
  • 网络Linearity;linear;Degree Of Linearity;LSB
  1. PET系统空间线性度的质控测量

    Quality Control Test for System Spatial Linearity of PET

  2. CMOS射频前端电路设计中的低噪声、高线性度研究

    Research on Low Noise , High Linearity RF Front end Circuit Design with CMOS Technology

  3. C高;高线性度低频压控振荡器的设计

    Design of a High Linearity , Low Frequency VCO

  4. 线性度≥0.8%传感器对被测体的作用力<1×10~(-9)N。

    The acting force of transducer is < 1 × 10 ~ ( - 9 ) N.

  5. 采用0.18μmCMOSRF模型的高线性度降频混频电路的设计

    A highly linear down-conversion mixer with 0.18 μ m CMOS RF model

  6. MOSFET输出阻抗对混频器线性度影响分析

    The Effect of MOSFET Output Impedance on Linearity in the CMOS Gilbert Mixer

  7. 改进表面分流型二维PSD传感器线性度的实验研究

    Linearity of the Improved 2 - Dimensional PSD

  8. 一种新型高线性度MOS采样开关

    A Novel Sampling Switch with Improved Linearity

  9. 对退磁曲线线性度较好的磁体,提出一种用数学方法计算磁体B=f(H)关系和磁通损失数学表达式的方法。

    The method of calculation of demagnetizing curve and magnetic flux loss based on magnets with good linearity of demagnetizing curve have been showed in this paper .

  10. 该电路采用恒流源供电的输入电路,提高了信号电压Vt与温度T的线性度。

    The constant current supply for the input circuit is adopted , improving the linear relation between the signal voltage V , and temperature T.

  11. 调频线性度与FMCW雷达距离分辨力的关系

    The Relationship Between FM Linearity and Range Resolution in FMCW Radar

  12. 讨论了CMOS射频低噪声放大器的相关设计问题,对影响其增益、噪声系数、线性度等性能指标的因素进行了分析,并综述了几种提高其综合性能指标的方法。

    On discussing CMOS RF LNA performance of gain , noise figure and linear degree and analysing the method to improve the comprehensive performance .

  13. 研究了一种高线性度、低杂散宽带LFM雷达波形信号的实现方法。

    A new method to produce high-linear , low-spurious and wide-band LFM radar wave signal is proposed .

  14. 在提高VCO的电调线性度方面,本论文还设计了开环线性校正电路。

    A circuit for open loop linearization of electronic tuning characteristic of VCO is designed .

  15. 三毫米FMCW组件及高线性度实时校正技术

    FMCW Front Ends at W-band and Technique of Highly Linear Real-Time Calibration

  16. SCR触发器常以锯齿波为主,其线性度较好,但结构复杂,成本较高。

    SCR contactor usually used zigzag wave , which linearity is better , but structure is complex and cost is expensive .

  17. 高线性度VCO的研制

    The Design of High Linearity VCO

  18. FMCW信号的高线性度校正与测量技术

    High Linearity Correction and Test Technique for FMCW Signals

  19. 首次用有限元方法研究了PSD结构对PSD线性度的影响。

    The finite-element method ( FEM ) is firstly used to study the relationship between the construction and the linearity of PSD .

  20. 在微应变的解调上,CZT的解调结果的线性度为0.9994。

    The linearity of demodulation result is 0.9994 in micro-strain test . 2 .

  21. 这些调制方式产生的调制信号具有很高的功率峰均比(PAR),要求发射机在更大的动态范围内保持比较高的线性度。

    These modulated signals with a high peak-to-average power ratio ( PAR ) demand that the transmitter keep high linearity at larger dynamic range .

  22. 首先分析了RFCMOS工艺中常用元器件的高频寄生效应,论述了低噪声放大器几个重要指标:噪声、线性度、阻抗匹配。

    Firstly , this thesis analyzed high-frequency parasitic effect of common components under RF CMOS process , and discussed several important indicators of LNA : noisy , linearity and impedance matching .

  23. 利用该器件设计了一种模拟信号与DSP隔离与检测的硬件电路,较好地解决了将AGC信号采集到DSP过程中测量范围小、线性度低的问题。

    An applied hardware circuit for checking analog signal isolated with DSP is designed , which can resolve the problem of narrow measuring scope and low linearity when collects AGC into DSP .

  24. 一般而言,电路的低噪声与高线性度很难同时得到满足,这主要是受限于MOS器件的特性和普通的电路设计技术。

    Generally , low noise and high linearity can 't be accomplished simultaneously because of the MOSFET physics limitations as well as the regular circuit design philosophy .

  25. 温度传感器中应用了反向的Wilder电流镜,其线性度提高到0.47‰FS。

    A reverse Wilder current mirror is used to improve the linearity of the temperature sensor . The simulated linearity is 0.47 ‰ FS .

  26. 为了在效率和线性度之间取得良好折中,一个重要的方法是让HBT的偏置点随输入信号的功率变化而变化。

    In order to make a good tradeoff between efficiency and linearity , an important method is to vary the bias point with input power .

  27. 另外,我们提出了一种电容版图设计简单、反馈系数大、噪声小、线性度高的PGA结构。

    We propose a new PGA structure , which makes a capacitance matching and layout relatively simple , large feedback coefficient , low noise , high linearity .

  28. 设计制作了适合于磁悬浮装置的、线性度好、灵敏度高、响应速度快,精度高的PSD光电位移传感器。

    In the control system , a good linearity , high sensitive , quick response speed PSD displacement sensor is designed , whose characteristic is well fit for the suspension system .

  29. LTE系统中下行方案采用了非恒定包络调制方式的正交频分复用技术,该技术对功率放大器的线性度有很高的要求。

    LTE system adopts OFDM as the modulation mode , which is an inconstant envelope modulation ; and so on impose higher requirements on the linearity of power amplifiers .

  30. TWX小型位移差动变压器式传感器线性度的测定与分析

    Test and Analysis about the Linear Accuracy of the TWX Miniature Linear Variable Differential Transformer