
  • 网络Streptomyces erythreus;Str. erythreus;S.enytnreus;S.erythreus
  1. 利用亚硝基胍(NTG)对红霉素链霉菌(S.erythreusUV80)活性菌株进行回复突变,获得了红霉素高产量变株。

    The higher yielding strain was obtained through the reverse mutant of a zero producer of Streptomyces erythreus UV 80 by NTG treatment .

  2. 氦氖激光在红霉素链霉菌和龟裂链霉菌灭活原生质体融合中的应用Ⅰ&激光对灭活原生质体融合频率的影响

    Application of He-Ne laser to inactived protoplast fusion of str. erythreus and str. rimosus ⅰ effect of laser on inactived protoplast fusion frequency

  3. 红霉素链霉菌遗传控制的研究2.红霉素链霉菌耐前体耐红霉素高产菌株的筛选

    STUDIES ON GENETIC MANIPULATION OF STREPTOMYCES ERYTHREUS 2.Selection of the high yielding strains of S.erythreus which are precursor-resistant and erythromycin-resistant mutants

  4. 根据文献报道,红霉素链霉菌中的丙酸激酶对丙酸的利用率是对乙酸的利用率的13倍;

    According to the literature , the utilization rate of propionic acid is thirteen times to that of acetic acid by propionate kinase in S. erythreus .

  5. 利用长波紫外线和8-甲氧基补骨脂素光敏化物质诱变处理红霉素链霉菌14-74,在含有红霉素或和前体的培养基中,筛选得到了红霉素高产变株。

    Through the mutation of using near UV and 8-methoxypsoralen to treat S. erythreus 14 & 74 , the high yielding strains were selected in the medium contain - ing erythromycin or / and precursor from resistant mutants .