
xì bāo ɡān zhònɡ
  • dry cell weight
  1. 当以糖蜜为碳源时,积累的Poly(3HB)达到细胞干重的28.4%。

    When molasses was used , up to 28.4 % of poly ( 3HB ) to cellular dry weight was accumulated .

  2. 该藻蛋白含量最高可达75.32%细胞干重。

    The protein content of the microalgae was 75.32 % in cell dry weight .

  3. 细胞干重与其余的各参数之间的都呈负相关。

    The cell dry weight all assumes the inverse correlation with other various parameters between .

  4. 实验结果表明二折叶桨圆池在叶绿素含量上有一定的优势,在细胞干重和油脂含量上,由于实验条件不理想,有待进一步观察。

    The experiment results shows that the former is better in Chlorophyll content . In cell dry weight and lipid content , the experimental conditions is not satisfactory , so further experiment should be done .

  5. 研究表明:在30~35℃范围内,螺旋藻混合营养生长良好,最终收获的细胞干重、蛋白质和多糖的总量最多。

    Those results showed : the mixotrophic growth was better and obtained finally much more cell dry-weight , much more total content of protein and polysaccharide from S. platensis during the temperature of 30 ℃ ~ 35 ℃ .

  6. 用X-ray能谱及原子吸收光谱研究,发现Ca(Ⅱ)仅占米根霉细胞壁干重的0.036%。

    As studied by X-ray energy spectrum and atomic absorption spectrum , the cell wall of Rhizopus Oryzae contains only 0 . 036 % of calcium in dry weight .

  7. 软骨微粒脱细胞基质干重密度为0.6547g/mL,湿重密度为1.0627g/mL,含水量为72%。

    The dry density of them was 0.6547 g / mL and the wet was 1.062 7 g / mL , and the content of water was 72 % .

  8. 紫丁香苷得率约为细胞培养物干重的0.3%,同时对分离得到的紫丁香苷进行了初步药理活性评价。

    The yield of syringin is about 0.3 % of the dry weight of cell cultures .

  9. 通过对细胞鲜重、干重和FDA染色活力检测,发现细胞生长在3-4天时处于对数期,此时的细胞最稳定、活性强可以用于进一步的实验。

    Cell growth in 3-4 days in the log phase was found according to testing cell fresh weight , dry weight and vigor test of FDA staining , and during this phase cells grew very well , and were in the condition of stable and strong activity .

  10. 通过分光光度法来测定微藻的生物量,建立了目标微藻吸光度与藻细胞密度/藻细胞干重的相关曲线。

    Microalgae biomass was expressed by absorbency , and the standard curves of absorbency of target microalgae VS cells concentration / dry weight were built up , too .

  11. 细胞鲜重(mFW)和细胞干重(mDW)则与细胞数目不同,没有明显的对数期,基本上呈逐步上升的状态;

    Contrast to the cell number , fresh weight ( m FW ) and dry weight ( m DW ) had no apparent logarithmic phase , but a gradually rising tendency appeared .

  12. 在开始的几天中,悬浮培养中的细胞呈对数生长,即细胞鲜重、干重和DNA含量(表明细胞分裂)快速增加。

    Cells in suspension culture show logarithmic growth , with rapid increase in fresh weight , dry weight and DNA content ( indicating ceil division ) over the first few days .

  13. 除了细胞活力OD值外,其余个参数与细胞干重的相关系数都在-0.95以上。

    In addition to the OD values of cell viability , the other parameters with cell dry weight in the correlation coefficient above -0.95 .

  14. 在室外条件下,细胞内脂类、蛋白质的含量都有较大的下降,分别从细胞干重的17.045%和4.412%下降为9.746%和2.254%。

    Compared with those grew in indoor , the contents of lipid and protein were all decreased significantly from 17.05 % and 4.412 % to 9.746 % and 2.254 % respectively .