
  • 网络naltrexone;NTx;Contrave
  1. FDA正在要求制订一份可提供给所有患者的有关使用纳曲酮缓释注射用混悬剂治疗的用药指南。

    The FDA is requiring that a medication guide about treatment with naltrexone extended-release injectable suspension be provided to all patients .

  2. 双盲组纳曲酮的服用剂量为50mg·d-1,开放试验的药物剂量随用药者的反应进行调整。

    Naltrexone was given at the dose of 50 mg · d-1 in double-blind study and in open study the dose was titrated from 10-50 mg · d-1 based on the patient 's responses .

  3. 1mg·kg-1纳曲酮拮抗训练剂量吗啡后,鸽子的反应正确率可降至5%以下。

    Naltrexone decreased accuracy of morphine discriminative response to less than 5 % .

  4. 纳曲酮微球的研制及体内外评价

    Preparation and in vitro / in vivo Evaluation of Naltrexone Microspheres

  5. 盐酸纳曲酮有关物质检查的方法研究

    Study of Detecting Method on Naltrexone Hydrochloride and Its Related Substances

  6. 盐酸纳曲酮防复吸初步研究

    Preliminary study on the efficacy of relapse prevention by naltrexone after detoxification

  7. 纳曲酮治疗酒依赖患者的安慰剂双盲对照研究

    Naltrexone for alcohol dependence : a double blind placebo-controlled trial

  8. 纳曲酮植入剂不同动物体内的组织相容性和生物可降解性

    Biocompatibility and biodegradability of naltrexone implants in different animal species

  9. 减压加热法去除纳曲酮微球中残留二氯甲烷

    Removal of Residual Dichloromethane in Naltrexone Microspheres by Reduced Pressure Heating Method

  10. 长效阿片拮抗剂纳曲酮抗休克作用的临床观察

    Long-acting opioid antagonist naltrexone for treatment of shock : a clinical observation

  11. 纳曲酮微球的体外释药和对小鼠吗啡镇痛的影响

    Naltrexone microspheres : in vitro release and effect on morphine analgesia in mice

  12. 全麻下纳曲酮快速阿片类脱毒的初步临床经验

    Preliminary clinical experience of rapid opiate detoxification with naltrexone

  13. 以其为载体制备纳曲酮微球,比较了体外释药速率。

    Invitro release of naltrexone microspheres prepared with the various PLGA were compared .

  14. 盐酸纳曲酮用于阿片类依赖者脱毒后预防复发的效能研究

    A clinical study on relapse-prevention efficacy of naltrexone hydrochloride among opiate dependents after detoxification

  15. 纳曲酮对移植排异反应的抑制作用

    The suppressive effect of naltrexone on transplantation rejection

  16. HPLC-电化学检测法检测血浆中的盐酸纳洛酮和盐酸纳曲酮

    Determination of Naloxone Hydrochloride and Naltrexone Hydrochloride in Plasma by HPLC with Electrochemical Detector

  17. 纳曲酮用于海洛因依赖治疗

    Naltrexone therapy for heroin addicts

  18. 国产盐酸纳曲酮对阿片类依赖脱毒治疗后预防复吸的疗效观察

    Clinical study for assessing the efficacy of naltrexone in the preventing relapse after detoxification in opiate dependence

  19. 纳曲酮是目前通过变化大脑化学物质用来治疗酒精中毒的处方。

    A prescription drug called Naltrexone is now being used to combat alcoholism by changing brain chemistry .

  20. 纳曲酮缓释注射用混悬剂是首个也是目前仅有的每月注射一次用于治疗酒精依赖的药物。

    Naltrexone extended-release injectable suspension is the first and currently the only once-monthly injectable medication for alcohol dependence .

  21. 小剂量纳曲酮结合行为心理干预和家庭介入防复吸效果

    Small dose naltrexone hydrochloride combined with PSYCHOLOGICAL-BEHAVIOR interference and family intervention in preventing drug relapse among 170 subjects

  22. 纳曲酮组尿吗啡检测阳性率(24.38%)低于安慰剂组(40.48%)。

    The rate of positive urine test was 24.38 % in naltrexone group while 40.48 % in placebo group .

  23. 他们发现纳曲酮药物可降低一些有盗窃癖的人去偷窃的欲望。

    They found the drug naltrexone helped take away the " thrill " that drives some kleptomaniacs to steal .

  24. 长效纳曲酮缓释剂对阿片类药物依赖者图片再认能力的影响

    Effects of Long-term Sustained Release Naltrexone Treatment on Image Recognition in Patients with Opioid Dependence : an ERP Study

  25. 从蒂巴因到盐酸纳曲酮一次性可以收率为31%。

    One-off yield from thebaine to natrexone hydrochloride is 31 % , and total yield can up to 44 % .

  26. 目的:建立紫外检测高效液相色谱方法测定动物样本中纳曲酮浓度。

    Objective : To establish a HPLC method with ultraviolet detection to assay the concentration of naltrexone in animal samples .

  27. 口服类鸦片受体拮抗剂纳曲酮治疗133例瘙痒患者的开放、非安慰剂对照研究(德语)

    Antipruritic therapy with the oral opioid receptor antagonist naltrexone . Open , non-placebo controlled administration in 133 patients ( Germ )

  28. 仍在服纳曲酮16例,已分别服用1-4个月,操守率72.7%;

    16 cases are still using naltrexone ( with a period of 1-4 months ); the abstention rate was 72.7 % .

  29. 安非他酮和纳曲酮都被广泛视为具有相当好的姿态方面的风险和副作用。

    Bupropion and naltrexone are both widely regarded as having a fairly good profile with regard to risks and side effects .

  30. 静舒氧减轻纳曲酮冲击疗法戒断症状不良反应的临床研究

    Clinical Study on Reduction of Withdrawal Symptoms and Side Effects of Rapid and Higher Doses Naltrexone Therapy by Association of Jing Shu Yang