
jì nián
  • Chronology;annals;a way of numbering the years;chronological record of events
纪年 [jì nián]
  • (1) [a way of numbering the years]∶记年代的方法,如用干支纪年,用皇帝年号纪年或用公元纪年等

  • (2) [chronological record of events]∶按照年月先后排列史实的一种史书体裁

  • 《竹书纪年》

纪年[jì nián]
  1. 但是此书也有不足之处,如记事过于简略;遗漏史料;史料记载、纪年出入等。

    But the book also has deficiencies , such as Notepad too brief ; missing historical data ; historical records , annals discrepancy .

  2. 《史记》、《竹书纪年》等中国古文献中记载了许多有关父系氏族社会的情况。

    Much information about the patriarchal commune is documented in Chinese literature , like the Records of the Grand Historian and the Bamboo Annals .

  3. 阴历用干支纪年。

    In the lunar calendar , the years are designated by the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches .

  4. 简要介绍了核纪年法确定银河系年龄的原理,回顾了恒星中Th和U的观测研究,其中着重介绍了极贫金属星的研究。

    We first briefly introduce the principle of this approach , and then review the history of Th and U abundance study in stars , with emphasis on the extremely metal-poor halo stars .

  5. 运用系统思路进行分析,分清时间(Time)的时点(TimePoint,TP)和时段(TimeInterval,TI)的概念,提出协调天文纪年系统和历史纪年系统的途径。

    The concepts of Time Point ( TP ) and Time Interval ( TI ) are distinguished by using the systems approach , and the way to coordinate the astronomical system and the historical system is proposed . The A.

  6. 格拉尔多在其著作《历法与纪年II——远古与中世纪世界天文与时间》中,质疑玛雅历法的准确性,他说2012年世界末日的日期以及其他相关日期可能都会有所延迟。

    In a chapter in the book " Calendars and Years II : Astronomy and Time in the Ancient and Medieval World , " Aldana casts doubt on the accuracy of the Mayan calendar correlation , saying that the 2012 prophecy as well as other dates may be off .

  7. 我们希望它返回一个整数,以表示从公元纪年到现在的秒数,但实际上得到的是按照ISO8601格式化的字符串。

    We might like it to be returned as an integer representing seconds since the Epoch , but in fact we are given a string formatted according to ISO8601 .

  8. 这一纪年方法正是全世界至今仍在使用的公元纪年法:耶稣出生之前称为公元前(B.C。),耶稣出生之后称为公元后(A.D。

    This way of counting the years is just the AD chronology which is still used around the world up to date : before the birth of Jesus is known as BC and after the birth of Jesus is called AD.

  9. 银河系核纪年研究进展

    Progress in Study on the Age-Dating of the Galaxy by Nucleo-Cosmochronology

  10. 它确实是在“狗的纪年”里

    He is the dog in " the dog years . "

  11. 恐怕没有人关心他们用什么纪年吧!

    I am afraid that no one would care what their reign !

  12. 它真的在“狗的纪年”里吗?

    He 's the dog in " the dog years "?

  13. 它看起来很像“狗的纪年”里的那只

    He looks like the dog in " The Dog Years . "

  14. 十二属相就是用来纪年的一个十二年的循环。

    The Chinese animal signs are a12-year cycle used for dating the years .

  15. 作为与核纪年法的比较,简单介绍了确定银河系年龄的其他方法。

    As comparison , other methods of dating the Galaxy are briefly introduced .

  16. 在我国西北地区少数游牧民族则以动物来纪年。

    In northwestern China minority nomads criterion with animals to count the years .

  17. 这与农历纪年法相似。

    This method is similar to the Lunar Calendar .

  18. 从天文纪年的角度来说,10月在中国是美丽的秋天;

    In terms of the astronomical calendar , October in China is beautiful autumn ;

  19. 安徽南陵长山西晋纪年墓发掘报告

    The Excavation of Dated Western Jin Tomb in Changshan , Nanling , Anhui Province

  20. 马鞍山林里东晋纪年墓发掘简报

    A Brief Report of the Eastern Jin Tomb in Linli , Ma ' anshan

  21. 2014年1月31日是中华纪年法——中元4712年的开始。

    January 31 , 2014 - The Chinese year 4712 is scheduled to begin .

  22. 日历是生活的必备品,是人们再熟悉不过的纪年工具。

    The Calendar is a living essentials , is the familiar tools of the zodiac .

  23. 并且学用汉族农历的天干、地支计算纪年。

    School with the Han Chinese and the Heavenly Stems , Earthly Branches Jinian calculation .

  24. 从前,跟地质学纪年同时代的陆上动物,四足兽,四手兽,爬虫类,鸟类,都是按照巨大的模型创造的。

    Formerly , in prehistoric days , land animals were built on a gigantic scale .

  25. 11月11日是美国老兵纪年日,是美国人表达其对军人尊敬的日子。

    November 11th is Veterans Day , when Americans honor those who served in the military .

  26. 中国在汉武帝以前用天干地支纪年;

    Gan-Zhis were employed to designate the years before the reign of Wudi Emperor of Han Dynasty ;

  27. 也就在那一年,掌管罗马的领导人朱利尤斯•恺撒发明了一种新的纪年法&阳历。

    That is when the leader of the Romans-Julius Caesar-took charge and invented a new solar calendar .

  28. 公元纪年与干支纪年换算盘的基本原理及使用方法

    Principle And Usage of Exchange Tool of Christian Era and era of Heavenly stems and Earthly Branches

  29. 你也许听说过中国人用十二生肖动物作为纪年的周期系统。

    Maybe you know that we Chinese people have a kind of zodiac system based on twelve animals .

  30. 中国古人发明了用“干支”纪年的方法。

    Ancient Chinese people invented the method to designate the years by the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches .