
  • 网络PEARL MARKET;Hongqiao Market;Hongqiao Pearl Market
  1. 红桥市场的珍珠行业要继续拓展和扩大自己的优势,在此基础上,必须实行政府推动和商户联动相结合的总体营销战略。

    The pearl industry of Hongqiao market should expand its strengths continuously , on that basis , it must implement the overall marketing strategy to integrate government promotion and business chain reaction .

  2. 本文以北京红桥市场珍珠产业为例,研究我国珍珠产业的文化营销现状,以期在实践中对我国珍珠产业的发展有所助益。

    This thesis studies the current cultural marketing situation of the pearl industry in China , taking the pearl industry of Beijing Hongqiao Market as an example , in order to help the development of the pearl market in practice .

  3. 红桥市场的文物字画和古玩也以价格低廉为特色。

    The antiques , cultural relics , scripts and paintings available at this market are also inexpensive .

  4. 过去红桥市场(珍珠市场)常常出售冒牌手表。一次我恰巧需要块手表,由于那边的选择空间很大,我决定去那儿买。

    When Hong Qiao Market ( Pearl Market ) used to sell fake watches , I happened to need a watch and went there for the large choice they offered .