
  • 网络Business unit;operating unit
  1. 二是加强法制宣传教育,促使经营单位业主依法规范经营。

    The second is to strengthen legal education , to promote business unit owners according to the law and regulations .

  2. 结论,婚纱业物品污染严重,卫生质量差,经营单位规模越小,污染越严重。

    Conclusion : The marriage services presented serious contamination of various articles and poor sanitary quality . The smaller the business unit , the more serious the contamination .

  3. 基于ASP的生产经营单位人员安全生产培训考核管理系统的设计

    Design and Implementation of the Safety Work Training and Examination Management System for the Personnel of Enterprises Based on ASP

  4. 1999年3月~2002年3月,通过对集贸市场等有关生产经营单位进行随机取样计2766份,作酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)、气相色谱-质谱联用法(GC/MS)检测。

    2766 samples were collected randomly at farm product trade markets and monitered by Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay ( ELISA ) and GC / MS.

  5. 系统基于B/S模式并结合ASP技术,实现安全生产监督管理部门对生产经营单位主要负责人和安全生产管理人员进行安全生产培训、考核以及资格认证的高效管理。

    Based on Brower / Server model and ASP technology , the Training and Examination Management System realizes its efficient management for training , examining and certificating personnel from enterprises launched by work safety administration .

  6. 在互联网网间互联特点的基础上,分析了骨干网经营单位的企业互联行为和提出网络价值结算模型,最后简要地说明我国NAP点结算价格的管制外部性。

    On the basis of the characteristics , it further analyzes the interconnection behavior of backbone enterprises and brings forward the settlement model of network value . Finally , regulatory externality of settlement price in NAP is depicted briefly .

  7. 一种商业性经营单位,提供购物、表演等供娱乐的方式。

    A commercially operated park with stalls and shows for amusement .

  8. 进出口商品经营单位所在地总值表

    Value of import and export by location of commodity management units

  9. 林业生产经营单位安全管理创新的几点思考

    A Few Thoughts about Safety Management Innovation in Forest Production and Operation Units

  10. 危险化学品经营单位安全评价导则(试行)

    Guideline on Safety Evaluation for Enterprises Dealing with Dangerous Chemicals ( trial )

  11. 经批准的经营单位,其经营活动应遵守本规定。

    Business activities of the approved operating units shall abide by these measures .

  12. 广州市生产经营单位化学品调查与分析

    A chemicals survey and analysis in Guangzhou factories

  13. 对安徽省体育经营单位的市场调查

    Market Research on Sports Enterprises in Anhui Province

  14. 学习《安全生产法》专栏文章(六)生产经营单位是安全生产的主体&论生产经营单位安全保障制度

    Safety Guarantee System in Production and Management Units

  15. 森林经营单位组织初探

    Preliminary Study on Organization of Forest Management Units

  16. 生产经营单位安全培训规定

    Safety Training Regulations in Production Management Units

  17. 国内各种经济成分的托盘生产、使用、经营单位;

    Units of domestic economic sectors engaged in production , use and operation of pallets ;

  18. 其中,对危险化学品生产、储存和经营单位的安全评价所涉及的指标做出了明确规定。

    There are definite prescript about safety valuation index of dangerous chemical enterprises among them .

  19. 生产经营单位安全生产管理的要点

    The Key Points of the Management of the Safety in Production of the Production-operation Units

  20. 市场管理机构及经营单位能够全部实行计算机统一管理;

    The market administration office and the operation entities can all be under uniform computer management ;

  21. 为了解天津市场茶叶卫生状况,对146户茶叶经营单位进行卫生学调查。

    For knowledgement of health status of tea in Tianjin city , 146 distribution agencies were inspected .

  22. 第二十二条软件产品的经营单位应以许可证贸易形式经营软件产品。

    Article Twenty-Two Managing institution of software products shall conduct he management in the form of licensing .

  23. 经营单位获利能力分析

    Profitability analysis of operating unit

  24. 因此,它是天然气输配系统发展与运行研究的重要内容,对于天然气输配系统的经营单位必须研究的基本信息。

    So it is the important part of the development of the system of nature gas transportation .

  25. 经营单位,是指对外签订并执行进出口贸易合同的中国境内企业或单位。

    An operating entity refers to an enterprise or entity that signs and performs import and export contracts .

  26. 经营单位接受该概念之前,高层管理人员可能会接受和认可。

    It might take their acceptance and endorsement before individual business units can be sold on the concept .

  27. 关于生产经营单位主要负责人、安全生产管理人员及其他从业人员安全生产培训考核工作的意见

    Suggestions on evaluation of training in production safety for directors , safety-control managers and other workers employed in enterprises

  28. 进入批发市场的经营单位必须是具有出版物批发权的出版物发行企业;

    The operation entities entering the wholesale market must be publication distributing enterprises with the power to wholesaling publications ;

  29. 同时,也为其他的高速公路经营单位完善管理提供了方法借鉴。

    At the same time , it provides methodes for other management units of expressway to draw lessons from .

  30. 客户经理是商业银行最小而最重要的经营单位和价值创造主体。

    Customer managers are the smallest and yet most important business unit operators responsible for value-creation in commercial banks .