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  1. 经中等压下率冷轧和退火的含MnS抑制剂的钢中,二次晶粒长大是各向同性的。

    However , with medium rolling reduction and annealing the secondary grain growth in the steel containing MnS inhibitor is isotropic .

  2. 6~10kV电网中性点经中电阻接地的单相接地保护

    The Protection of Single phase Earth Fault in 6 ~ 10 kV Power System Grounding with Medium Resistance

  3. 细胞周期改变:与空白对照组比较,经中、高剂量小柴胡汤作用后的HL-60的细胞周期呈现阻滞于G0/G1期,S期细胞数减少的趋势。

    The changes of cell cycle : Compared to the blank control group , HL & 60 cell cycle was blocked into G0 / G1 phase and the cells amount in S phase decreased in middle-dose and high-dose Xiaochaihu decoction groups . 5 .

  4. 经中试实验,树脂熔融粘度达500Pa·s,产品收率达93%以上。

    Through the pilot scale experiment , resin-melting viscidity reached 500 Pa. s and the yields of the products was more than 93 % .

  5. 直径小于1cm的听神经瘤,经中颅凹入路和乙状窦后入路切除肿瘤均可,但中颅凹入路术野开阔,利于手术操作;

    To acoustic tumors less than 1 cm in diameter , both of the middle cranial fossa approach and retrosigmoid approach can be used , but the middle cranial fossa has broad vision , it is helpful to operate .

  6. 听神经瘤直径1cm以下患者,经中颅凹入路手术治疗后,听力保存率83%,面神经功能完好率50%;

    In patients with tumors less than 1 cm in diameter treated by surgery via the middle cranial fossa approach , the hearing preservation rate was 83 % in all patients , the facial nerve function was excellent or good in 50 % ;

  7. 应用650W功率的微波对米糠进行预处理,然后采用最佳热水浸提工艺进行提取,结果表明,米糠经中火力的微波预处理4min再用热水浸提,多糖得率明显增加,达到1.33%。

    After being treated with microwave by middling power for 4 min and then by the best hot water extraction technology in above , the extraction rate of the water-soluble polysaccharides of rice bran was 1.33 % .

  8. 直流无刷电机在织机送经中的驱动控制

    The Drive and Control of DC Brushless Motor in Loom

  9. 在大般若涅磐经中引用了一些佛教哲学的概念。

    In the Mahaparinibbana Sutra there are references to some Buddhist philosophical concepts .

  10. 经中试加工的变色人发超微结构

    The Ultrastructure of Bleaching Human Hair

  11. 这证实了天麻口服后会进入肝经中的各大脏腑组织中,从体内分布的角度初步证实了天麻归肝经的理论。

    This confirmed Gastrodia will enter the major organs of the liver meridians after oral administration .

  12. 摩经中的公(雄)母(雌)观则是壮族认识世界最基本的哲学思维方式。

    The male and female sense is their basic philosophical ways of thinking on the world .

  13. 在法句经中佛陀说涅盘是“最高的幸福”。

    The Buddha in the Dhammapada says of nirvana that it is " the highest happiness " .

  14. 如同佛陀在经中所说:“我将教你们真理,以及走向真理的道路。”

    As the Buddha says ," I will show you the truth and the path towards the truth . "

  15. 结论:从出现频率来看,三阳经中以太阳病最为常见,少阳病也较为常见;

    Conclusion : Among yang meridians the Tai-Yang disease is the commonest and the Shao-Yang disease is common too .

  16. 一而再再而三地,这两种解读,会在现代之前的解经中被强调。

    Over and over again those two levels of interpretation will be stressed in pre-modern interpretations of the Bible .

  17. 在大般若涅磐经中分散着很多韵诗和偈子。

    There are a number of stanzas ( g à th à . ) scattered all over the Mahaparinibbana Sutta .

  18. 我们可能从阿含经中的涅盘经中得到一些关于绝对真理的观点。

    We may get some idea of Nirvana as Absolute Truth from the Dhatuvibhanga-sutta ( No.140 ) of the Majjhima-nikaya .

  19. 目的对经中颅窝入路小脑脑桥角区的显露程度及其损伤程度进行定量综合评价。

    Objective To evaluate comprehensively the exposure and damage to the cerebellopontine angle region by the middle cranial fossa approach .

  20. 《妙法莲华经》被喻为经中之王,是大乘佛教最重要的经典之一。

    The Lotus Sutra , praised as King of sutras , is one of the most important sutras of Mahayana .

  21. 经中狂病的阳性证候与西医学中的精神分裂症、躁狂症、偏执性精神障碍、分裂情感性精神病等相似。

    The type of mental excitement is similar to the mental disorders of schizophrenia , mania , paranoia , split the affective psychosis of modern medicine .

  22. 然后如来再次对迦叶说:你现在应该坚持所有的这部经中的言语,章节,条款和所有的美德。

    Then the Tathagata spoke again to Kasyapa : You should now uphold all the words , chapters , clauses and all the virtues thereof of this sutra .

  23. 经中西医治疗5年后,其中1例转变为急性白血病死亡,另1例一般健康状态良好。

    One 's disease transformed into leukemia in his 13 yrs old and the other 's hemogram became very well by 5 yrs treatment with traditional and western medicine .

  24. 经中的每一字每一句都跟我们自己有关系。如果你明白了就叫“正法明”。

    In fact , each word and sentence in the sutra is important to us , and it 's just a matter of whether you know it or not .

  25. 圈闭构造为形成于晚三叠世末期的克拉玛依运动,经中-早期燕山运动的继承和发展起来的断背斜-断鼻构造;

    Faulted anticline faulted nose structure formed in Karamay movement of the end of Late Triassic , was reformed and developed by Indo China movement and early middle Yanshan movement ;

  26. 结果经中颅窝径路内听道手术径路的定位方法,国外较为传统的有5种,国内有2种新的定位方法。

    Results According to these literatures , 5 conventional modus on internal auditory cannal operation by fossae cranii media were reported abroad and 2 new modus were reported by domestic scholars .

  27. 原是为过犯添上的,等候那蒙应许的子孙来到,并且是藉天使经中保之手设立的。

    It was added because of transgressions , till the seed should come to whom the promise was made ; and it was ordained by angels in the hand of a mediator .

  28. 总的来讲在大般若涅磐经中这里有三十个叙述诗并且通过分析他们的形式,内容和表达的情绪,他们可以被分为不同的发展阶段。

    In total there are thirty stanzas in the Mahaparinibbana Sutta and by analysing the formation , the contents and the sentiments expressed , they can be assigned to various stages of development .

  29. 假如没有自我,灵性生活的目的又是什么?许多书籍试图解答这个问题,但是如果查看记载着现存最早的佛陀教导的巴利文献,你在经中根本找不到与此相关的陈述。

    Many books try to answer these questions , but if you look at the Pali Canon the earliest extant record of the Buddha 's teachings you won 't find them addressed at all .

  30. 经典说:不论看什麽或做什麽,你的心要能寂照一切,没有喜怒爱憎&这是经中的教导。

    In the scriptures it says that no matter what you see or do , may you make your mind equanimous to all of it , without like or dislike-that 's what the scriptures say .