
  • 网络Red Shirt;Redcoats
  1. 过去一年,泰国陷入国内冲突,代表农村的红衫军(redshirts)与更城市化、更富裕的黄衫军(yellowshirts)分庭抗礼。

    In Thailand , over the past year , it has left the country in the grip of civil conflict , as countryside-based red shirts battle the more urbanised wealthier yellow shirts .

  2. 在东北部,许多中产阶级民众支持红衫军。

    And in the northeast , many middle-class people support the Red Shirts .

  3. 流亡他国的前总理他信(ThaksinShinawatra)周二致电支持者说,达成调解的希望是很大的。他信在2006年的一次军事政变中下台,是红衫军示威活动背后的一个推动力量。

    Thaksin Shinawatra , the fugitive former prime minister ousted in a 2006 military coup who is a driving force behind Red Shirt protests , said in a phone call to supporters Tuesday that prospects for reconciliation were good .

  4. 她没有任命“红衫军”人员进入新内阁中。

    She avoided appointing red-shirt activists to her new cabinet .

  5. 政府和红衫军互相指责对方开了第一枪。

    Thegovernment and the red-shirted protesters each accuse the other of starting thefirefight .

  6. 政府建议11月份举行选举,红衫军表示接受。

    The government proposed elections for November , and the Red Shirts accepted .

  7. 她说,红衫军自己的行动损害了他们的公众形象。

    She says the Red Shirts damaged their public image by their actions .

  8. 最初,红衫军领袖要求重新进行选举。

    At first the leaders demanded new elections .

  9. 盖兹带着我们直捣红衫军黄龙。

    Gates marched us straight at the redcoats .

  10. 我要去杀红衫军。

    I ` ll kill me some redcoats .

  11. 泰国警察与红衫军对峙。

    Thai police face off with red shirt-protesters .

  12. 许多红衫军闲杂声称该运动非常混乱,而且被严重的削弱。

    Many red shirts now say the movement is in disarray and severely weakened .

  13. 还有可能是急性的红衫军找来对抗军方的支援。

    Or perhaps the hot-heads called for back-up against the army and got it .

  14. 最近,红衫军藉由公路车队到达曼谷。

    In recent days , red shirts have been arriving in Bangkok by road convoys .

  15. 红衫军看起来一点都不像入侵的军队,反而更像是解救者。

    Far from being an invading army , the red shirts looked more like liberators .

  16. 泰国红衫军称,如总理在30天内解散议会,他们将于政府恢复对话。

    Red-shirts'ready to resume talks with gov 't if PM to dissolve House in30 days .

  17. 红衫军领袖称,这是代表贫困和农村人口的非暴力民主运动。

    Their leaders said they were a non-violent democracy movement representing poor and rural people .

  18. 受红衫军考虑阿披实提议的消息提振,泰国股市飙升。

    Thai stock-market prices soared on news that the Red Shirts were considering the election offer .

  19. 她将如何应对支持她的红衫军各派的诉求?

    How would she handle the demand of different factions of the Red Shirts that support her ?

  20. 安全力量逮捕了数十名红衫军,几名领袖逃离泰国。

    Security forces have arrested scores of red shirts and some of their leaders fled the country .

  21. 教授表示,最终,红衫军不断改变自己的要求。

    By the end , the professor says , the Red Shirts were continually changing their demands .

  22. 在抗议结束之前,已有90人在冲突中死亡,包括红衫军,旁观者,记者和士兵。

    Before they ended , about 90 people - red shirts , bystanders , journalists and soldiers - died in fighting .

  23. 大约5000名红衫军抗议者占领了曼谷商业区3平方千米的范围。

    An estimated five thousand protesters known as Red Shirts occupied a three square kilometer area of Bangkok 's business district .

  24. 如果为泰党获胜,泰国将不得不努力达成一项让红衫军和黄衫军都能接受的协议。

    If puea Thai does win , Thailand will have to dig deep to strike a deal acceptable to both reds and yellows .

  25. 红衫军在泰国东北部农村受到低收入劳动者的强力支持。2010年,他们发动了大规模的反政府运动,导致整个曼谷市的瘫痪。

    The Red Shirts , with strong support from low-income rural workers in northeastern Thailand , held massive anti-government protests in2010 that crippled Bangkok .

  26. 而在选举委员会保证,正在调查有关阿披实总理的政党卷入不当财务活动的指控之后,这些红衫军成员离开了选举委员会办公室。

    The group dispersed after receiving assurances that an investigation is under way into alleged improper finance practices involving Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva 's party .

  27. 军队试图使用橡胶子弹和催泪瓦斯将红衫军驱逐出曼谷两座营地中的一个,双方发生激烈冲突。

    Fierce fightings saw troops use rubber bullets and tear gas in an attempt to clear the red-shirts from one of their two encampments in the city .

  28. 同其它许多行业面临的情况类似,对备受经济衰退、火山灰肆虐和红衫军起义等挑战困扰的全球旅游业来说,中国正成为巨大的希望。

    As with many other industries , China is emerging as the great hope for a global tourism sector beset by challenges from recession to ash clouds and red-shirted uprisings .

  29. 尽管泰国政府宣布进入紧急状态,但数百名“红衫军”昨晚仍汇集到位于曼谷零售和酒店区域中心一个关键十字路口的主要抗议营地。

    Despite the declaration , hundreds of red-shirted demonstrators were streaming into the main protest encampment last night , at a key intersection in the heart of Bangkok 's retail and hotel zone .

  30. 阿披实总理的这项提议有一个前提,那就是红衫军同意一个包括五个方面的和解进程。

    The prime minister 's proposal is offered on the condition that protesters agree to a five-point reconciliation process . UDD spokesman Sean Boonpracong said his group thinks the plan is a good start .