
shēn shì fēnɡ dù
  • gentility;gentlemanly (or gentleman's ) manner
绅士风度 [shēn shì fēng dù,shēn shì pài tóu,shēn shì qì]
  • [gentility] 具有绅士特征的,指文明高雅的身份

  • 帽子和凉鞋…都带着绅士气

  1. 他为人谦和而且有绅士风度,认识他的人都很尊重他。

    He was respected by all who knew him for his kind and gentlemanly consideration .

  2. 他始终保持绅士风度,没有拔脚就跑,只是试图移步走开。

    A gentleman to the last , he did not run , but merely attempted to stroll away

  3. Graham是一个亲切并且有绅士风度的人,与新郎新娘见面握手后,协助他们在红地毯上车。

    A gracious gentleman , Graham meets the couple with a hand shake and helps them to enter the car , with a red carpet entry .

  4. 韩庚的表现很是专业和具绅士风度。

    Han Geng carries himself as a professional and a gentleman .

  5. 如果你亲她,那你就没有绅士风度。

    If you kiss her , you are not a gentleman .

  6. 事实上,那是会被认为没有绅士风度的。

    In fact , it is thought to be ungentlemanly .

  7. 你是我见过最具绅士风度的男士但是

    The most gentlemanlike man I know and yet you would

  8. 但是他的确很有绅士风度。

    But he does have a gentlemanly way about him .

  9. 刚才你做的可真有绅士风度。

    That was a noble thing you did back there .

  10. 你能把座位让出来,真是太有绅士风度了!

    It was very gallant of you to give up your seat !

  11. 用嚼的,别用吞的,要有绅士风度。

    Chew food , not swallow whole , be gentleman .

  12. 帕尔是一个温文尔雅、有绅士风度的家伙。

    And Mr. Parr is a courtly and gentle fellow .

  13. 我觉得他确实是个很有绅士风度的人。

    Decidedly , I think , a very gentleman-like man .

  14. 具有绅士风度,但不要过分呵护她。

    Be a gentleman without hanging all over her .

  15. 有绅士风度的人才是绅士。

    He is a gentleman that has gentle conditions .

  16. 小卡迪尤这些日子来确实很有绅士风度。

    Young Cardew is quite the gentleman these days .

  17. 他很有绅士风度。

    He seems to be much of a gentleman .

  18. 每一个人都围住了他们,英国式的绅士风度被抛到了一边,大哭大笑起来。

    Everyone was around them , British reserve broken down , laughing , crying .

  19. 你知道的,你很可爱,很有绅士风度。

    You know , you 're cute in a Theo Huxtable kind of way .

  20. 天秤座的人具有优雅的绅士风度,喜欢受人钦佩和赞扬。

    Libras have gentle and refined personalities and like to be praised and pampered .

  21. 不一样的绅士风度!

    Not the same demeanor of a gentleman !

  22. 不管怎么说,一开始是为了彰显绅士风度来着。

    For what it 's worth , it started off as a gentlemanly act .

  23. 文森特对那群女孩很有绅士风度

    Vincent was being gentlemanly towards the girls ,

  24. 长久以来,我尊敬英国,我还是绅士风度的迷恋者。

    For long , I respect Britain , I am the gentry demeanor captive .

  25. 在生活的竞赛中保持绅士风度;

    to play the game like a gentleman ;

  26. 还有比这身装扮更具绅士风度的吗?

    Can you get more gentlemanly than this ?

  27. 彬格莱先生仪表堂堂,大有绅士风度,而且和颜悦色,没有拘泥做作的气习。

    Mr. Bingley was good looking and gentlemanlike ;

  28. 态度高尚的[绅士风度的]人暴发户永远不会有绅士风度。

    A man of lofty [ gentlemanly ] bearing Jack will never be a gentleman .

  29. 暴发户永远不会有绅士风度。

    Jack will never be a gentleman .

  30. 他们还更具绅士风度。

    They 're also much more gentlemanly .