
  • 网络hard landing
  1. 美国纽约大学斯特恩商学院(SternSchoolofBusinessatNewYorkUniversity)教授鲁里埃尔?鲁比尼(NourielRoubini)在会上指出,为了实现这一目标,中国需要面对经济硬着陆的短期风险。

    In trying to get there , it confronts the short-term risks of a hard landing , as Nouriel Roubini of the Stern School of Business at New York University pointed out at the conference .

  2. Markit信贷分析师加万诺兰(GavanNolan)表示:货币收紧所引发的中国经济硬着陆,是金融市场面临的主要风险之一。

    A hard landing for the Chinese economy , triggered by monetary tightening , is one of the main risks facing the financial markets . said Gavan Nolan , credit analyst at Markit .

  3. 这些公司的业绩急剧下降。自今年年初以来,一个追踪美国的中国借壳上市企业的彭博(Bloomberg)指数暴跌44%,对中国内地经济硬着陆的担忧加剧了跌幅。

    A Bloomberg index tracking Chinese reverse merger stocks in the US has plunged 44 per cent since the start of the year , a decline exacerbated by fears that the mainland economy is hitting a rough patch .

  4. 瑞银(UBS)经济学家汪涛表示:中国经济硬着陆的表现或与2008年第四季度以及2009年第一季度的经济形势类似,当时出口严重萎缩,工厂没有订单,数以千万计的农民工被解雇。

    A hard landing in China would look like the fourth quarter of 2008 and the first quarter of 2009 when exports collapsed , factories had no orders and migrant workers were laid off by the tens of millions , says Wang Tao , an economist at UBS .

  5. 因此,中国经济硬着陆并非不可避免。

    A Chinese hard landing is not inevitable , then .

  6. 第二个潜在威胁是中国经济硬着陆可能通过金融纽带影响其他地区。

    Financial links are a second area of potential vulnerability .

  7. 没有经济硬着陆或衰退。

    No hard landing or recession .

  8. 对防止当前我国经济硬着陆的思考及对策

    The Thinking of Preventing the Cruuent Our Country 's Economic " Hard Landing " and Measures

  9. 杨金林说,采取这些措施是为了防止中国经济硬着陆。

    These measures are aimed at preventing a hard landing for the Chinese economy , he said .

  10. 经济学家预言美国经济硬着陆有50%的可能性。

    Economic forecasters have suggested a50 % chance that the US economy could have a hard landing .

  11. 投资者对任何可能提高中国经济硬着陆的进展都感到震惊。

    Investors are alarmed by any development that appears to raise the chances of a Chinese hard landing .

  12. 瑞银预计中国经济硬着陆对全球其他地区的影响将体现在三个领域。

    UBS sees three areas where a hard landing in China could affect the rest of the world .

  13. 一项调查显示,中国制造商对业务前景持乐观态度。这一结果应能有助于缓解人们对于中国经济硬着陆的担忧。

    Chinese manufacturers were upbeat about business in a survey , which should help ease fears of a hard landing .

  14. 鉴于中国经济硬着陆发生的机会不大,对待中国经济的观感波动不定令人费解。

    Given the improbability of a hard landing in China , the swings of sentiment towards its economy are difficult to understand .

  15. 美国经济硬着陆的风险在积聚,美元贬值的趋势将会持续下去。

    The trend in the weaker dollar is likely to continue , as risks of a hard landing in the US increase .

  16. 过去两周,几家大型投资机构陆续发布报告,对中国经济硬着陆的假设进行了探究。

    Over the last two weeks , several major investment houses have published reports exploring the idea of a hard economic landing in China .

  17. 有些人担忧这会重蹈1987-88或者是1993-94年的覆辙,当时的高通货膨胀率迫使政府紧急采取了紧缩货币政策,造成经济硬着陆。

    Some people fear a repeat of1987-88 or1993-94 when high inflation forced the government to tighten monetary policy sharply , causing a hard economic landing .

  18. 利率政策正常化、中国经济硬着陆、甚至是通货紧缩压力都可能导致其中一些市场泡沫破裂。

    A normalization of interest rate policy , a hard landing in China or even deflationary pressures could yet see some of these markets go pop .

  19. 此外,如果中国通胀抬头,央行将不得不调高利率,那样的话,经济硬着陆可能无法避免。

    In addition , if inflation in China picks up , the central bank will have to raise interest rates and a hard landing may be unavoidable .

  20. 中国经济硬着陆将对全球产生影响的第三个方式是通过风险蔓延,即信心丧失的现象伴随着难以预料的后果蔓延。

    The third way that a hard landing in China would affect the world is through market contagion , when a loss of confidence spreads with unforeseen consequences .

  21. 一些分析师担忧北京方面可能在收紧货币条件和抗击通胀方面做得过火,从而引发中国经济硬着陆。

    Some analysts have raised concerns that Beijing could trigger a hard landing of its economy by tightening monetary conditions too much and acting too forcefully in its fight against inflation .

  22. 在我们看来,除非中国经济硬着陆,或者香港关上大门,无意成为世界都市,不然,香港房价可能继续上行。

    In our view – unless China suffers a hard landing or Hong Kong shuts its doors and turn its back on being a World City – the upward trend for property prices is likely to continue .

  23. 在全球最大石油和金属进口国中国,官员们誓言要避免经济硬着陆。中国正试图推动经济转型,从依赖制造业和基础设施支出转向更多依赖于服务业。

    Officials in China , the world 's largest importer of oil and metals , have vowed to avoid a hard landing as they try to move away from manufacturing and infrastructure spending towards a more service-based economy .

  24. 巴克莱资本(BarclaysCapital)对逾1000家机构投资者所做的一项调查显示,在金融市场上,中国经济出现硬着陆是威胁性最被低估的一种风险。

    The danger of a hard landing in China is the most underpriced risk in financial markets , according to a survey of more than 1,000 institutional investors by Barclays Capital .

  25. 中国经济的硬着陆可能导致一个“显著”的双损,美林的ChuaHakBin说。

    China hard landing could cause " significant " portfolio losses , BofA-Merrill 's Chua said .

  26. 货币过剩增加了中国经济出现硬着陆的风险。

    That increases the risk of a hard landing for the economy .

  27. 中国经济如果硬着陆,将成为一场灾难。

    A Chinese hard landing would be a disaster .

  28. 如果无所举措,印度将不可避免地迎来经济“硬着陆”。

    If something is not done , then a hard landing will become inevitable .

  29. 这也令艺术品市场暴露于中国经济“硬着陆”的风险。

    This leaves the art market open to a Chinese " hard landing " .

  30. 如果中国经济出现硬着陆,则将对大宗商品市场造成沉重打击,进而重创澳大利亚和加拿大等大宗商品生产国。

    A Chinese hard landing would hit commodities hard and thus commodity producers like Australia and Canada .