
zòng shēn
  • depth
纵深 [zòng shēn]
  • [depth] 作战地域纵的方向的深度

  • 向纵深发展

纵深[zòng shēn]
  1. Internet技术不断地向纵深发展,成为信息交流不可缺少的渠道,标志着人类进入了信息社会。

    Internet technology has been constantly developing in depth , and becoming the indispensable channel information exchange which marking the mankind has entered a pull information society .

  2. 该分布式UAV系统采用长机-僚机异构型网络结构,以实现在电子静默和战术隐身条件下扩大探测和打击纵深。

    The distributed UAV system adopts a heterogeneous Leader-Follower type network structure for the purpose of enlarging detection and attack depth under electronic silence and tactic invisibility .

  3. 随着行政法学研究的纵深发展,经济行政法逐渐成为行政法学界所关注的领域。

    As the development of the administrative laws deepens , the economic administrative law gradually becomes the focus of the administrative law field .

  4. 表面和纵深都存在含C物质污染;

    The surface and the deep region of the films are contaminated by C-containing compounds .

  5. 组件技术为GIS空间分析的发展,提供了开放的体系结构和标准的数据访问机制。为GIS向纵深发展,创造了有利的条件。

    The components provide opening structure and standard data access for the spatial analysis of GIS .

  6. 到80~90年代时,计算机、多媒体、网络技术日益成熟,CAI才得以向纵深方向发展。

    It was not until 1980 's-1990 's that CAI had developed to a deep direction due to the matured technology of multi-media and network .

  7. 随着经济全球化、区域一体化的纵深发展,以跨国公司为主要载体的外国直接投资(ForeignDirectinvestment,简称FDI)活动如火如荼地进行着,成为国际经济领域的重要研究课题。

    With the development of economic globalization and regional integration , Foreign Direct Investment ( FDI ) conducted by transnational corporations has gained considerable momentum , which also becomes an important research topic in the field of international economics .

  8. 随着经济全球化的发展,WTO的建立和运行,关税降低和传统的非关税壁垒的逐步消除,贸易自由化向纵深方向发展。

    With the globalization of world market and the operation of the WTO , tariff duties have been successfully lowered and the traditional non-tariff barriers have been progressively removed , which symbolized the further liberalization of world trade and investment .

  9. CPR可将不在同一平面的结构显示在同一二维平面上,但不能显示结构的纵深关系;

    Some structures , which were not on the same plane , could be shown on the same two dimensional plane , but their deep relations couldn ′ t be done .

  10. 数据量的增长促使计算机存储技术不断地向纵深方向发展,与传统的分布式系统相比,P2P技术具有无可比拟的优势,广阔的应用前景,成为二十一世纪计算机技术的最令人关注的技术之一。

    Growth in the volume of data promotes that computer storage technology continues to develop . Comparing with traditional distributed systems , P2P technology has unparalleled advantages and broad application prospects , which make it becoming the most popular technology in 21st century .

  11. 同时,硅基发光材料研究的纵深发展,出现了发光强、稳定性好的硅基多孔SiC蓝光发射材料和发光波长范围宽的纳米半导体镶嵌SiO2发光材料。

    At the same time , Si-based light-emitting materials are being developed in depth . The porous SiC as an intense and stable blue light-emitting material has been prepared . The luminescent nanocrystal semiconductors embedded in SiO2 are under investigation .

  12. 研究纵深为300m。在垂向上划分为一个非承压含水层和两个承压含水层。其中第一承压含水层为主要开采层。

    The depth considered here is 300m . In the vertical direction , a unconfined aquifer and two confined aquifers is divided , and the first confined aquifer is treated as the main exploration formation .

  13. 用XPS对不同凡的Gd-Ba-Cu-O超导膜做了定量、角分布、成象和离子剥蚀纵深分析.结果表明:样品表面都存在Ba富集和Gd短缺,表面原子微观分布不均匀;

    Superconducting Gd-Ba-Cu-O films with varying Tc were studied by using XPS quantitative analysis , XPS angular distribution , XPS imaging and ion etching . The results show that the surface layer of all films is Ba enriched and lacking in Gd . The elemental distribution on surface is inhomogeneous .

  14. 分析了PPDR自适应网络安全模型的不足,提出了一种新的基于主动防御的网络安全模型RPPDRA,在此基础上设计了一个联动的、纵深防御的网络安全解决方案。

    The article analyzed the deficiency of PPDR adaptive network security model , proposed a kind of new security model RPP - DRA based on active defense , designed the network security solutions of linkage , deep defense on this basis .

  15. 从当代科学批评看科技创新的纵深发展

    Radical Scientific and Technological Innovation in View of Modern Science Criticism

  16. 人因事故纵深防御系统模型

    Defense - in - Depth for Preventing Human - Initiated Accident

  17. 对女排后排纵深单脚起跳扣球技术的初步分析及其设计

    A preliminary analysis and design of the HOP-BACK-ATTACK in women volleyball

  18. 综合传感器系统&向纵深发展的航空电子综合技术

    Integrated Sensor Systems : An Approach Towards High Level Avionics Integration

  19. 推进农村城镇化必须以农业的纵深发展为前提

    Advancing Rural Urbanization Must Be Premised with the In-depth Agriculture Development

  20. 东南亚旅游业务纵深发展论

    On the In - depth Development of Tourism in Southeast Asia

  21. 企业网络需要一种纵深的防御体系。

    Enterprise networks need a kind of deep and multiplayer defence system .

  22. 以点带面,逐步拓展反避税工作的纵深。

    Gradually expanding the depth of anti-avoidance career from points to areas .

  23. (四)积极推动“数字奥运”向纵深发展

    Promote in an Active Manner Further Development of " Digital Olympic "

  24. 投资体制改革推动工程机械行业向纵深发展&解读国家投资体制改革的决定

    Reform of investment system will promote the development of construction machinery industry

  25. 有些内陆地区,积水纵深长达九公里半。

    In some places the water reached nine-and-a-half kilometers inland .

  26. 电视新闻的报道已经进入到高效率、多角度、大纵深的阶段。

    TV news report has entered high efficiency , multi-angle , depth stage .

  27. 解读张大力的油画作品,必须从历史的纵深中找寻。

    We must profoundly look into history to interpret Dali Zhang 's paintings .

  28. (水库)造成的应力变化改变了地壳纵深的应力吗?

    Did resulting stress changes alter stresses deep in the Earth 's crust ?

  29. 只有妥善处理这些新情况新问题,才能积极稳妥地构建促进学生发展的小学语文新课程评价体系,从而推动课改向纵深发展。

    Only by dealing well with these new problems can we promote its development .

  30. 并行计算的延伸&纵深计算

    Deep Computing : The Extension of Parallel Computing