
  • 网络Evidence;Being Good
  1. 证券投资信商业同业公会得对证券投资信契约拟订定型化契约,报经证期会核定。

    The securities investment trust association may establish a standardized agreement for the securities investment trust contract , and report to the SFC for approval .

  2. 圣保罗医院的一位负责人称那位妇女经证实在星期五经剖腹产手术产下了双胞胎。由于医院规定不便透露该名妇女的姓名。

    The woman , whose identity has not been revealed , gave birth Friday by Caesarian section , according to an official at Sant Pau hospital who spoke on condition of anonymity because of hospital policy .

  3. 经与证交会充分磋商,纳斯达克omx成为最后提供闪电指令的集团之一。

    After full consultation with the SEC , NASDAQ OMX was one of the last groups to offer flash orders .

  4. 若兼有它经病证,当与它方合用。

    If both it Syndrome , when combined with its side .

  5. 因此,本研究以生物力学先进的步态分析技术为手段,对膝骨性关节炎经筋证型进行了客观化研究。

    Therefore , the syndrome types of osteoarthritis are researched objectively with biomechanical technique of gait analysis .

  6. 近年来,随着诊断技术的提高和发展,中风中经络的研究得到了重视,积极治疗中风中经轻证,对降低病残率,提高疗效具有重要意义。

    Treating light syndrome of apoplexy involving channels is very important in increasing cure rate and decreasing disability rate of apoplexy .

  7. 未经开证行、保兑行和受益人同意,该项承诺既不能修改,也不能取消。

    Such undertakings shall neither be amended nor cancelled without the agreement of the issuing bank , the confirming bank and the beneficiary .

  8. 经推证及试验表明,采用双曲率椭球面反射镜,可以克服上述缺点。

    It is shown by proving and testing that the abovementioned shortcomings can be overcome by using the reflecting mirrors with bilateral curvature ellipsoid .

  9. 此消息看起来不象是您发出的。您只能取消自己的邮件,不能取消别人创建的邮件。未经开证行、保兑行和受益人同意,该项承诺既不能修改,也不能取消。

    This message does not appear to be from you . You may only cancel your own posts , not those made by others . Such undertakings shall neither be amended nor cancelled without the agreement of the issuing bank , the confirming bank and the beneficiary .

  10. 使用质量控制样品。包括经用有证标准物质(CRM)或其他国际上公认的标准物质校准的实验室参考物质。

    Use control samples , including certified reference materials ( CRM ), or other laboratory reference materials calibrated by the standard substances recognized internationally .

  11. 两组患者经治疗中医证候均明显改善(P0.05),治疗组总有效率达90%,对照组为75%,两组中医证候疗效比较有显著性差异(P0.05)。

    The symptoms of two groups were obviously improved ( P0.05 ), total effective rate of treatment group was 90 % , 75 % in the control group , two groups of Chinese medicine syndromes were significantly different ( P0.05 ) .

  12. 结果0.3ml组种植成功率100%,而0.15ml组成功率60%;经病检证实为肿瘤细胞。

    Routine biopsy . Results The group 0.3ml get success 100 % , while that is 60 % in group 0.15 ml , which was determinated as carcinoma cells by the examination of pathology .

  13. 本文报告10例临床诊断为散发性脑炎,但经剖检证实为急性脑型多发性硬化(其中Balo氏病3例)。

    In this paper we report a group of patients diagnosed sporadic encephalitis clinically , 7 cases of them are confirmed Cerebral type multiple sclerosis and 3 Cases are documented Balo disease by autopsy .

  14. 《内经》痿证理论及其临床应用

    Theory of Flaccidity Syndrome in Canon of Medicine and Its Clinical Application

  15. 经测实验证,该方案确实能有效实现文件的安全保护。

    The test shows that the schema is indeed effective in achieving file security protection .

  16. 经对比、证,对层位、性的判断基本清楚,可以满足探矿要求。

    Comparison indicates clear judgement of lithological character and horizon , satisfying requirements for exploration .

  17. 择时造模猕猴经前期病证表现及其评价

    Symptom of Disease and Syndrome During the Premenstrual Period and Evaluation of the Model Macaque during the Selected Time

  18. 以虚拟误差方程,经严密推证,给出了以方向作为独立观测值的后方交会点位精度估算公式。

    This paper , through a strict derivation based on the establishment of virtual observation equations , introduces the estimation formula of the resection using directions as the independent observations .

  19. 通过对大量古今文献的研究,我们发现,膝关节骨性关节炎从发病、生理病理表现和临床治疗都可以归于经筋病证的范畴。

    Through a mass of ancient and modern archival research , we found that KOA belongs to the category of meridian sinew disease whether in physiological and pathological or in clinical treatment .

  20. 伊莱利利公司以豪森公司未行使举证责任,申报材料未经法庭质证,鉴定结论错误为由提起上诉。

    Stockhausen Company , Eli Lilly Company did not exercise the burden of proof , the application materials without the court cross-examination , expert conclusions error filed an appeal on the grounds .

  21. 发证机构收到经营者遗失报告,经核实该证确未通关使用后,可撤销原进口许可证并核发新证。

    License-issuing organs may cancel the original license and issue a new one at the receipt of the loss report after verifying that the lost license has not been used for customs clearance .

  22. 经前期综合征证候分布规律的流行病学调查研究

    Epidemiological Survey on Syndromes Distribution in PMS

  23. 许可证持有人须将经修改的许可证,替换在建造工地内展示的原有许可证。

    The Permit Holder shall replace the original permit displayed on the construction site , by the amended permit .

  24. 依照劳动合同、工作规则调派工作,无正当理由拒绝接受,经劝导无效有事证者。

    An employee is proven to have refused a work transfer prescribed by the employment contract or work rules without proper reason .

  25. 许可证持有人须确保在这些地点展示关于环境许可证的最新资料,包括经修改的许可证。

    The Permit Holder shall ensure that the most updated information about the environmental permit , including any amended permit , is displayed at such locations .

  26. 经证实的信用证或改削的电讯文件将被视为有用的信用证或改削,任何随后的邮寄证实书将被不予置理。

    A.An authenticated teletransmission of a credit or amendment will be deemed to be the operative credit or amendment , and any subsequent mail confirmation shall be disregarded .

  27. 研究发现,虽然急性损伤和外受风寒等可以引起足太阳经筋病变,但在所调查病例中,未发现单一的足太阳经筋证型。

    Although acute injury and contraction of wind-cold evil can induce channel sinew alteration in Foot Taiyang , no single type of syndrome is found in this channel sinew .