
  • 网络Dividend Puzzle;puzzle of dividend
  1. 自MM理论问世以来,股利政策就受到诸多学者的研究,而红利之谜也是行为金融学中的一大谜团,成为各式各样文献的研究对象。

    Since the MM theory appears , many scholars began to study the dividend policy . Bonus mystery as one of behavioral finance mysteries has been studied by a variety of literatures . However , research on dividend policy is still inconclusive since now .

  2. 然而证券市场的红利之谜、股价的过度反应和反应不足,股价的过度波动等实证研究对其形成了极大的挑战,并且,其理论基础也存在诸多的缺陷。

    However empirical researches such as the riddle of bonus , the over-reaction and under-reaction of stock price , the acute fluctuation of stock price bring great challenge to it , and there are many defects on its fundamental theory , too .