
  • 网络hongshui river;Red River
红水河 [hóng shuǐ hé]
  • [the Hongshui River] 中国珠江干流西江上游,从贵州望谟县至广西天峨县石龙镇的河段

  1. 广西红水河流域长寿老人遗传特征分析

    Genetic character analysis of long-lived elderly in Red River area of Guangxi province

  2. 保护与传承&构建红水河流域少数民族非物质文化遗产资源数据库的探讨

    Conservation and Succession & On the Database Construction of Intangible Cultural Heritage Resources Derived from Red River Watershed

  3. 红水河上游龙滩水库GIS空间分析应用模型的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Spatial Analysis Applied Models of Hong Shui River Up-Basin " Long Tan Reservoir GIS "

  4. 红水河梯极开发对环境生态影响的初步评价

    Preliminary appraisal of environmental and ecological influences on cascade development of Hongshui River

  5. 红水河中游地区地质构造稳定性的遥感图像分析

    Image Analysis of Stability of Geological Structure in Middle Valley of Hong Shui River

  6. 红水河连续翻坝滚装运输需求和要素研究

    Study the Roll on Transport Needs and Factors Faced by Hongshui River Continuous Dam

  7. 高强度混凝土的研究及其在红水河铁路斜拉桥中的应用

    The research of high-strength concrete and its application in the Hongshui River cable-stayed railway bridge

  8. 从水库移民安置看民族传统文化传承的重要性&以广西红水河梯级电站水库移民安置为例

    The Importance of Ethnic Traditional Culture Inheritance from the Point of Settlement of Reservoir Immigrants

  9. 喀斯特区现代溶蚀强度与环境的研究&以红水河流域为例

    Relation of solution to environment in Karst area ── a case study of Hongshui River Basin

  10. 红水河流域岩溶浸没内涝灾害形成的地学因素分析

    Geoscientific factors controlling the formation of immersion waterlogging hazard in the karst area of the Hongshui River

  11. 开发红水河,为实施西部大开发战略作贡献

    Exploiting the Hongshui River to Make Contribution to the Implementation of Strategy of Developing the Western Region

  12. 真的是落伍了,我居然约了十几个朋友在情人节那天到红水河游船。

    I have invited a group of friends to cruise the Red River on Valentine 's Day .

  13. 红水河梯级水电站开发中火电站程序优化模型与算法

    The optimal model and algorithm for scheduling power plants in the cascaded hydropower stations developing of Hongshui River

  14. 桑河流域的北美印第安族人。红水河流域壮族蛙神崇拜的美学阐释

    The Aesthetic Interpretation on the Worship of Frog among the Zhuang Nationality in the Valley of the Red River

  15. 红水河梯级电站喀斯特库区土地利用与景观格局变化研究

    Land Use / Cover and Landscape Pattern Changes over the Karst Reservoir Area of the Red River , China

  16. 由模糊到清晰&历史时期对红水河流域地理认识的演进

    From Blur to Being in Focus & On the Development of the Realization about the Red River in Historical Period

  17. 概述了红水河流域壮族抛绣球的产生与发展,对抛绣球的体育文化特征及其社会功能进行分析和探究。

    This paper analyzes the significance and the development prospect of national sports culture of the Red River Valley in Guangxi .

  18. 并以红水河梯级水电站为例进行了计算,取得满意的结果。

    Computation was made on the hydro-reservoirs in cascade on the Hongsh-ui River as an example and satisfactory results have been obtained .

  19. 红水河流域是中国西南地区建设中的水电基地和有色金属工业基地。

    The Hongshuihe river valley is the hydroelectric and nonferrous metal industrial bases , which are being constructed in the southwest of China .

  20. 本文以红水河流域贵州省册亨县纳牙村为例,对该过程中的图像处理、建立解译标志、目视区划与判读等方面的问题进行了探讨。

    Such key points as imagining processing , interpretation building keys , visual interpretation and so on have been discussed during the procedure .

  21. 红水河是珠江流域西江水系干流,自西向东横穿广西中部,干流全长659公里。

    Red River is the stream of Xijiang River , crossing the central part of Guangxi from west to east with full-length659km of main stream .

  22. 分析了红水河峡龙滩滩险特性、碍航原因,并介绍了整治工程方案及其整治效果。

    This paper analyzes the characteristics and navigation-obstructing reasons of Xialong Shoal of Hongshuihe River , and presents the regulation engineering scheme and regulation effect .

  23. 红水河龙滩水电站水库土地淹没损失及库周移民区土地利用的遥感调查与制图

    The Use of Remote Sensing Data for Landuse Surveying and Mapping & Estimation of Flooded Region and Immigration Area in the Surrounding Area of Longtan Power Station

  24. 布依族是一个有着悠久历史的少数民族,世代居住在贵州红水河、南北盘江沿岸,是贵州的原住民族。

    Bouyei ethnic group has long history . They live in the bank of South pang river , North pang river and red-water river in Guizhou province .

  25. 对于广西红水河铁路斜拉桥,桥梁主跨中点的最大横向位移一般在车速为75~95km/h时达到最大。

    For the Hongshui River railway cable-stayed bridge , the speed at which the largest lateral displacements occur falls between 75 km / h and 95 km / h.

  26. 经红水河最优开发研究的实际运用,初步结果表明该方法是有效的。

    The method has been used in the research on optimal exploitation of the Hongshui River in Southern China and preliminary results show that it is fairly efficient .

  27. 漕运兴废与水神崇拜的盛衰&以明清时期徐州为中心的考察红水河流域壮族蛙神崇拜的美学阐释

    Rise and Fall of Water Transport of Grain and Worship of Water God ; The Aesthetic Interpretation on the Worship of Frog among the Zhuang Nationality in the Valley of the Red River

  28. 龙滩水电站位于红水河上游广西天峨境内,是我国目前仅次于长江三峡工程的巨型水电工程。

    Long-tan hydropower station is located at upstream of Hong-shui river in Tian'e county of Guangxi province , which is the second largest water conservancy engineering in China , only inferior to three-gorges Project .

  29. 龙滩水电站是国家西部大开发的十大标志性工程,是红水河梯级开发的控制性工程。

    The Longtan Hydropower Station is one of ten major indicative projects of the national strategies of the Great Western Development and the Power Transmission from West to East and is a control project in the cascade development on the Hongshui River .

  30. 杨克红土系列中,花山、红水河热烈奔放,传达作家的现代价值理念,跃动着民族文化发展进步的信心。林白通过林妖、鬼节等充满瑰丽色彩的意象展现了巫风神韵。

    Yang Ke clay series , Huashan , enthusiastic , communicate writer Red river the modern value of the idea , the newly ethnic culture development and progress of faith In by Lin Bai , Halloween and so full of magnificent color images show the charm witchcraft .