
  • 网络The Darning-Needle
  1. 它们被赋予了各种称号,如恶魔的织补针,刺马钉,断指刀等。

    They 've been dubbed devil 's darning needles , horse stingers , and finger cutters .

  2. 因为它发出亮光,所以织补针就跟它讲话,把自己介绍成为一根领针。

    The darning-needle spoke to it , because it sparkled , and represented herself as a breast-pin .

  3. 带着不屈不挠决心的她挺直着后背的坐着,就象插在纸板上的织补针(哈利特比彻斯托)

    She sat with grim determination , upright as a darning needle stuck in a board ( Harriet Beecher Stowe )

  4. 有一天她旁边躺着一件甚么东西。这东西射出美丽的光彩。织补针认为它是一颗金刚钻。不过事实上它是一个瓶子的碎片。

    One day something lying close to the darning-needle glittered so splendidly that she thought it was a diamond ; yet it was only a piece of broken bottle .

  5. 织补针很骄傲地挺起身子,结果弄得自己从手帕上落下来了,一直落到厨子正在冲洗的污水沟里去了。

    and as she spoke , the darning-needle drew herself up so proudly that she fell out of the handkerchief right into the sink , which the cook was cleaning .