
hónɡ dēnɡ qū
  • red-light district
  1. 它在阿姆斯特丹的红灯区已经被使用多年,而且就在去年,法国交友服务机构AdopteUnMEC开了一个“快闪商店”,让女士们从橱窗中选择约会对象。

    It 's been used for years in Amsterdam 's Red Lights district and just last year French dating service Adopte Un Mec opened a pop-up boutique where ladies could window-shop for dates .

  2. 最近几年,城内涌现出的大批餐馆与俱乐部让这个城市的转型尘埃落定。引领转变的是飞速发展的红灯区,比如MaxieEisen这样地方,白天是个熟食餐馆,晚上就成了地下酒吧,它展现的性感也并非不登大雅之堂。

    A recent boom of restaurants and clubs , though , makes the case for permanent placement . Leading the city 's transformation is its fast-evolving red light district , where spots like Maxie Eisen , a deli-style cafe by day and a speakeasy-inspired bar by night , offer a sexiness that isn 't unseemly .

  3. 艺术馆像一个白色的大立方体,没有窗户,设在某红灯区一幢70年代的大楼里面。

    They created a white cube with no windows in a building from the ' 70s in a red-light district .

  4. 作为曾经犯罪高发的红灯区,恭锡路为实现时尚“新新加坡”的目标,改头换面,如今已成各地效仿的典范。

    Once a crime-riddled red-light district , Keong Saik Road has reinvented itself to become the poster-child for hip ' New Singapore ' .

  5. 城市规划师的视角已经从社会主义者的自由主义过渡到雅皮化,在根除棚户区和缩小红灯区的同时,用优惠的税收条件吸引跨国公司的到来。

    City planners have shifted from a socialistvision of liberalism to a yuppified one , rooting out squatters and shrinkingthe red-light district while courting multinational corporations withfavourable tax conditions .

  6. 到了19世纪末,也许是因为红灯区房价低,众多企业家涌入该街区,盖起了一些铸铁结构的大型商店和仓库,从事服装生意。

    In the late 19th century , perhaps because property values in the red-light area were low , entrepreneurs swooped in to build large cast-iron stores and warehouses for the garment trade .

  7. 80年代,霓虹招牌经常和城市的堕落与红灯区联系在一起。如今,随着霓虹招牌日渐稀少,它们开始成为用于复古与怀旧的东西。

    By the 1980s , neon signs were often associated with urban decay and red-light districts . Today , as they grow scarcer , they have become retro-chic artifacts and objects of nostalgia .

  8. 他主导了一些大胆改革:关闭时髦但引起混乱的夜总会,拆除红灯区,把人们赶出贫民窟(同时为他们提供更好的住房),并疏浚淤塞的运河。

    He has made some bold changes : closing down trendy but disruptive nightclubs , cleaning up red-light districts , evicting people from slums ( while providing them with better housing ) and dredging clogged-up canals .

  9. 紧随其后的是荷兰的阿姆斯特丹,那里有漂亮的男孩骑着自行车优雅地在著名的运河间穿梭,这些理想的约会对象和红灯区那种低级趣味相比简直是相差了十万八千里。

    It is closely followed by Amsterdam in the Netherlands , where beautiful boys cycle elegantly between the famous canals , offering a desirable date that is a far cry from the seedy pleasures on offer in the red light district .

  10. 红灯还能区分出领导者和追随者。

    Red lights also sort out leaders from followers .