
  • 网络organizational growth;organic growth
  1. 基于这个原因,ROI很难成为衡量组织成长或者改进有效性的标准。

    For this reason , ROI does not easily lend itself to being a measure of the effectiveness of organizational growth or improvement efforts .

  2. 为了应对组织成长和持续提高营销组织绩效,需要不断结合环境变化和企业发展战略设计和调整营销组织结构。

    In order to deal with the organizational growth and improve the marketing organizational performance , the structure of marketing organization should be designed and adjusted with the change of environment and enterprise development strategy continuously .

  3. SWOT分析是一种识别和分析组织成长机会的正式框架。

    SWOT analysis is a normal frame to identify and analyses organization opportunity .

  4. 如Han、Kim与Srivastava(1998)研究显示,创新性可以有效地预测组织成长及获利性等组织绩效指标。

    Such as the research showed by Han 、 Kim and Srivastava ( 1998 ), innovation can forecast the organizational performance indexes effectively .

  5. 这是员工自身职业生涯发展和组织成长的必经之路。

    This is the way of growth of employee 's career and development of corporation .

  6. 专业化交易组织成长与区域经济发展&再论农村市场经济发展的义乌模式

    Growth of Specialized Transaction Organizations and Development of Regional Economy-Second Discussion on " Yiwu Mode " of Rural Market Economy Development

  7. 产业发展能力指一个城市单体及总体产业产生、成长和演进的能力,主要体现在城市产业结构竞争能力、产业空间聚集能力和产业组织成长能力三个方面。

    This ability mainly expresses three aspects : industry structure competition ability , industry centralizing ability and industry organization development ability .

  8. 目前,福建农民专业合作组织成长过程中,存在发展不均衡性、不规范以及缺乏有效外部制度保障等主要问题;

    Nowadays , there are disparities , irregular practice and a lack of guarantee of exteral system in the development of Fujian farmers ' professional cooperative organizations .

  9. 人力资源一直被认为是影响组织成长与发展的重要因素,企业只有拥有了优秀及充足的人力资源储备,才能在日益严峻的竞争中立于不败之地。

    Human resource is considered as the most important factor which affects organizations ' growth and development , organizations with outstanding and sufficient human resource reserve always have occupation advantage in the increasingly severe competition .

  10. 优质的领导可以凝聚企业的向心力,建立优良的企业文化,而有力的领导往往也是组织成长、变革和再生之最重要关键因素。

    The high-quality leadership can condense the centripetal force of enterprises and set up fine corporate culture and the strong leadership is often the most important key factor of an organization ' developing , improving and recycling .

  11. 为了有效地应对复杂多变的市场经济环境与人际关系,企业员工必须树立专业的形象,明确的目标,并为了促使组织成长和发展而理解组织团体内个体的心理变化。

    To respond more effectively to the complex and volatile market economic environment and interpersonal relationships , the employees must establish a professional image , a clear objective , and understand the psychology change of the individual to promote the organization growth and development .

  12. 对人力资源激励作用机理进行了系统分析,在借鉴已有科研成果的基础上,对我国企业人力资源激励系统薪酬激励和组织成长激励进行了设计。

    Under the analysis of the function mechanism carrying on the system to the human resource , in drawing results from the previous research , the essay designs a human resource encouragement system with the salary encouragement and the enterprise human resource organization for growing up .

  13. 你的想法对组织的成长和未来都是宝贵的。

    Your opinion is valuable to the organization 's growth and future .

  14. 然而错误,随着组织的成长而变化。

    As your organization grows , the mistakes change .

  15. 知识是学习型企业的食粮,它滋养着组织的成长。

    Knowledge is the food of the learning enterprises .

  16. 在保守派游说组织“成长俱乐部”的评分里,他整个政治生涯的是78分;

    His lifetime rating from the Club for Growth , a conservative pressure group , is currently 78 % ;

  17. 对于初试者来说,当一个小的组织逐渐成长成为一个大的企业组织时,事情变化了,你的过程也必须相应变化。

    For starters , as smaller organizations grow to enterprise organizations , things change and your processes must change as well .

  18. 特别是,每一种制度,或社会,或政治组织,成长到成熟,完成了它的使命,然后就会让路给一些不同的事物。

    Particularly , each institution or social or political organism grows to maturity , fulfils its mission , and then gives way to something different .

  19. 处在该时期的中国,社会组织的成长和发展被中国特殊的国情赋予了特定的功能和历史使命。

    In the period of social transition of China , by which the growth and development of social organization is given its specific function and mission .

  20. 西双版纳州妇女儿童心理法律咨询服务中心的成长道路,对我国本地非政府组织的成长具有借鉴意义。

    The way that the Xishuangbanna Women and Children Counseling and Legal Aid Center develops has special implication for the local NGOs to develop in China .

  21. 第三章,着力并详细分析了我国民间组织的成长因素及其对生态政治变迁的积极作用,它也是本论文的重点部分。

    The third chapter , a detailed analysis of the growth of civil organizations on ecopolitics ' transition , it is also the focus of this paper .

  22. 由于对抗关系的历史缺位,在我国非营利组织的成长过程中这种合作关系缺乏独立性,无法使政府与非营利组织建立真正的合作关系。

    However , because of the historical absence of adversary relationship , the status of NOP in the cooperation lacks independence , thus makes it impossible to establish a true cooperative relationship among them .

  23. 认为,当前我国非政府组织的成长必须与政府建立良好的合作伙伴关系,在体制内得到生存,体制外得到发展,而不是脱离政府体制寻求独立发展道路。

    It is the author 's opinion that the NGO must develop in close partnership with the government , survive within the system and develop outside , and that total detachment from the government to develop independently is not advisable .

  24. 如当代中国城市社会出现社区类型多样化、社区利益主体多元化、社区功能社会化和社区非正式组织快速成长等新的发展趋势。

    For example , diversification of community types , pluralization of main bodies benefiting from the community , socialization of community function and rapid growth of informal community organizations embody the new tendency of the Chinese urban society of the present age .

  25. 因此,随着国家对中药现代化的逐步重视,对鹿茸富含调控上述各器官组织发育成长的各种多肽类细胞生长因子的研究是十分有意义的。

    As the country gradually attaching increasingly importance to the modernization of Chinese medicine , deer antler , which is rich in control of the organs and tissues to grow and develop a variety of peptide cell growth factor , is therefore very meaningful .

  26. 更新理财观,促进非营利组织持续健康成长

    Renew the Financing Viewpoint and Promote the NPO Growth

  27. 构建内在激励策略要注重满足组织成员自我成长、尊重、工作自主和成就感的内在需要。

    To construct inner incentive strategy requires self-growing , respect , independence and sense of achievement of each individual .

  28. 为最初的学习和进行的试验预留一些空间对于自组织团队的成长与持续改进来说是非常重要的。

    Allowing some space of initial learning and on-going experimentation is important for self-organizing teams to grow and continuously improve .

  29. 我相信该组织的进一步成长和扩大,将会有利于世界和地区的和平、稳定,也会为推进区域经济合作发挥越来越重要的作用。

    Its further development will help safeguard regional and world peace and stability and play an increasingly important role in advancing regional economic cooperation .

  30. 酒店作为一个经济与人融合的组织,其成长过程和内部成员的物理状态与心理状态都处于一个不断的流变过程中。

    As an organization of economy and people , the growth of the hotel and the physical and psychological states of the human resources will always be changing .