
  1. n.线,细绳那包裹用红绳系住。

    string The package was tied with red strings .

  2. 那个地方要以红绳为证。

    That place was clearly identified by the red rope .

  3. 经过“禁止通行”的指示牌与牵拉的红绳线根本没啥惊险度。

    Going past the " No Entry " signs and red ropes is the least of it .

  4. 从我第一次,看见你手腕那根细细的红绳,我就知道了结局。

    From the first time I saw your wrist Flanagan thin Hongsheng , I will know the outcome .

  5. 这个不可思议的魔术开始于一个在一条白绳上的白色绳结跳到了一条红绳上。

    This incredible routine begins when a white knot jumps from a white rope onto a red rope .

  6. 我是说在下一单中免费送你一些红绳,而不是免运费。

    I mean we will send u some red rope in the next order but not free of charge for freight .

  7. 我听说,可以穿红色内衣裤?或者在手上、脖子上戴条红绳?

    Shouldn ´ t I wear red underwear also ? Or at least a red thread around my arm or neck ?

  8. 这个魔术的结束更是冲击神经,白色绳结在观众注视下溶解然后变成红绳上不可分离的白色的一部分!

    For a mind-boggling finish , the knot dissolves right in front of their eyes and becomes a permanently blended white section of the red rope !

  9. 若隐若现,却掩藏不住极具诱惑人的暗香,越过窗棂,就这样缔结一段美丽的邂逅,在缘分的红绳牵绊下,彼此相爱今生余下的岁月!

    If , but hid attractive people across the hidden Windows , so , concluded a beautiful encounter in the red cord baffel fate , love each other in the rest of the years !

  10. 装饰盒的其他物品还包括莲子,百合,柏叶,芝麻,红豆,绿豆,红枣和红绳,利是钱,一对龙凤烛,和一对春联。

    Other items in the Tie Box include lotus seeds , lily , cypress leaf , sesame , red beans , green beans , red dates , and red string , Li Shi money , dragon-phoenix candles a pair , and red banners one set .

  11. 原来夫人梦见了夭折的小女儿正被红绑绳捆着要被杀掉。

    Her Ladyship had dreamed that her little daughter , who had died so young , had been tied up with red bands and was going to be killed .