
  • 网络tissue processing;Tissue handling;Structure Treating
  1. 生物组织处理装置温度的分级模糊控制

    Classifiable fuzzy contorl of temperature in tissue processing equipment

  2. 针对下级政府及公办学校的责任人,主要采取约谈、通报批评、组织处理、移交监察机关或司法机关等问责方式。

    The main administrators7 of lower governments and public schools can be held accountable through having talks , name and shame , administrative punishment , or being handed over to law enforcement authorities and supervisory commissions , it said .

  3. 通知指出,组织处理是教育干部、管理干部的必备手段,是全面从严治党的重要措施。

    The office also issued a circular on the implementation of the regulation , noting that organizational punishment is an essential means to educate and administer cadres , as well as a significant measure to ensure full and strict governance over the Party .

  4. 在采用服务和SOA的路上通常需要组织处理独特项目目标和约束。

    The path to adopting services and SOA often requires organizations to deal with unique project goals and constraints .

  5. 用IBM-PC微机进行提花织物的组织处理

    Application of IBM-PC Microcomputer to Handling Jacquard Fabric Weave

  6. 威尔逊还采用招标方式选择合作伙伴帮助这个组织处理资金管理业务,最终把这项任务从ETS身上剥离了出来。

    Wilson also put the organization 's money management to bid and moved that task away from the testing contractor .

  7. 利用对象关系型数据库Oracle来存储和管理南极数据,在Oraclespatial中利用R树为地图数据建立空间索引,通过数据分块和影像金字塔的建立对影像数据进行了优化组织处理。

    Oracle database has been used to stored and managed Antarctic data . The R-tree method in Oracle Spatial has been used to build spatial Index for map data . To optimize organization and handle image data by dividing data and building image pyramid .

  8. 论文提出利用二进制剖分算法将不同空间分辨率的遥感影像数据进行多级自组织处理MLSO(Multiple-layerself-Organization),将中高低分辨率的数据根据相互关联的采样策略进行重采样处理。

    This story shows MLSO ( Multiple-Layer self-Organization ) of remote sensing data in different resolutions using binary section algorithm , re-sampling various resolution levels data according to their sampling strategies .

  9. 异体脱细胞真皮基质在种植区唇侧软组织处理中的应用

    Buccal soft tissue augmentation using acellular dermal matrix in implant therapy

  10. 也就是说,现在,索赔事宜由一个不同的组织处理。

    AZUZ : So , a different group is the claims .

  11. 不断地确认要求和组织处理变更的能力。

    Continuously validate compliance and the organization 's ability to handle change .

  12. 电力电缆在线监测数据传输及组织处理[毛织物]色线增艳

    Transmission and Processing of On-line Monitoring Data for Power Cable

  13. 用激光组织处理开发高图像清晰度薄板

    Development of high image clarity steel sheet by laser texturing

  14. 提花织物中过渡色组织处理方法探讨

    An Investigation of Weave Processing Method for Interim Colour in Jacquard System

  15. 微波技术在病理组织处理中的应用

    Role of Microwave in Handling Tumor Tissues for Pathology Study

  16. 难定性涉嫌违纪干部移作组织处理的负面效应探讨

    A Probe into the Negative Side in Giving the Suspected Discipline-Violating Cadre a Disciplinary Treatment

  17. 为上司或组织处理通信联系和行政工作的助手。

    An assistant who handles correspondence and clerical work for a boss or an organization .

  18. 整党中需要作组织处理的,在全党,只是很少数。

    During the rectification movement only a few Party members will be subjected to organizational sanctions .

  19. 会议也解决了七项原本可能需要经世界贸易组织处理的有关高科技产品、农业和知识产权保护的争端。

    They also resolved seven potential World Trade Organization cases on high-technology products , agriculture and intellectual-property protection .

  20. 一些组织处理受到严格规定的拥有关系任务或关系生命的产品的过程,例如,航空电子学或医药学。

    Some organizations deal with highly regulated processes that have mission-critical or life-critical products , such as avionics or pharmaceuticals .

  21. 凡属应由下级组织处理的问题,如无特殊情况,上级领导机关不要干预。

    Except in special circumstances , higher leading bodies should not interfere with matters that ought to be handled by lower organizations .

  22. 第四章中涉及了一些具有传统特色的空间组织处理手法。相对于传统学生评价,我们不难看出它的优势所在。

    The forth chapter has some ways with traditional traits . Compared with the traditional ways of estimation , it has many advantages .

  23. 优先事项需要与世卫组织处理紧迫卫生需要的独特有利地位相匹配,资金也应支持这些优先事项。

    Priorities need to match urgent health needs which WHO is uniquely well-placed to address , and funding needs to align with these priorities .

  24. 组织处理培训模块的相关事务,包括:通知培训学员相关信息,组织培训相关的所有常规工作,编印讲师分配的相关资料。

    Organising training modules including sending information to trainee , organising all logistical aspects for the training session and collecting and compiling the material for the delegate packs .

  25. 在种植Ⅰ期和Ⅱ期手术时,有多种手术瓣设计和软组织处理方法的报道,以尽量保存软组织的外形与轮廓。

    For stage 1 and stage 2 of implant surgery , various surgical flap designs and soft tissue management procedures aim at preserving the contours of soft tissues .

  26. 目的:通过对牙合龈距过低磨牙固定修复病例进行总结分析,探讨这类牙体缺损及牙列缺损进行固定修复时,牙周组织处理的几种方法的设计及疗效。

    Objective : Assess the effectiveness and periodontal treatment characteristic of fixed prosthesis for dental defect or defect of dentition in the region of molar with lower occlusogingival distance .

  27. 在对错误倾向、坏人坏事作思想斗争和组织处理的问题上,这些年来党内确实滋长了过分容忍。

    In waging ideological struggle against negative tendencies , persons and acts and in meting out organizational sanctions , party people have tended in recent years to be a little too tolerant .

  28. 凡属全国性质的问题和需要在全国范围内作统一决定的问题,应当由中央组织处理,以利于党的集中统一;

    All questions of a national character or questions that require a uniform decision for the whole country shall be handled by the Central Party organizations so as to contribute to the centralism and unity of the party .

  29. 影响种植义齿美观的因素包括种植区的解剖条件,种植体的位置和在种植体植入与修复过程中各阶段的软组织处理。

    Factors of importance for implant aesthetics include the anatomy of the implant recipient site , the position of the implant in the jaw and the soft tissue management procedures during the various phases of implant placement and restoration .

  30. 应用80-I型多功能外固定器跨踝关节超关节外固定治疗15例胫腓骨下段开放粉碎性骨折伴踝关节骨折或脱位,结合软组织处理,预后优良率达90%以上。

    From 1987 to 1996 , 15 cases of serious open fractures of the lower segments of the tibial and fibula accompanied with dislocation or fractures of the ankle joint were treated with 80-I type external fixator by fixing across the ankle joint .