
  • 网络newman;Neumann;John Henry Newman;Newmine;Newsmy
  1. 被戴绿帽的丈夫勃然大怒,纽曼吓得光着脚逃走了。

    Newman fled barefoot as the cheated husband erupted in fury .

  2. 纽曼又倒了些黑咖啡,接着点了支烟。

    Newman poured more black coffee and lit a cigarette .

  3. 纽曼阴险得很,明里一套,暗里一套。

    Newman was devious , prepared to say one thing in print and another in private

  4. 纽曼独自走在街上。

    Newman walked along the street alone

  5. 纽曼的腹肌绷紧了。

    Newman 's stomach muscles tensed

  6. 这项设计中的另一个创新之处,是纽曼提出的“B管”,

    Another innovation in the design , a modification originally suggested by Newman , was that of the ' B-tube ' .

  7. 来自公共演讲培训公司UKBodyTalk的共同研究人理查德•纽曼建议,双脚应分开站立与肩同宽,站立过程中避免身体乱晃。

    Co-researcher Richard Newman , of public speaking training company UK Body Talk , recommends standing still , with feet shoulder-with apart .

  8. 另外沃默斯利曾经对他表示,他担心纽曼会从ACE项目组挖走弗洛文斯。

    Womersley had expressed the particular fear that Newman would steal Flowers away from the ACE .

  9. 《权力的游戏》的制片人克里斯托弗•纽曼已经与星光传媒和K.

    Christopher Newman , the brain behind Game , has signed a deal with Starlight Media and K.

  10. 纽曼帝克ISO系列阀是高速,重载阀,一般服务,旨在对所有类型的自动化。

    Numatics ISO series valves are high speed , heavy duty valves , designed for general service on all types of automation .

  11. 纽曼表示,今年嘉年华上的最大热点就是QR码(二维条码的一种)。

    Margie Newman says quick response codes are big news at this year 's festival .

  12. 纽曼帝克RB系列阀的设计和制造,以减少与工程有关的设计和组装时间。

    Numatics RB series valve was designed and manufactured to reduce the amount of time associated with engineering layout and assembly .

  13. 欲了解更多信息,请致电纽曼帝克分销商安排的NR系列免费示范无杆气缸。

    For more information , please call your Numatics Distributor to arrange a free demonstration of the NR series rodless cylinders .

  14. NPR新闻,斯科特·纽曼华盛顿报道。

    Scott Neuman , NPR News , Washington .

  15. 纽曼给托蒂尔和吉尔博解释了这个问题,并且在1949年6月,他们成功地做到,在加载了程序之后,仍有足够的空间来处理p小于353时的所有情形。

    Newman explained the problem to Tootill and Kilburn , and in June 1949 , they managed to pack a program into the four cathode ray tubes and still leave enough space for working up to P = 353 .

  16. 大约在1943年4月,在纽曼和两位助手工作的F营房,邮政工程师们组装了第一台电子计数器。

    The Post Office engineers had been able to install a first electronic counting machine in Hut F , where Newman and his two assistants worked , in about April 1943 .

  17. 他们任用了一名年轻的工程师,名叫E·A·纽曼,他从事过H2S机载雷达系统的工作,因此具备脉冲电子技术方面的经验。

    they had appointed a young engineer , E.A. Newman , who did have knowledge of pulse electronics from his experience of the H2S airborne radar system .

  18. 据NPR新闻的斯科特·纽曼报道,一些科学家认为转基因作物可能是其中一个影响因素。

    NPR 's Scott Neuman reports some scientists suspect genetically modified crops could be a factor .

  19. 纽曼帝克集团的执行机构气缸孔打孔机非常适合在LLDPE冲压洞(线性低密度聚乙烯)薄膜。

    The Numatics Actuator Group Hole Punch Cylinder is perfect for punching holes in LLDPE ( Linear Density Polyethylene ) film .

  20. 阿曼达纽曼(AmandaNewman)在从事小学教育11年的大部分时间里,都被认为是一个非常优秀的教师。

    For most of her 11 years of teaching elementary school , Amanda Newman was considered a perfect teacher .

  21. 纽曼将与星光传媒董事长颜旭、首席执行官PeterLuo和BeelyLee,以及K.Jam的首席执行官KiaJam共同制作该剧集。

    Newman will executively produce the series alongside Starlight Media chairman Xu Yan , CEO Peter Luo and Beely Lee , as well as K. Jam CEO Kia Jam .

  22. Bernstein的纽曼说,三星目前已更有可能在不久的将来寻求进行耗字数十亿美元的更大规模收购。

    Bernstein 's Mr. Newman said it is growing more likely that Samsung may look for a larger , multibillion-dollar acquisition in the near future .

  23. 纽曼帝克'重型G系列无杆气缸采用了NSK轴承的铁路难以置信携带的现场验证S1系列无杆气缸能力,提供可靠的周期数百万负荷,轴承滑块。

    Rodless Cylinder incorporates an NSK bearing rail and bearing sliders for incredible load carrying capabilities with the field-proven S1 Series rodless cylinder delivering millions of reliable cycles .

  24. 但在今年初,icm遭受了一次沉重的打击,当时该公司最资深的经纪之一罗伯特纽曼(robertnewman)离开该公司,加盟其强大的竞争对手endeavor。

    But at the beginning of the year ICM suffered a blow when Robert Newman , one of its most senior agents , left to join endeavor , a fierce rival .

  25. 谷歌公司发言人纽曼(JordanNewman)说,谷歌许多员工选择立式办公桌,我们提供这种选择,并以此作为我们健康计划的组成部分。但纽曼说他并不清楚确切数字。

    Google spokesman Jordan Newman said that'many employees at Google opt for standing desks , and we offer them as part of our wellness program'though he said he didn 't know the exact number .

  26. 今年8月,澳大利亚昆士兰州州长纽曼(CampbellNewman)说,他已经禁止IBM与该州签订新合约,直到IBM改善治理和承包业务为止。

    In August , the premier of the state of Queensland in Australia , Campbell Newman , said he had banned IBM from entering into new contracts with the state until it improved its governance and contracting practices .

  27. 在神学中该词仍保留原来的意义:纽曼的《为吾生辩》(ApologiaproVitaSua)根本就不是什么道歉,而是对查尔士·金斯菜的指控所作的强硬辩驳。

    It still bore its original meaning in theology : Newman 's Apologia pro Vita Sua was not an apology at all but a vigorous rebuttal of Charles Kingsley 's charges .

  28. 汇丰(HSBC)亚洲经济研究联合负责人纽曼(FredericNeumann)说,印度手脚被束,因此更容易受国际经济放缓的影响。

    ' India 's hands are tied , and because of that it 's much more exposed to the global slowdown , ' said Frederic Neumann , co-head of Asian economic research for HSBC . '

  29. 纽曼还写信给伦敦数学协会的秘书官F.P.怀特解释情况:

    Newman wrote to the Secretary of the London Mathematical Society , F.P. White , explaining the position :

  30. “纽曼先生”也许赢得了众多网友的心,但它的网络人气可能还无法超越“键盘猫”。这只颇具音乐才能的宠物猫曾在YouTube网站上迅速走红。

    Mr Newman may have won the hearts of internet users buthis web fame is unlikely to eclipse that of feline rival Keyboard Cat , the musical pet who has become a meme in his own right on You Tube .