
  • 网络Red Glaze
  1. 浅谈对河南钧瓷与后起之秀铜红釉的见解

    An Opinion on Henan Jun Ware and Copper Red Glaze

  2. 镉硒红釉制作工艺的探讨

    The Discussion About Producing Technology With Cd-Se Red Glaze

  3. 用XRD、SEM、CCM等现代测试技术,研究了自还原法生产的铜红釉的呈色机理。

    Study the color mechanism of red copper glaze prepared by the method of self-destruction . using modern testing technic of XRD , SEM , CCM et al .

  4. 采用XRD,系统地研究了铬锡红色料和铬锡红釉的矿物组成及对其性能的影响;

    Mineral compositions of chrome - tin pink pigment and chrome - tin pink glaze , together with the effects of the components on the glaze properties are studied by XRD .

  5. 铬锡红釉呈色机理的研究

    Study on the colour development mechanism of CHROME-TIN PINK glaze

  6. 卫生陶瓷用生科铬锡红釉的研究

    Study on the chrome - tin pink glaze of ceramic sanitary ware

  7. 铜红釉的仿制及着色机理研究(一)

    Imitation of Red Copper Glaze and Mechanism Study on Colour ( 1 )

  8. 研究了一种一次烧成镉硒红釉的新工艺。

    New technology of once sintering sulphide selenide cadmium base red glaze is researched .

  9. 桃花片铜红釉的着色机理

    Colouring Mechanism of peach bloom copper red glaze

  10. 铬锡红釉的研究

    Study on a Cr - Sn Red Glaze

  11. 窑内气氛对铬锡红釉呈色的影响

    The Effect of Furnace Atmosphere on the Color of the Chrome - tin Pink Glaze

  12. 论述了熔块法硒镉红釉的原理和工艺要点,给出了熔块组成及红釉实验配方。

    Principle and technology points of cadmium sulphselenide red glaze of frit method were discussed .

  13. 自还原法制备铜红釉

    Preparation of red copper glaze using self-destruction

  14. 琉璃瓦玫红釉的研制

    Development of vitreous tile rose glaze

  15. 不完全燃烧理论在铜红釉烧成气氛研究中的应用

    The application of incomplete combustion theory in the study of firing atmosphere for copper red glaze

  16. 明清景德镇铜红釉的高温衍射分析

    High Temperature X-Ray Diffraction Analysis of the Jingdezhen Copper Red Glazes in the Ming and Qing Dynasties

  17. 基釉组成对低温硒镉红釉理化性能及呈色效果影响的研究

    Study on Properties and Color of Low-Temperature Selenium and Cadmium Glaze Influenced by Base Glaze 's Composition

  18. 利用彩电屏玻璃及窗玻璃废料研制镉硒红釉

    Utilize Waste Material of Color TV Screen Glass and Window Glass to Study and Produce Cadmium Selenium Red Glaze

  19. 结果表明:用不完全燃烧理论确定铜红釉烧成气氛是切实可行的;

    The results show that it is practicable to determine the firing atmosphere of copper red glaze by incomplete combustion theory .

  20. 该红釉适用于釉面砖及艺术陶瓷产品,具有应用、推广前景。

    This red glaze is suitable in glaze surface block and art ceramics , having the prospect of utilizing and spreading .

  21. 用自制一氧化碳发生炉提供的还原气氛,在管式炉中仿制了铜红釉试片。

    The sample of red copper glaze was imitated in pipe furnace under the reduction atmosphere offered by self-making CO reaction furnace .

  22. 中国红瓷材质昂贵,红釉的材质是用稀有金属钽烧制而成,钽比黄金更贵。

    China Red porcelain material expensive , red glaze material is produced from rare metal tantalum , tantalum more expensive than gold .

  23. 介绍了自还原法制备低温无铅铜红釉的工艺方法、工艺参数以及影响铜红釉呈色效果的因素。

    Introduce technic method , technic parameters , and factors which affect the color of the glaze of low-temperature no-lead red copper glaze by using self-destruction .

  24. 首次通过实验揭示了桃花片铜红釉的着色剂是小于2μm的细分散的金属铜粒子;

    The experimental results reveal that the colouring agent of peach bloom is the fine dispersed copper particles , the size of which is less then two microns .

  25. 在铜红釉烧成气氛的研究中,应用了不完全燃烧理论,详细推导了其计算过程。

    The theory of incomplete combustion is applied in the study of the firing atmosphere for the production of copper red glaze , which calculation steps are derived in every detail and particular .

  26. 研究了表征桃花片铜红釉的3个特征&红釉区、绿苔点和泛绿区的化学成份和显微结构。

    Chemical composition and microstructure of red glaze region , green moss like fleck and red region suffused with green colour , which are three characteristics of peach bloom copper red glaze , have been studied .