化学研究

    Alkaloids of Corydalis & studies on Alkaloids of four species of Corydalis from Qinghai Plateau

  18. 具有美丽的复叶和有花距的管状花的紫堇科植物。

    A plant of the genus Corydalis with beautiful compound foliage and spurred tubular flowers .

  19. 异紫堇啡碱对家兔窦房结及豚鼠心室肌动作电位的作用

    Effects of isocorydine on action potentials of rabbit sinoatrial node and . guinea pig ventricular muscles

  20. 脱氢紫堇碱对心血管系统的药理作用

    Pharmacological actions of dehydrocorydaline cardiovascular system

  21. 春天的紫堇。

    The purple Jin in spring .

  22. 紫堇总生物碱对血压和离体主动脉平滑肌张力的影响

    Effect of general alkaloid of Corydalis on blood pressure and on the tension of aortic smooth muscle

  23. 荞麦花粉水溶性黄酮部分、异紫堇定对沙土鼠脑缺血重灌流损伤的影响

    Effect of pollen element from buckwheat , and isocorydine on the gerbils subjected to cerebral ischemia and then reperfusion

  24. 紫堇总生物碱经耳脉静脉注射家兔,观察血压变化;

    Raw extracts of general alkaloid of Corydalis are administrated by mainline to observe changes of blood pressure of rabbits .

  25. 在大温室里,就培植了植物1400多种,有水母、龙胆、紫堇等。

    The Grand Greenhouse has been planted with more than 1.4 thousand plants , including jellyfish , Gentian , Corydalis and so on .

  26. 异紫堇啡碱抑制血管平滑肌由受体中介的细胞内游离钙的增高

    Isocorydine inhibited the receptor-mediated increasing of the cytosolic free Ca ~ ( 2 + ) level in the blood vessel smooth muscle cells

  27. 目的:从苦地丁中制备紫堇灵和乙酰紫堇灵,并建立同时测定二者含量的反相高效液相色谱法。

    Objective : To isolate and purify corynoline and acetylcorynoline from Corydalis bungeana and develop a reversed phase HPLC method of determining the two components in C.

  28. 浙江紫堇属植物药源开发的初步研究&Ⅱ.数量化学分类和药用种质资源探索

    Preliminary Studies on the Medicinal Plants of Genus Corydalis in Zhejiang & ⅱ . A Study on the Numerical Chemotaxonomy and Development of Medicinal Germplasm Resources

  29. 组织分布研究表明异紫堇定碱可在大鼠体内快速而广泛的分布到各组织中,而且可以透过血脑屏障进入脑部。

    Tissue distribution studies showed that isocorydine could be rapidly and widely distributed into tissues and it can efficiently cross the blood-brain barrier in rats . 5 .

  30. 紫堇属:紫堇属多种草本植物的一种,原产于北方温和地区。叶多会分裂,花有刺,多黄,粉红色。

    Corydalis : any of various herbs of the genus Corydalis native chiefly to northern temperate regions and having finely divided leaves and spurred , often yellow or pinkish flowers .