
  • 网络nanofiltration
  1. 纳滤技术在丹酚酸B提取液浓缩的应用研究

    Study on Concentration of Salvianolic Acid B Extraction Solution by Nanofiltration

  2. 纳滤膜技术在庆大霉素B浓缩中的应用

    Applications of Nanofiltration Membrane Technology in Concentration of Gentamicin B

  3. 阐述了纳滤膜对庆大霉素B溶液的浓缩性能。

    The concentration characteristics of nanofiltration membrane for treating Gentamicin B solution were presented .

  4. 纳滤膜在硫酸多粘菌素E浓缩与纯化中的应用

    Application of nanofiltration membranes in the concentration and purification processes of colistin sulfate

  5. 孔径越小的纳滤膜R越高。

    The smaller the pore radius of the membrane , the higher the rejection rate .

  6. 而对于平板纳滤膜脱盐率为96.5%,水通量为24.2L/m~2·h。

    But a plate NF membrane has a salt rejection above 96.5 % and a permeating flux of 24.2L / m ~ 2 h.

  7. 纳米TiO2与纳滤膜在水处理中的应用

    Application of Nanometer TiO_2 Catalyzed Oxidation and Nano Membrane for Water Purification

  8. 基于有机异质结的有机-无机复合单量子阱发光性质的研究将聚酰胺(PA)质地的纳滤膜组装成一种脱盐装置。在此装置上对C。

    The Emission of Organic - Inorganic Single Quantum Well with Organic Heterojunction Inorganic salt in C.

  9. 试论我国有机无机肥料的配合施用将聚酰胺(PA)质地的纳滤膜组装成一种脱盐装置。在此装置上对C。

    On Combined Application of Organic - In organic Fertilizer in China . Inorganic salt in C.

  10. 纳滤(NF)膜制取饮用水的研究

    Preparation of drinking water by nanofiltration

  11. 随着膜技术的发展,20世纪80年代出现的纳滤膜弥补了反渗透与超滤之间的空白。纳滤膜(nanofiltrationmembrane,NF)又称“疏松型”反渗透膜。

    The appearance of nanofiltration membrane ( NF ) in 1980s fills in the gap between reverse osmosis ( RO ) and ultra-filtration .

  12. 纳滤和反渗透技术对饮用水中可同化有机碳(AOC)的去除特性的研究

    The Removal of Assimilable Organic Carbon by Nanofiltration Membranes and Reverse Osmosis

  13. 中试实验中,进水SS严重影响纳滤装置的稳定运行。

    The pilot test indicated that the SS concentration of the influent had a critical influence on the stable operation of nanofiltration device .

  14. 同时,改变操作系统参数,如:温度、压力、pH、浓度等,进一步考察了纳滤膜的性能。

    Also , changing the operating conditions , say , temperature , pressure , pH , concentrations of feed liquid and so on , the priorities of NF membrane have been tested farther .

  15. 磁场对静态纳滤过程的膜通量及CaCO3结晶的影响

    Influence of Magnetic Field on Membrane Flux and CaCO_3 Crystallization in the Unstirred Dead-end NF Process

  16. 本文主要针对纳滤(简称NF)膜分离回收洁霉素发酵废水进行试验研究。

    A study of Lincomycin recycling and separation from fermentation wastewater by adopting Nanofiitration ( abbre . NF ) membranes is presented in this paper .

  17. 介绍了海岛高硬度水质下纳滤系统的工艺特点,通过实测计算膜常数A和B,分析了离子的选择性分离趋势以及相应操作因素的影响。

    The process characteristics of NF system in high hardness water treatment was discussed . The influence of the operation conditions on the separation performance of NF membrane was studied by way of membrane constants A and B measurement .

  18. 运用TCTGCMS联用仪检测纳滤浓缩、冷冻浓缩、真空蒸发浓缩以及超滤澄清处理对番茄汁挥发性成分的影响。

    Volatile compounds in tomato juice have been detected by TCT-GC-MS from the concentrate juice using the methods of nanofiltration , freeze concentration , vacuum evaporation and ultrafiltration .

  19. HNF-130型CTA中空纤维纳滤组件的研制

    Study of hnf-130 CTA hollow fibre nanofiltration element

  20. 对APT结晶母液的处理,本研究采用了先将APT溶液调酸转变为粗AMT溶液,然后用纳滤法除去粗AMT溶液中氯离子的工艺流程。

    During the processing of APT crystallized barren liquor , APT solution was converted into AMT solution by adjusting the pH value , then AMT was treated by nanofiltration .

  21. 采用纳滤工艺生产所得CPP的N/P为24 ̄32,灰分含量在6%;

    The results showed that the N / P of produced by nanofiltration technology was between 24 and 32 , ash content was about 6 % .

  22. 试验采用TFC-S型纳滤(NF)膜,研究含镍废水回用工艺。

    TFC-S NF membrane is used to study the process for completely reusing nickel wastewater in the tests .

  23. 用SephadexG-25柱层析对纳滤后CPP进行初步的分离纯化,结果表明有活性CPP的相对分子质量较大。

    CPP after nanofiltration was separated and purified by using Sephadex G-25 , The result showed that mean relative molecular weight of active CPP was relatively high .

  24. 采用纳滤膜进行了脱除干法腈纶纺丝洗涤废水中非挥发组分(NV)的试验。

    An experimental study on removing the non-volatilization component in the acrylic fibres filature washing wastewater by dry technique has been studied by using nanofiltration membrane .

  25. 非对称性的超滤(UF)膜、纳滤(NF)膜、RO膜,分别经丙酮改性处理后,甲苯透过膜的渗透速率依次减少。

    After the heterogeneous ultrafiltration ( UF ) membrane , nanofiltration ( NF ) membrane , RO membrane were respectively modified with acetone , the permeation rate of toluene through these membranes decreased in succession .

  26. 纳滤在制备高浓度活性红3BS中的应用

    Application of nanofiltration in preparation of reactive red 3BS

  27. 研究结果表明,超滤作为预处理手段,能去除90%浊度,部分COD,提高纳滤膜的抗污染性。

    The results showed that the UF membrane as a pretreatment , it can remove 90 % of turbidity and some COD . Ultrafiltration was used as pretreatment of nanofiltration for practical dye wastewater to reduce turbidity and membrane fouling .

  28. 本文以聚醚砜(PES)和TiO2为材料,制备新型聚醚砜超滤膜,并进行表征。芳香聚酰胺类聚合物是典型的复合纳滤膜材料,但是这类聚合物易氯化降解。

    One of the aims of this paper is to prepare and characterize the novel polyether sulphone ultrafiltration membrane made from PES and TiO2.Aromatic polyamide is a typical composite nanofiltration membrane material with inferior chlorine resistance .

  29. 微涡旋絮凝-逆流气浮-纳滤集成工艺去除水中腐殖酸的研究之二&以聚合氯化铁(PFC)为絮凝剂

    Removing humic acid in water by the integrated process of micro-eddy flocculation ( MEF ) - counter current dissolved air flotation ( CCDAF ) - nanofiltration ( NF ), the second part & PFC as flocculant

  30. 一般纳滤的操作压力为0.5~1.5MPa。

    The operation pressure of NF is 0.5 ~ 1.5 MPa .