
xì jūn jūn luò
  • bacterial colony;bacterial clump
  1. 不同浓度营养物质对细菌菌落分形生长的影响

    Effects of the Concentration Field of Nutrient on Bacterial Colony Formation

  2. 结果消毒灭菌前平均细菌菌落数5.3CFU/ml,消毒后灭菌平均细菌菌落数0.4CFU/ml。

    Results The average amount of bacterial colony before sterilization was 5.3CFU / ml , but that after sterilization was 0.4CFU/ml .

  3. 为进一步确诊,医院实验室必须培养一个细菌菌落。

    To confirm the diagnosis , the hospital laboratory must culture a colony of bacteria .

  4. 将血小板型PLA2和抗菌药分别单独以及联合作用于金黄色葡萄球菌,通过测定细菌菌落数来评价杀菌效果。

    S.aureus was treated by the PLA2 or antibacterial drug alone or by the combination of both . Antibacterial activity was determined by counting CFU of bacteria .

  5. 本文以持水能力、TBA值、质地特性、K值、细菌菌落总数和感官鉴定指标为依据,研究了空气解冻、流水解冻、真空解冻和微波解冻,并作比较。

    Water holding capacity , TBA value , textural properties , total bacterial counts sensory evaluation were studied on the quality of defrozen HAIRTAIL FISH by the thawing methods of air , running water , vacuum microwave thawing .

  6. 检验指标包括色度、浑浊度、pH值、总硬度、铁、锰、氨氮、亚硝酸氮、硝酸盐氮、硫酸盐、氟化物、细菌菌落总数、总大肠菌群和粪大肠菌群。

    The indexes for the test were mainly chroma , turbidity , PH , the total hardness , Fe , Mn , ammonia nitrogen , nitrite nitrogen , nitrate nitrogen , sulfate , fluoride , colony forming unit ( cfu ), total coliform , and fecal coliform .

  7. 结石核心、外周、胆汁和胆囊黏膜细菌菌落数对数值(cfu)分别为3.19±2.09、3.26±2.05、3.23±2.14和3.28±2.70。

    The bacteria concentrations in core and periphery part of gallstones , bile and gallbladder mucosa were 3.19 ± 2.09 , 3.26 ± 2.05 , 3.23 ± 2.14 and 3.28 ± 2.70 cfu ( log value ) respectively .

  8. 但负压扫床器扫床后30、60min病房空气细菌菌落数与湿式扫床法比较有显著性差异(P<0.05);

    Germ quantities in the air at 30 , 60 min after cleaning with pressurized bed sweeper were observed to be significantly smaller than those with wet cleaning method ( P < 0.05 ) .

  9. 细菌菌落特征一致率967%。

    The accordance rate of colony trait of those bacteria was 96.7 % .

  10. 两组细菌菌落数比较,差异亦无显著性意义(P>0.05)。

    There was no significant difference in colony counting .

  11. 水分含量低的牛肉干细菌菌落总数最少。

    Low moisture content beef jerky has the least of total number of bacterial colonies .

  12. 光合细菌菌落计数培养基的研究

    Photosynthetic Bacteria ( PSB ) Colony-Counting Medium

  13. 比较两组创面细菌菌落数及疗效。

    The count of bacterial colonies and healing of wound surface were compared in the two groups .

  14. 环境卫生学监测细菌菌落总数换算简表的应用研究

    Study on the Application of the Simplified Conversion Table for Count of Total Bacterial Colonies in Environmental Hygienic Monitoring

  15. 烧伤病房换药前后空气中细菌菌落数的动态观察和对策

    Dynamic Observation and Measurement of Bacteria Colonial Counting in the Air around Changing the Dressing in the Brn ward

  16. 2,3,5-三苯基氯化四氮唑浓度对细菌菌落计数影响的验证

    The Validation of Bacterial Count and Bacterial Colony Affected by Concentration of 2,3 , 5 - Triphenyl Tetrazolium Chloride

  17. 新生儿重症监护室中空气细菌菌落数影响因素分析

    The effects of total number of health care workers in NICU and air cleaner on colony population of air bacteria in NICU

  18. 结果使用医用空气消毒净化机可将室内空气中细菌菌落数降至<58.3CFU/m3;

    Results The CFU of bacteria in operation room air could be reduced to less than 58.3 CFU / m3 with sterilization and cleaning instrument .

