
  • 网络red wine polyphenols;Grape Polyphenols
  1. 功效与使用方法:红酒多酚汇聚维生素能量以及修护功能的大豆根瘤菌,能清除肌肤蓄积的氧自由基,排除毒素,增强免疫能力。

    Functions and directions : red wine polyphenols combining vitamin energy and legume bacteria with repairing function , is able to clean up oxygen free radical stored in skin , remove toxins , enhance immunity .

  2. 纽约(路透社健康版)&英国科学家已经鉴别出“前氰定低聚物”是红酒多酚类的主要成分,对心脏健康长寿起作用。

    NEW YORK ( Reuters Health ) - Scientists in the UK have identified " oligomeric procyanidins " as the likely ingredient in red wine 's polyphenols that contributes to heart health and longevity .

  3. 柔白抚纹:红酒多酚具有保护肌肤功能,维持肌肤弹力,延缓老化现象。

    Anti-Wrinkle with Whitening Effects : Red Wine Polyphenol protects cell functions , maintains skin tension and delays aging processes .

  4. 红酒含有多酚且能抗衰老。

    Red wine contains polyphenols which have antiauxinal properties .

  5. 目的:白藜芦醇(resveratrol)是一种存在于葡萄皮及红酒中的多酚类植物抗毒素。

    Objective : Resveratrol ( trans-3 , 4 ' , 5-trihydroxystilbene ) is a phenolic phytoalexin present in grape skins and wines , especially red wines .

  6. 白藜芦醇是一种存在于红酒中的多酚化合物,有很强的抗氧化的能力,在脑缺血灌注损伤、小鼠视网膜血管退行性损伤及体外视神经病变中都起到神经保护作用。

    Resveratrol , a polyphenol found in red wine , has strong antioxidant properties . It has also been confirmed that Resveratrol has neuroprotective effects during cerebral I / R injury , during mice retinal vascular degeneration , and during in vitro experimental optic neuropathy .