
  1. 积极寻求社会力量的支持,本着“谁投资,谁受益”的原则吸引社会资金参与红色景区的建设;通过发行文物保护彩票、吸引社会尤其是企业捐助、基金会资助。

    The government section , as the main body to construct the public service cultural places , should actively take the responsibility and obligation of investment , programming and supervising .

  2. 红色旅游景区经营管理绩效评价指标体系构建研究

    The Research on Construction of Performance Evaluation Index System about Red-Tourism Scenic Management

  3. 红色旅游景区的繁荣和可持续发展,游客满意度至关重要。

    Prosperity and sustainable development of red tourism scenic area depend on tourists ' satisfaction .

  4. 韶山风景区是著名的红色旅游景区,全国革命传统教育和爱国主义教育基地。

    Shaoshan is a famous red tourist scenic zone , national revolutionary tradition education and patriotism education base .

  5. 如何做好红色旅游景区的规划设计,将是我们面临的一个新课题。

    How to plan and design the revolution sites , will be a new topic which we face .

  6. 人力资源的质量在一定程度上决定了红色旅游景区的发展方向和趋势。

    In a certain extent , the quality of human resources determines to the development of red tourism attractions direction and trends .

  7. 2003年,全国主要红色旅游景区(点)共接待游客约1亿人次,产生的综合经济效益约200亿元。

    In 2003 , major Red Tourism sites had 100 million tourist arrivals , with 20 billion Yuan of comprehensive economic benefits realized .

  8. 其次,选取员工态度和行为作为中间变量来研究红色旅游景区人力资源管理与组织绩效的关系,并提出了相关假设。

    Secondly , the paper selects employee attitude and employee behavior as the intermediate variable to study the relationship of human resource management of red tourism scenic spots and organizational performance , and put forward some assumptions .

  9. 通过频次方法分析、四分图方法分析,得到红色旅游景区各要素的重要性与满意度的相关数据,并结合访谈内容,发现红色旅游景区资源优势发挥较好、景区服务要素的满意度有待提升。

    Through the method of frequency analysis , four points , getting related data of importance and satisfaction about red scenic spots all tour elements . Combining interviews , it shows red tourism resource advantage better , service to the satisfaction of elements .

  10. 加强旅游基础设施建设,完成红色旅游重点景区建设任务。

    We will intensify development of tourism infrastructure and complete the task of developing key tourist sites concerning the early history of the CPC .

  11. 作为一种爱国主义教育和革命精神传承的红色纪念性主题文化旅游,一种充满创意、纪念意义的文化旅游活动,是红色旅游景区与一般旅游景区的不同之处。

    As an education in patriotism and inheritance of revolutionary spirit of the monumental red theme of cultural tourism , a creative , memorable and cultural tourism activity , red tourist attractions is different from the general tourist attractions .

  12. 旅游业的开发使处于红色旅游区周边的乡村,面临着传统乡村景观特色消亡、生态环境遭到严重破坏等问题,不科学的规划会给红色景区的人文环境带来很大的破坏。

    The development of tourism have caused problems of the characteristics of traditional rural landscape gradually die out , the ecological environment been seriously damaged , unscientific planning would bring great destruction to human environment of red scenic area .

  13. 在实证研究基础上,针对红色旅游产品特点及服务的薄弱环节,本研究从整体旅游形象的建设、服务水平和服务质量的建设两个大方面探讨了提升红色旅游景区游客满意度的措施。

    In the empirical research , based on red tourism product features and service of the weak link , this research from the overall tourism image construction , service quality and service quality of construction discusses two major scenic tourist satisfaction red ascension .