
  1. 在欧洲,计成现在每年会参加约45场公路赛。

    In Europe , Ji now rides in about 45 a year .

  2. 但在计划的约100场见面活动中,阿里巴巴的承销商只将其中不到40场分给了单一公司。

    But Alibaba 's underwriters have allotted fewer than 40 of the roughly 100 planned meetings to individual firms .

  3. 麦圭尔的公司表示,每星期他们都能从全球55个国家收集约5000场高尔夫的信息。

    According to the company , approximately 5,000 rounds of golf are uploaded per week from 55 countries around the world .

  4. 据北京演出行业协会统计,2013年,超过1千万人走进首都各大剧院,共计观看了约23155场演出,总票房逾14亿元。

    According to the Beijing Trade Association for Performances , in 2013 , over 10 million people went into theaters in the country 's capital to see its 23155 stage performances . Total box office revenues exceeded 1.44 billion yuan .

  5. 我从未厌倦过比赛。现在我比赛时,和我童年时代参加比赛时一样激动。我一年参加约35场比赛。因中途下雨,比赛的结果未定。

    I never get enough of competing . It 's as exhilarating now as when I competed as a child . Now , I compete in about 35 shows a year . The result of the game was left hanging in midair because it rained before the finish .

  6. 介绍一种节省内存的降维时域有限差分方法(RFDTD),该方法理论上可节省约33%的场分量存贮量。

    A new reduced finite difference time domain method ( R FDTD ) with a theoretic memory reduction of 33 % in the storage of field components is presented and used to simulate scattering form radar targets .

  7. 我记得我们约在停车场等。

    I thought we agreed to meet in the car park .

  8. 消息一:自从5年前约下这场十年之赌,巴菲特终于取得领先地位,而且领先幅度尚可。

    Item one : for the first time since the bet started five years ago , Buffett has moved ahead & by an okay margin to boot .

  9. 实验表明,环向磁场杂散分量约为纵场的万分之一,导体壳和平衡场基本上能保证等离子体的平衡。

    Experiments showed that the stray component of toroidal field is about 10-4 of the field and the copper shell combined with an applied vertical magnetic field can keep the plasma in equilibrium .

  10. 如果我们将这场赌约比作一场棒球比赛,四局后比分仍为0:0的平局,双方都没有得分,只能用力击打,而所有观看比赛的粉丝都兴味索然。

    If we really mix metaphors and think about this contest as a baseball game , what we have here is a 0-to-0 tie after four innings , with each side doing nothing but striking out and alienating every fan watching .

  11. 中国每年举办的婚礼约有1000万场,总支出达到570亿美元。

    Getting married in China is big business . About $ 57 billion is spent annually on 10 million weddings a year .

  12. 但据农业部和专家称,中国仍有2600万座小养猪场,约占全国养猪场数量的一半。

    But there are still 26 million small pig farms in the country , representing about half the number of farms , according to the agriculture ministry and experts .

  13. 四川西部草原受到严重的小型兽类危害,危害面积约250万hm2,约占宜牧草场的20%。

    But the grassland of Sichuan has been seriously damaged by small mammals . The damaged area in Sichuan is over ( 2,500,000 ) hectare .