
  • 网络infrared stealth technology
  1. 红外隐身技术在水面舰艇防护中的应用

    Application of Infrared Stealth Technology on Surface Vessel Defense

  2. 摘要红外隐身技术已发展成为隐身技术的重要组成部分。

    Infrared stealth technology has been already become the most important part of stealth technology .

  3. 隐身烟雾在红外隐身技术中的应用研究

    Study on the Stealth Smoke for Applications to Infrared Stealthy Technology

  4. 红外隐身技术在动力系统中的应用

    An application of infrared stealthy technique to power system

  5. 文中还评述了目标的红外隐身技术今后发展趋势。

    The future development tendency of the IR body-hiding techniques is also reviewed .

  6. 红外隐身技术的现状与发展热成像测试技术及其现状与发展趋势

    The State-of-art and Development Trend of IR Camouflage Techniques

  7. 涡轮风扇发动机在飞机红外隐身技术中的应用研究

    Study of the Application of Turbofan Engine to the Infra-red Stealthy Technology of Aircraft

  8. 红外隐身技术对抗红外制导的效能分析与仿真

    Analysis and Simulation of Efficiency of IR Stealth Techniques for Antagonizing IR Guided Missile

  9. 而寻找低发射率材料是实现热红外隐身技术的关键。

    Whereas the key technique of attaining thermal infrared stealth is obtaining low emission materials .

  10. 对红外隐身技术的发展历史、发展现状进行了综述。

    The development history and the state of art of IR camouflage techniques are reviewed .

  11. 武器装备中的红外隐身技术

    Infrared Stealth Technology in Weapons and Equipments

  12. 本论文介绍了飞机红外隐身技术的研究现状和发展方向。

    The paper introduced the present research status and development direction of the infrared stealth technology .

  13. 飞机的红外隐身技术

    The infrared stealth technology of plane

  14. 最后对智能温控复合材料在红外隐身技术中的应用进行了总结和展望。

    Finally , the application of intelligent temperature control composite material in infrared camouflage is summarized and predicted .

  15. 从20世纪80年代开始,国外陆海空三军研制的新式武器已经广泛采用了红外隐身技术。

    Since 1980 , IR stealth technology has been widely applied in the new weapons of foreign army , navy and airforce .

  16. 红外隐身技术通过降低和改变目标的红外辐射特征,实现对目标的低可探测性。

    Infrared stealth technology is reducing or changing the infrared radiation characteristics of the object in order to achieve low detectionable characteristics of the object .

  17. 目标采用红外隐身技术后,其红外辐射会降低,因而其可探测性也会降低。

    After adopting IR stealth techniques , the IR radiation of objects can be depressed and their probability to be detected can also be reduced .

  18. 阐述了各种隐身技术包括光学隐身技术、红外隐身技术、激光隐身技术、雷达隐身技术和多波段隐身技术等对涂料隐身性能的基本要求。

    This article presents basic demands of camouflage technologies of optics , infrared , laser , radar and multiple wave bands on the performances of camouflage coatings .

  19. 作为红外隐身技术的重点课题之一,全尺寸二元喷管的设计和制造在国内还是第一次。

    After assembly and testing , the key problems in infrared stealthy technology , the design and manufacture of the nozzle is the first time in china .

  20. 概述了红外隐身技术的基本原理,通过对飞机红外隐身发展现状的分析,研究了飞机红外隐身技术所采取的措施。

    The basic principle of infrared stealth technology is explained . Based on analysis of the development actuality of plane , the measures of plane ′ s infrared stealth technology is investigated .

  21. 本文简要介绍了隐身技术、红外隐身技术的现状,详细阐述了涡轮风扇发动机的特点和在红外隐身方面的优势,分析了涡扇发动机在隐身飞机上的应用前景。

    In this paper , the current status of stealthy technology and infrared stealthy technology are presented , the features of turbofan engines and their superiority in the infrared stealthy of aircrafts are described in detail and the application prospect of the turbofan engines on stealthy aircrafts is analyzed .

  22. 本文通过对不同距离上的信噪比和发现概率进行计算,比较了目标隐身前后的发现概率,并分析了红外隐身技术的效能。

    In this paper , the objects ' probability to be detected before and after the adoption of infrared stealth techniques are compared and the efficiency of the infrared stealth techniques are analyzed through the calculation of the signal-to-noise ratio and the probability to be detected at different distances .

  23. 热红外隐身伪装技术和材料的现状与发展

    Present Status and Development of Thermal Infrared Stealthy Camouflage Technology and Materials

  24. 红外隐身涂层技术是提高导弹红外突防的一种简单有效的方法。涂覆红外隐身涂层是目前实现目标红外隐身的一种简单易行的措施。

    A simple and easy method to increase the infrared stealth capacity of an object is to paint them with infrared stealthy paints .

  25. 地面武器的红外与激光隐身技术

    Infrared and Laser Stealth Technologies for Battlefield Weapons

  26. 介绍了地面武器的红外和激光隐身技术以及一些先进的隐身措施。

    Infrared and laser stealth technologies of battlefield weapons is presented . Some modern stealth means are discussed .

  27. 水面舰艇的红外辐射及红外隐身技术分析

    Analysis of Surface Ship IR Radiation and IR Stealthy Technique

  28. 红外隐身原理及其应用技术

    Principle and application technology of IR stealth

  29. 讨论了红外隐身的原理、技术途径和红外隐身技术在飞行器中的应用,对飞行器红外隐身的研究方向提出了看法。

    The significance of research on infrared stealth technology is explained . Principle and methods of infrared stealth are analyzed . The application of infrared camouflage technology in aircrafts is discussed .

  30. 热管作为最理想的传热元件之一,广泛应用于各种领域,利用热管可以减少机翼与背景环境温差,成为增强红外隐身能力的关键技术之一。

    Heat pipe is a mature heat transfer element in the application of thermal protection for an aircraft , which can be used for reducing temperature difference between wings and the background , so that it became one of the key technologies of enhancing Infrared stealth .