  • slave;rhyme;a surname
  • follow;shake
  • luxuriant

  • by means of;from
  • 同“徭”。

  • 古同“谣”,歌谣。

  • 古同“由”,从,自。

  • 古同“籀”,占卜的文辞。

  1. 代表人物为锺繇、索靖及崔悦、卢湛,以至欧阳询、褚遂良。

    Its representative calligraphers were Zhong you , Suo jing , Cui yue , Lu zhan , Ouyang Xun and Chu suiliang .

  2. 其中Ⅰ型乙酰胆碱酯酶包括小鼠和电繇,Ⅱ型乙酰胆碱酯包括黑腹果蝇。

    In the three acetylcholinesterases , the type I includes mouse and Torpedo acetylcholinesterase , and the type II includes Drosophila Melanogaster acetylcholinesterase .

  3. 九华四俊是晚唐一个较有名气的诗人群体,他们是许棠、张乔、张蠙和周繇。

    Four Talents of Jiuhua , famous for their poems , were a group of poets in the late Tang Dynasty , they were Xu Tang , Zhang Qiao , Zhang Pin and Zhou Yao .