
  • 网络tide
  1. 城市防洪的一种方法&纳潮

    A method of tidal flood control for city & relief tidal flood

  2. 海口港纳潮量及其变化遥感研究

    Remote sensing of the tidal influx in Haikou Port

  3. 纳潮时机应考虑季节、天气等影响。

    Should consider influenced of season , weather , etc.

  4. 河口导堤工程对入海河流纳潮的影响及敏感性分析

    Impact and Sensitive Analysis of Estuary Regulation on Tidal Prism in a Tidal River

  5. 钦州湾潮流模拟及其纳潮量和水交换周期计算

    Calculation of Tidal Prism and Water Exchange Period and Simulation of Current about Qinzhou Bay

  6. 大面积围垦使鸭绿江口西水道的纳潮量大幅减少,淤积严重;

    Due to extensive reclamation , the west channel of Yalu River was silted up severely .

  7. 结果表明,水交换能力的强弱与纳潮量的大小成正比。

    The results show that the capability of seawater change is in direct proportion to the tidal prism .

  8. 河北省泥质河口纳潮冲淤加拖淤的研究

    Hebei Province Mud Quality River Mouth is Incorporated Tide Rush Silt Add Drag Silt Prevent Silt Test Research

  9. 不同方式的纳潮量计算比较&以胶州湾2006年秋季小潮为例

    Comparison Among Different Methods for Tidal Prism Calculation & Neap Tide of Jiaozhou Bay in Autumn 2006 as an Expounded Example

  10. 通过纳潮效果与纳潮闸位置,调蓄面积,操作方式等因素的关系分析,表明纳潮是一种可行且有效的方法。

    Through analysis of the effectiveness related to locations . storage area and operation of relief tidal flood , it is shown that this measurement is feasible and available .

  11. 退潮排污出水口人工贻贝石油烃浓度为纳潮进水口的2倍,冬季人工贻贝石油烃浓度又为夏季的1.5倍。

    The concentration at outlet was two times higher than inlet . Also the concentration of petroleum hydrocarbons was 1 . 5 times higher in winter than in summer .

  12. 纳潮量是评价海湾环境的重要指标,它决定着海湾和外海的水交换强度,对海湾的自净、冲於等都具有重要意义。

    Storage capacity of tidal water is an important standard for the evaluation of bay environment and confines the exchange quantity of sea water between bay and out sea .

  13. 根据改进后方法算出的胶州湾近期纳潮量比传统方法算出的纳潮量大15%左右。

    The tidal storage capacity of the Jiaozhou Bay was calculated using the improved formula . The result is 15 % larger than that based on the traditional formula .

  14. 结果表明,围海工程促进了海滩的淤浅,减小了内湾的纳潮量和环境容量,使得泉州湾内湾水质恶化;

    The results showed that reclamation directly strengthened silting , and reduced the amount of tidal water and environmental capacity , so as to worsen the water quality in inner Quanzhou Bay .

  15. 1984年后对海口港进行疏浚,扩充港池,使平均低潮水域面积增加,是引起纳潮量增加的主导因素。

    After 1984 , the dredging and expansion of Haikou Port which caused an increase in water area at the mean low tide are the leading factor which causes the increase in tidal influx .

  16. 认为涨、落潮三角洲的发育状况与入湾河流的供沙量、纳潮水域容量、被浪作用、潮差以及口少卜海域的开阔程度有关;

    The authors consider that the development of the deltas is related to tidal range , wave conditions , Sediment amount flowing into the bays , bsy volume and unenclosure of sea waters off their gorse .

  17. 实测数据和数值模拟相结合的办法计算海湾纳潮量数值模型计算泄流能力和模拟自由水面的评价&以薄壁堰流为例

    Calculating Storage Capacity of Tidal Water of Bay by Combining Observing Data with Numerical Model Evaluation of Numerical Simulation on Discharge Capacity and The Way Used to Track Free-Surface-Taking The Rectangle Sharp-Crested Weir as An Instance

  18. 而从1934年到漩门二期围垦工程后,纳潮量减小了22.57%。开辟盐田和围垦造陆工程等人类活动,对海岸演变的影响显著。

    In fact , after this reclamation project , the tidal influx has reduced 22.57 % since 1934 . Thus , human activities such as opening up salt fields and reclaiming tidal flats have impacted the coastal evolution processes remarkably .

  19. 自然因素主要有滨海地区水动力变化、入海河流的泥沙淤积、围垦造陆引起的海湾纳潮量减少、生物入侵等。同时也有人为因素和经济因素的干扰。

    Natural factors include water dynamic changes in coastal regions , river sediment , tidal volume reduction , biological invasions caused by the reclamation , biological invasion , and so on , meanwhile the interfere with human factors and economic factors .

  20. 但是,纳潮冲淤会带来闸上河道淤积和盐水入侵问题,考虑到问题的严重性,本文对此做了分析研究。

    However , bring into the tidewater and eroding the sedimentation will bring the problem with the sedimentation in upper approach of the floodgate and brine inbreak , take into account the seriousness of the problem , this text did analysis and study .