  19. 盐胁迫条件下,盐敏感品种土壤细菌菌落数量和真菌菌落数量显著低于耐盐品种。

    Salt stress condition , salt sensitive varieties the number of soil bacterial colonies quantity and fungi colonies are lower than the salt resistant varieties .

  20. 就如同深蓝色细菌菌落暗示存在肺吸入性或血液播散性炎症一样,更局限化的脓肿灶包含嗜中性细胞。

    This more focal ace containing a neutrophilic exudate as well as dark blue bacterial colonies suggests airation or hematogenous read of infection to the lung .

  21. 结果细菌菌落着红色,被检样品不着色,使细菌菌落与样品中的絮状颗粒及气泡明显区分开来。

    Result Bacterium turns red and the sample remains its original colour , so that bacterium are easy to be distinguished from air bubbles and floccose granule .

  22. 结果四种方法均能使口腔内细菌菌落数明显降低,且护理前后有显著差异(P<0.001)。

    Results The four methods could lower oral bacterial colony counting remarkably and there was a significant difference ( P < 0.001 ) before and after nursing .

  23. 相关分析显示腹膜功能的恶化与腹水白细胞计数相关而与腹水细菌菌落计数无相关。

    Further analysis showed that peritoneal function was negatively correlated to the WBC counting of peritoneal fluid , without correlation to the amount of bacteria in the peritoneal cavity .

  24. 结果:每周下送车内的细菌菌落数均≤5cfu/cm3,符合无菌物品放置的标准要求;

    Results the average number of germ colony inspected from delivering vehicles every week is less than 5CFU / cm3 , accorded with the standard requirements for depositing the aseptic stuff ;

  25. 结果肥皂洗手前100%不合格,洗手后合格率7363%(细菌菌落数分别为37.11±2236和7.53±6.56)P<0.01,差异有显著意义。

    Result the qualified rate for hand washing were as following ; 73.63 % after soap water washing , there is significantly different compared with those without washing ( P < 0.05 ) .

  26. 方法系统回顾本院新生儿科空气净化层流病房投入使用前后病房空气、物体表面、医护人员手的细菌菌落总数及合格率资料。

    Methods Retrospective study the data of total numbers of colony and qualification rate on the air , body surface and hand of staff before and after lamina flow used in newborn nursery .

  27. 12.肠系膜淋巴结、肝、脾组织和器官的细菌菌落计数在完全梗阻组3天、不完全梗阻组5天时显著升高。

    The colony counts of the mesenteric lymph nodes , liver and spleen increased significantly on POD 3 in the complete obstruction group and on POD 5 in the partial obstruction group respectively.13 .

  28. 结果①相对静止状态细菌菌落数少于活动状态时,两组有显著性差异(P<0.05)。

    Results ① the two groups have significant differences ( P < 0.05 ), when the bacteria colonies from relative stationary state group were lower than active condition group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  29. 检测鱼类新鲜度的常规方法是测定其总挥发性盐基氮(TVB&N)或细菌菌落总数,手续繁琐且代价较高。

    The conventional determination of the freshness of fish is to detect total volatile basic nitrogen ( TVB-N , GB ) or number of microbe colonies . But these methods are all complex and expensive .

  30. 方法在医护人员正常工作的情况下,对百级、万级、10万级洁净手术间进行手术不同阶段的细菌菌落数监测及手术区与周边区的尘埃粒子数监测。

    Methods Under normal working conditions , the number of bacterial colonies and dust particles in operating area and peripheral areas of bio-clean operating rooms ( Grades 102,104,105 ) were monitored at different time points .