
  1. 他也跨界设计造型极其简朴的紫砂茶具(它的制作原料紫砂泥只有江苏出产),以及灵感源自中国街边普通板凳的家具,并与荷兰家居品牌Moooi合作生产这些家具。

    He is also a designer of products such as starkly minimalist tea sets made from zisha clay , found only in China 's Jiangsu province , and furniture inspired by the country 's humble street stools , made in collaboration with Dutch brand Moooi .

  2. 乌龙茶也适合用紫砂茶具泡制。

    and Oolong tea is also excellent in purple clay ware .

  3. 紫砂茶具文化反映了中华文化的精神。

    Purple clay teapot culture reflected spirit of Chinese culture . 2 .

  4. 令中国的紫砂茶具畅销中国,走向世界。

    And so it makes Chinese purple clay teapot sells well in China and also in the international market .

  5. 产自福建的黑釉茶具则成了主流,而紫砂茶具在江苏宜兴出现了。

    Black glazed tea ware from Fujian was dominant , while purple clay tea wares emerged in Yixing , Jiangsu .

  6. 找到符合现代人口味的紫砂茶具的设计思想。

    It gives more creative idea in design of the purple clay teapot which conforms to the taste of modern people .

  7. 中华食品文化中的紫砂茶具文化内涵深邃,较少有人做系统而深入的研究。

    The purple clay teapot culture has deep connotation in Chinese food culture , but few has done systematic and thorough research .

  8. 明代茶具除了景德镇瓷,宜兴紫砂茶具的崛起,则是更令人值得注意的。

    In addition to the Ming Dynasty Jingdezhen porcelain tea set , the rise of Yixing tea , it is even more noteworthy .

  9. 用现代的设计思维和方法分析紫砂茶具在过去设计中的优良因素,以及设计的不足之处和设计思想误区。

    It analyzes good element , reducing the errors in the design of the purple clay teapot in the past by modern design method .

  10. 红茶则以里面为白釉的紫砂茶具泡制为宜,或是采用白瓷、暖色调的茶具,或是泡咖啡的器皿;

    black tea goes well with purple clay ware with white inside glaze , or with white porcelain or warm colored wares or coffee wares ;

  11. 从商品学和美学的角度分析并总结紫砂茶具的美学特征。总结了各个时代紫砂茶具的文化特色。

    And we analyzed the aesthetics characteristics of purple clay teapot from merchandise and aesthetics study , and summarized the culture characteristic of purple clay teapot in each times .

  12. 任何事物的发展都应与时俱进,设计之路是永无止境的,紫砂茶具的设计也应在发展中提高。

    The development of anything should keep up with the times and the road of design is unending . So the design of the purple clay teapot should also improve in development .

  13. 探讨紫砂茶具文化的产业化发展与创新的关键要素。通过对紫砂茶具文化的对外交流分析,探求紫砂茶具文化对外的影响。

    We discussed the essential factors for industrial production development and innovation of purple clay teapot culture and studied the foreign influence of purple clay teapot culture through exchange with foreign culture .

  14. 在明朝中期,随着紫砂茶具的出现,人们的注意力就不局限于茶水和茶具之间的颜色对比了,而是转移到茶的芬芳与口感了。

    In the middle of the Ming , with the advent of purple clay tea ware , focus was not limited to the color contrast of tea liquor and tea ware , but switched to the fragrance and taste of tea .