
xiàn quān rào zǔ
  • coil winding
  1. 将刻有温敏光栅的光纤缠入线圈绕组内,实现对线圈绕组内部温度的直接测量。

    With temperature-sensitive fiber Bragg grating wrapped into the coil winding , we manage to measure the internal temperature of coil winding directly .

  2. 采用特殊的封装和安装技术,消除了因线圈绕组铜质漆包线的热胀冷缩所造成的温度与应变交叉敏感。

    And with special packaging and installation , we eliminate the problem of cross-sensitive temperature and strain caused by expand with heat and contract with cold of coil winding .

  3. 本文作者开展了电力机车分布式逻辑控制与检测单元研究工作:一方面,用功率场效应管I、GBT等电力电子元器件代替中间继电器直接驱动电磁接触器等控制线圈绕组,保证各种控制命令的可靠执行;

    The author researches the distributed logic control and detecting unit of the electric locomotive .

  4. 高压电机线圈绕组匝间绝缘冲击试验设备的研制

    Development of Impulse Test Device for the Inter-Turn Insulation of HV Electric Machine Coil

  5. 而且,如果在自耦变压器中没有实值的第三线圈绕组,那么可能存在中性稳定性问题。

    Furthermore , there may be neutral stability concerns if there is no physical tertiary winding in the autotransformer .

  6. 为了更合理的制造线圈绕组,提高设备的可靠性及改善环境,近年来,自粘性复合漆包线正在扩大其应用。

    Recently , self bonding enamel wires are finding increased application to rationalize winding work and improve equipment reliability , and environmental compatibility .

  7. 线圈绕组的热系数近似2倍于其材料热膨胀系数。

    The numerical value of factor describing coil 's winding is approximately the double of the thermal expansion coefficient of the winding wire material .

  8. 给出了定子线圈绕组传热途径,建立了等效热路图模型,合理处理了温升对线圈绕组阻值的影响。

    By means of setting up the equivalent thermal circuit , the way to heat dissipation of the stator coil winding is given and temperature rise influence on coil winding is legitimately treated .

  9. 通过垂直位移测量鉴别了纵向场线圈和加热场绕组引起的水平杂散场的方向和大小。

    The direction and value of horizontal stray field induced by the toroidal field coils and primary windings are determined using vertical displacement data .

  10. 通过消弧线圈二次辅助绕组接入阻尼电阻的方法解决了阻尼电阻易损坏的问题。

    With the way of connecting damp resistor to the secondary assistant winding of arc-suppression , the question of easily destroyed damp resistor is solved .

  11. 文章首先根据车载蓄电池的各项技术参数和原车载蓄电池充电电路,研究了附加发电线圈与原发电绕组输出的组合方法,确定了附加发电线圈输出的蓄电池充电电路,并进行了充电兼容性的电路设计。

    This Paper studies the parameters of the on-board battery and the circuit for charging the battery firstly , and then the design of the charging circuit for the auxiliary linear generator is given .

  12. 所研制的电流互感器采用基于印刷电路板的空心线圈的结构,线圈二次绕组无需手工绕制和电阻调整;

    Without hand-making and resistance adjustment , a new structure of air-core coil , based on printed circuit boards , is adopted by the transformer .

  13. 建立了发电机绕组的多导体传输线模型,对发电机进行了线圈分析,给出了发电机单线圈、单相绕组、三相绕组以及大型发电机的多导体传输线模型。

    Build the model of multiconductor transmission line of generator windings and analyze generator windings . Give the generator single coih single phases three phase winding models and multiconductor transmission line model .

  14. 介绍了在电子枪设计过程中,主、辅聚焦线圈安匝数的一种计算方法,为设计线圈绕组的匝数和控制电路的输出电流提供了可靠的依据。

    In this paper a method which computes the ampere winding of main and auxiliary focus coil of the electron gun is introduced . It offers a reliable way to design the coil and control the output current of electric circuit .

  15. 给出合理的线圈宽度与间隙宽度,提出了八边形的线圈绕组结构,计算得出PI膜悬臂梁光开关驱动电压与工作距离的关系,并对悬臂梁长度、宽度、厚度进行优化。

    We analyzed the winding configuration and chose the regular octagon form and also studied the relationship between the driving voltage and working distance about the PI-cantilever , which aimed at optimizing the structure of the PI-cantilever in length , width and thickness .

  16. 本文讨论了三相大中型绕线式异步电机的双层转子绕组如何从传统的由整距线圈、短矩线圈及引线线圈组成的结构,改变成仅由整距及短距两类线圈组成的绕组结构。

    The change of 2-lays rotor winding constitution for 3-phase wound-rotor asynchronous motors of large and medium capacity from complete and short pitch as well as lead coils into complete and short pitch coils is discussed in this paper .