
  • 网络FPLC;AKTA;Protein Purifier;GE AKTA Pure
  1. 空分装置三吸附器TSA纯化系统及其节能效果分析

    Tri-adsorber TSA Purification System and Its Energy Saving Effect in Air Separation Unit

  2. 四个突变体蛋白在天然状态下经Ni2+-NTA纯化系统和PBS透析后也得到了有效纯化。

    The four mutant proteins were purified by Ni2 + - NTA chromatography under the native condition and dialysed against PBS .

  3. 用蛋白纯化系统(AKTAexplorer10.0)对表达蛋白进行His?Tag亲和层析纯化和脱盐处理,得到纯化蛋白。

    The proteins were purified by His-tag affinity purification and desalting ( AKTA Explorer 10.0 ) . 4 .

  4. 结果RedyPCR(tm)微量全血DNA纯化系统得到的mtDNA和常规酶解法提取的mtDNA有nDNA污染,而作者建立的方法获得的mtDNA纯度较高。

    Result The mtDNA obtained by Ready PCR ( tm ) micro-blood DNA purified system and the mtDNA drawn by routine enzymolysis method had nDNA pollution , and the purity of mtDNA obtained by the author 's method was higher .

  5. 分子筛纯化系统一些故障的处理

    Handling some troubles associated with the purification systems using molecular sieve

  6. 1~万立氩纯化系统改造

    Reconstruction of 1 ~ # 10000 m ~ 3 Argon Purifying System

  7. 两起分子筛纯化系统阀门泄漏故障的分析与处理

    Analysis and treatment of two valve leakage faults in molecular sieve purification system

  8. 硅外延用大流量超纯氢气纯化系统的设计技术

    Design Technique for a High Flux Ultrapure Hydrogen Purification System for Silicon Epitaxy

  9. 试车时分子筛纯化系统进水的原因分析与处理

    Cause analysis of MS purification system polluted by water during commissioning and solutions

  10. 经Ni2+-NTA纯化系统及尿素分步透析,表达蛋白得到了有效纯化和复性。

    The expressed proteins were purified and renatured through Ni-NTA chromatography and multistep dialysis .

  11. 分子筛纯化系统蒸汽加热器泄漏故障的分析及处理

    Analysis and Disposal of Leakage Fault of Steam Heater for Molecular Sieve Purification System

  12. 大型空分装置中空气预冷及纯化系统设备安装技术

    On the Installation Technology of Air Precooling and Purification System in Large-scale Air Separation Plant

  13. 在空气分离系统中着重对分子筛纯化系统切换阀的顺序控制方法进行研究。

    Emphatically studied on the sequential control methods on switching valve of molecular sieve purification system .

  14. 目的建立有效的人胎儿神经前体细胞分离及纯化系统。

    Objective To establish an effective system of isolating and purifying neural precursors from human fetal brain .

  15. 宣钢25000m~3/h制氧工程纯化系统工厂设计优化

    Optimize Plant Design for Xuanhua Steel 25000 m ~ 3 / h Oxygen Generation Engineering Purifying System

  16. 水纯化系统可能跟随在初始的预处理步骤后面,根据水规格参数的不同有多种顺序和系统设计。

    Water purification systems may follow the initial pretreatment steps in various sequences depending on the characteristics of the water and the design of the system .

  17. 重新设计制造了一套纯化系统,大大减小了系统体积,提高了灵敏度和信噪比。

    A new purification system is redesigned , it decreases the system volume greatly and hence increases its sensitivity and SNR ( Signal Noise Ratio ) .

  18. 通过设置自动阀组,按预先编程或条件反馈、判断、报警等控制阀的开与关,实现了纯化系统工作自动化。

    Purification system automation are implanted by establishing auto valve groups , and opening / closing them with the programs , using the condition feedbacks , judgments , and safeties . 3 .

  19. 介绍了故障的处理措施和效果,总结了循环冷却水处理和分子筛纯化系统操作方面的经验。

    Treatment measures of the malfunction and corresponding effect have been introduced , followed by a summary of experience about treatment of circulatory cooling water and operation of molecular sieve purification system .

  20. 分子筛纯化系统作为大型制氧机组的一个重要设备,其自动化控制系统一定程度上代表了制氧机组的先进性。

    Purification system as a molecular sieve oxygen generating units is an important large-scale equipment , automatic control systems to a certain extent representative of the advanced nature of the oxygen generating unit .

  21. 本课题的研究成果对空分装置的预冷纯化系统的设计、运行、试验及改造等,具有重要理论指导与实践意义。

    The achievement of pre-cooling purification system of the ASU design , operation , testing and transformation in this paper , can provide important theoretical guidance and practical reference for air separation industry .

  22. 在考虑了设计原则后,对空分设备布置及分子筛纯化系统配管和局部工艺管线修改等方面的问题作了简要阐述。

    Considering design principles , it expounds the arrangement of air separation plant as well as the piping of Molecular sieve ( MS ) purification system and its alterations of partial process line .

  23. USP纯化水系统验证

    Validating USP purified water system

  24. 纯化水系统(设备编号:)按照批准的IQ计划和方案进行安装确认。

    The installation qualification of the purified water system ( Identification number : ) was carried out according to the approved IQ plan and IQ protocol .

  25. 化工医药厂房纯化水系统设计

    Design for the Purified Water System in Chemical & Pharmaceutical Factory

  26. 本文介绍了密理博超纯化水系统的简单原理、组成及常见故障。

    The paper introduces the principle , component and common breakdown of MILLIPORE ultrapure water system .

  27. 该文对γ-亚麻酸的生理功能、资源及分离纯化进行系统概述。

    The functionality , natural resources and separation , purification of γ - Linolenic acid are de -

  28. 通过几种工艺流程方案的比较讨论纯化水系统的工艺设计。

    Process design of water purification system in pharmacy was discussed on the basis of comparison among several technical schemes .

  29. 因此,纯化水系统的水质确认已完成,证明用该设备制备的纯化水水质稳定,符合要求。

    Therefore it is certified that the performance qualification of the blending system is complete and the equipment is qualified .

  30. 因此,纯化水系统的安装确认已完成,可以进行运行确认。

    Therefore it is certified that the installation qualification of the purified water system is complete and the operation qualification can be performed .