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hónɡ luó
  • Hongluo;red silk
红罗 [hóng luó]
  • [red and soft silk knit goods] 红色的轻软丝织品

  • 红罗复斗帐,四角垂香囊。(复,双层。斗帐,帐子像倒置的斗的样子,所以叫做斗帐。)--《玉台新咏.古诗为焦仲卿妻作》

  1. 本文论述了红罗女形象的价值及意义,指出红罗女是自然的女儿,是人与自然和谐的象征,是中国各民族神话传说中少有的具有哲学思索意味的女神。

    The paper discusses the significance and value of the image of Hongluo Girl and points out that Hongluo Girl is the daughter of nature and the symbol of harmony of human and nature .

  2. 那这就是你又煮红辣椒的原因罗?

    So this is where your chili comes in ?