
  • 网络fibercolonoscope;colonoscopy
  1. 目的测定纤维结肠镜检查术患者靶控输注异丙酚的半数有效血浆靶浓度(EC50)。

    Objective To determine the effective target plasma propofol concentration required to prevent the response to fibercolonoscope examination in 50 % of patients ( EC50 ) .

  2. B组患者均有不同程度的灼热感,立即便意者6例。纤维结肠镜示,A组痊愈者2例,好转7例,而B组好转仅3例。

    The results showed that local burning and immediate defecating sensation occurred in 1 patient in group A and in 6 cases in group B.In colonoscopy , 2 cases were cured and 7 cases were improved in group A and just 3 cases were improved in group B.

  3. 可通过纤维结肠镜、钡灌肠、CT等辅助检查加以诊断。

    It can be diagnosed by fibro-coloscope , barium enema examination and CT , etc.

  4. 多层螺旋CT结肠水灌肠与钡剂灌肠及纤维结肠镜对大肠病变诊断价值

    Multislice CT water enema versus colonoscopy and contrast barium enema for evaluation of large bowel diseases

  5. 方法分析26例CT仿真结肠镜的病例并经纤维结肠镜及临床手术病理证实的病例。

    Methods Twenty-six patients with surgically and pathologically proved colonic diseases underwent the examinations of MSCT virtual colonoscope combined with 3D reconstruction .

  6. 结论MSCT动态增强扫描结合后处理图像在结肠淋巴瘤的诊断中具有独特的优越性,其诊断符合率高于双对比钡灌肠检查和纤维结肠镜检查。

    Conclusion MSCT dynamic scan has distinctive superiority in diagnosis and treatment of colonic lymphomas .

  7. 两组术前CT扫描和B型超声检查均未发现远处转移,术前均行纤维结肠镜活检,病理学检查结果与术后病理检查结果一致。

    Matastasis is not seen in CT scan and ultrasonography before operation . The result of pathological examination in biopsy of fibercoloscope before operation is consistent with the result after operation .

  8. 结论MRC可作为光学纤维结肠镜和x线气-钡双重造影检查结肠的补充方法。

    Conclusion MRC could be the compensation method of fiberoptic endoscopy and X-ray double contrast radiography in colon examination .

  9. MRC显示上述病变的部位、大小及形态等与光学纤维结肠镜和X线气-钡结肠双重造影所见基本相仿。

    The appearances of the normal inner wall , the location , size and morphology of lesions on MRC of the colon were similar to those of X-ray double contrast radiography and fiber-optic endoscopy .

  10. 纤维结肠镜在剖腹术中的应用(附28例分析)

    Application of fibrocolonoscopy in laparotomy ( analysis of 28 cases )

  11. 纤维结肠镜检查指导先天性巨结肠结肠灌洗的研究

    Study of Coloclyster for Congenital Megacolon under the Guidance of Fibrocolonoscope

  12. 纤维结肠镜检查结肠疾病650例分析

    The Analysis 650 cases of colon disease with fiber colon scopy

  13. 对照组:行常规的纤维结肠镜检查。

    In the control group , routine fibro colonoscopy was performed .

  14. 纤维结肠镜对多发性原发结肠癌的诊断经验

    The Diagnostic Experience for Multiple Primary Carcinoma of the Colon

  15. 潜血阳性者进一步行纤维结肠镜、乙状结肠镜或钡剂灌肠造影检查。

    Positive subjects were examined by colonoscopy and / or barium enema .

  16. 纤维结肠镜检查中实施护理程序的效果评估

    Effect evaluation of the application of nursing procedure before and after Fibercolonscopy

  17. 纤维结肠镜对早期癌变息肉诊断与治疗

    Colonscopy in Diagnosis and Treatment of Polyps with Early Malignancy

  18. 纤维结肠镜检查大肠癌139例临床分析

    Clinical Analysis of 139 Cases with Colon Cancer Examined by Fiberoptic Colonoscopy

  19. 纤维结肠镜诊治小儿下消化道出血

    The Diagnosis and Treatment of Infant Sub-digestive Tract 's Haemorrhage by Colonoscope

  20. 纤维结肠镜肠道减压或剖腹肠道减压是有效的治疗和诊断方法。

    Intestinal tract decompression through fibro-colonoscope or exploratory laparotomy was an effective method .

  21. 对205例老年人下消化道出血的病人进行纤维结肠镜检查。

    We had conducted fibrocolonoscopy in 205 elders with lower digestive tract hemorrhage .

  22. 纤维结肠镜检查在老年患者中的应用价值

    The value of fibro colonoscopy examination in elderly patients

  23. 老年病人行纤维结肠镜检查前两种肠道准备方法效果的比较

    Comparative study on two ways of bowel preparation for senile patients accepting fibercolonscopy

  24. 纤维结肠镜诊断炎症性肠病69例分析

    An Analysis of 69 Cases of Inflammatory Bowel Disease with Fibrous Colonscope Diagnosis

  25. 纤维结肠镜与结肠气钡双重造影对结肠癌的诊断价值

    The Diagnostic Value of Colonoscopy Compared with Colon Double Contrast Radiography to Colon Carcinoma

  26. 前言:目的:提高对纤维结肠镜检查结肠疾病重要性的认识。

    Objective : To raise the recognition of importance of colon disease with fibercolonscopy .

  27. 在肛肠影像信息中,纤维结肠镜提供的肠内图像是医生诊断结肠疾病的重要依据。

    The intestinal images produced by fiber colonoscopes are important information for diagnosing colonic diseases .

  28. 纤维结肠镜息肉切除术

    Excision of polyp of colon through fibercoloscope

  29. 目的探讨纤维结肠镜技术在腹腔镜结直肠癌切除术中的应用价值。

    To discuss the application value of fiber colonoscopy technology in laparoscopic resection of colorectal carcinoma .

  30. 纤维结肠镜和直肠指诊对判定直肠癌距肛缘距离的准确性分析

    Comparison between Rectal Palpation and Colonoscopy for Accurately Predicting the Distance between Rectal Cancer and Anal Edge