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  • 网络The Red Veil;red head covers
  1. 这些仪式结束后,新郎终于可以掀起新娘的红盖头来瞧瞧新娘的样子。

    After these rituals took place , the groom could finally raise the red scarf and view the bride 's face .

  2. 盘好后,就用有穗子或珠串的红盖头蒙头等待自己未来的丈夫来迎娶,她的周围会有已婚妇女告诉怎样做个好妻子。

    Her head would be covered with a red silk veil with tassels or bead strings that hang from the phoenix crown . She waits for her future husband to escort her home , with married women talking around her about how to be a good wife .