
xì jūn zhuǎn huà
  • bacterial transformation
  1. 黄铜矿细菌转化与浸出机理探讨

    Discuss on the Bacterial Transformation and Leaching Mechanism of Chalcopyrite

  2. 电泳分析及细菌转化实验表明PEI能降低超声声振对质粒结构及功能的破坏。

    Agarose gel electrophoresis and bacteria transformation showed that PEI had the ability to provide the protection of plasmid DNA from ultrasonic degradation .

  3. 方法将含有p53结合位点的hsp90β基因片段插入质粒pBS-SK,然后将它与突变引物和选择引物一起依次退火和延伸,经过两轮细菌转化,酶切筛选出突变阳性质粒后进行序列分析。

    Methods The binding site was first inserted into pBS-SK . After the plasmid annealing and elongation with mutagenic and selective primers , nuclease digestion and bacteria transformation was performed twice to select the positive mutated plasmid .

  4. 通过对鸡志贺氏菌β-内酰胺酶及ESBLs的测定、质粒提取、细菌转化及质粒结合转移等试验,分析其耐药性与其质粒之间的关系,探讨耐药质粒在细菌间的传递方式。

    This paper identifies the drug-resistance of S.flexneri related to resistant plasmids and detects the way of resistant plasmids transfering among the bacilli through detection of β - lactamase ( indluding ESBLs ) and tests of S. flexneri resistant plasmids extraction , transformation and conjugation .

  5. 目的:了解肺炎链球菌(S.pn)在宿主体内转化发生的情况,以便于深入研究体内细菌转化对其毒力的影响.方法:通过基因重组和转化构建绿色荧光报告细菌转化发生的S。

    AIM : To study when and where streptococcus pneumoniae ( S.pn ) forms transformation in vivo so as to study the influence of pneumococcal transformation on its virulence .

  6. 改良的细菌转化方法能大幅提高转化效率。

    Improved bacterium transformation system can raise the transformation rate sharply .

  7. 光合细菌转化槲寄生制剂抗肿瘤活性初步研究

    Study on Antitumor Activity of Photosynthetic Bacteria Transforming Mistletoe Preparation

  8. 细菌转化黑色素的抗流感病毒作用

    Anti influenza Virus Activity of Melanin from Pseudomonas maltophilia

  9. 改进的细菌转化试验方法

    A modified method of transforming bacterium with plasmid DNA

  10. 光合细菌转化槲寄生作为抗肿瘤制剂中槲寄生乙醇提取浓度的选择

    Selection of Ethanol Extracting Concentration of Mistletoe in Photosynthetic Bacteria Transforming Mistletoe as Antitumor Preparation

  11. 光合细菌转化复方决明子口服液中蒽醌类成分的含量测定

    Determination of the content of anthraquinones in compound cassia seed oral solution transformed by photosynthetic bacteria

  12. 方法:硫酸蒽酮作为显色液,采用比色法测定光合细菌转化槲寄生培养液中多糖含量。

    Method : Polysaccharide in cultivating liquid of photosynthetic bacteria transforming ramulus viscid was determined by colorimetry .

  13. 甜菜根包含高浓度的硝酸盐,它可被口腔内细菌转化为亚硝酸盐。

    Beet roots contain high concentrations of nitrates , which are converted into nitrites by bacteria in the mouth .

  14. 目的:建立光合细菌转化槲寄生培养液中多糖的含量测定方法。

    Objective : To establish a method for the determination of polysaccharide in cultivating liquid of photosynthetic bacteria transforming ramulus viscid .

  15. 结论:所用方法操作简便,重复性好,适用于光合细菌转化槲寄生培养液中多糖的含量测定。

    Conclusion : The method is simple , accurate , reproducible and suitable for the determination of polysaccharide in cultivating liquid of photosynthetic bacteria transforming ramulus viscid .

  16. PCR扩增同源重组片段筛选转基因胚胎应用细菌质粒转化技术,将大肠杆菌K(?)

    Identification of Transgenic Embryo Using Homologous Recombinant Fragments The recombinant plasmid of E.

  17. Ri质粒转化技术是植物基因工程的一个重要方面,它与植物化学研究手段的结合,为天然产物的持续开发提供了新的技术路线。应用细菌质粒转化技术,将大肠杆菌K(?)

    The technique of Ri plasmid transformation is an important research area of plant genetic engineering . At present , Ri plasmid transformation has been combined with phytochemistry , The integration of two fields has provided newfashioned technique for exploitation of natural products .

  18. 而在37℃培养的细菌,转化效率仅在OD6000.6~0.7时出现一个锐利的峰值,此OD600值前后转化效率显著下降。

    When cultured at37 ℃, there was a sharp peak of transformation efficiency at OD6000.6-0.7 .

  19. 棒状类细菌电击转化中多种条件对转化效率的影响

    The Factors Affected Transformation Efficiency of Coryneform Bacteria by Electroporation

  20. 高渗透压对细菌电转化率的影响

    Effect of High Osmolarity on Electrotransformation Efficiency of Bacteria

  21. 山柰苷的人肠内细菌生物转化研究

    The biotransformation of kaempferitrin by human intestinal flora

  22. 细菌遗传转化与水平基因转移

    Genetic Transformation and Horizontal Gene Transfer in Bacterium

  23. 大量研究证明细菌的转化与其进化、毒力因子和耐药性等生物学性状的表达密切相关。

    An extensive researches had revealed that transformation had a close correlation with exhibition of some biological characters , such as evolution , virulence factors and drug-resistance .

  24. 丝状蓝细菌AnabaenaPCC7120gfp转化系统的构建

    Construction of gfp Transformation System for Filamentous Cyanobacterium , Anabaena PCC 7120

  25. 为了获得抗真菌病的番茄材料,采用农杆菌介导法将细菌几丁质酶基因转化番茄子叶,获得了抗卡那霉素的转化植株,PCR检测初步证明细菌几丁质酶基因已整合到番茄的基因组。

    For getting tomato that resists fungi diseases , a chitinase chiA gene from Serratia marcescens was transformed into tomato cotyledons by using Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated method and transgenic plants with kanamycin resistance were obtained .

  26. 细菌几丁质酶基因转化烟草的研究

    Study on Transformation of Tobacco with a Chitinase ChiA Gene from Serratia marcescens

  27. 影响硝化细菌对NH4+-N转化的主要因素为温度、溶解氧和细菌数量。

    The major factors affecting the nitrifying bacteria to NH 4 + N are temperature , DO and biomass bacteria .

  28. 在死细胞、培养液滤出液和相关物种的提取液中发现生长中的细菌可以证明转化现象的存在。

    This may be demonstrated by growing bacteria in the presence of dead cells , culture filtrated , or extracts of related strains .

  29. 然而,专家认为,要将一种致命的细菌或病毒转化成有效的武器并不是一件容易的事:一颗常规炸弹就有可能在爆炸时摧毁病菌。

    Experts contend , however , that the transformation of a deadly virus or bacterium into an effective weapon is anything but straightforward : A conventional bomb would likely destroy the germ as it exploded .

  30. 它是指在厌氧条件下由自养型ANAMMOX细菌将NH4+-N直接转化为N2。

    It is characterized of autotrophic ANAMMOX bacteria transferring NH4 + - N to N2 in anaerobic condition .