
jié ɡòu fèn zǐ shēnɡ wù xué
  • structural molecular biology
  1. 随着生物可降解材料、结构分子生物学和天然药物食品的兴起、发展,糖胺聚糖在药理学、分子生物学及临床应用等方面取得了很大的进展。

    With the development of biodegradable polymer , natural medicine and structural molecular biology , the glycosaminoglycan has been made great progress in the area of Pharmacology , Molecular biology and clinical application .

  2. 本文就ERβ的基因结构、分子生物学特性、组织分布、转录调控的分子机制以及与肿瘤发生、发展的关系作一综述。

    This review focuses on ER β gene structure , molecular biological characters , tissue distribution , the molecular mechanism of transcriptional regulation as well as the relationship between ER β and tumorigenesis .

  3. 他们发现结果出现几天后另一个研究小组报告了其调查结果在《自然结构及分子生物学》杂志上发表。

    The findings appeared just days after another team reported its findings in the journal Nature Structural and Molecular Biology .

  4. 本文将对根霉脂肪酶的菌种筛选、发酵、纯化、结构、分子生物学研究及应用进行概述。

    The screening , fermentation , purification , structure , molecular biology research and application of Rhizopus lipases were reviewed in this paper .

  5. 他们的研究距离人类临床试验至多还有3年时间,该研究发表在了上周的《自然•结构和分子生物学》杂志上。

    Their work which is up to three years away from clinical trials in humans was published in Nature Structural Molecular Biology last week ( 22 February ) .

  6. 该文综述了近年来关于昆虫抗冻蛋白的结构以及分子生物学等方面研究的新进展,讨论了其结构与功能的关系。

    New advances on their structure and molecular biology are reviewed . Meanwhile , the function of TXT motif and the relationship between structure and function are discussed .

  7. 其发现结果仅仅在另一小组在《自然结构和分子生物学日报》上发表其成果的几天后面世,后者用了几乎相同的办法,但用的是人造抗体。

    The findings appeared just days after another team reported its findings in the journal Nature Structural and Molecular Biology . That team used almost the same methods but worked with engineered antibodies .

  8. 本文介绍了节肢动物中甲壳动物和昆虫几丁质酶的产酶种类、酶学特性、酶结构、分子生物学及其几丁质酶在节肢动物蜕皮中生理作用的研究现状。

    Now , this paper introduces the actualities of crustacean and insect chitinase research , including the chitinase 's properties , structure , molecular biology and its physiological function in the periodic ecdysis of arthropods .

  9. HCV非结构基因NS5分子生物学研究进展

    Progress of Molecular Biological Research on Nonstructural Gene NS 5 of Hepatitis C Virus

  10. 目的建立一种清洗分离人体蠕形螨的方法,为人体蠕形螨超微结构观察和分子生物学研究奠定基础。

    Objective To establish cleaning and isolating methods of living human Demodex sample for ultrastructure observation and molecular biology study .

  11. 通过本次研究结合前期研究成果得出:季节对机体的影响不是单一点的作用,而是涉及到了体内信息调节机制的各个层次,中医肾藏象的时间结构本质具有分子生物学基础。

    The influence of season to human body was not single regulation but came down to various layer of information regulatory mechanism .

  12. 但能自我复制,与环境进行能量交换,是一种耗散结构,从分子生物学、生物物理学以及热力学的观点来看,都表明朊粒具有生命现象。

    It could , however , replicate itself and exchange energy with its surrounding . It is a kind of dissipative structure . From the points of view of molecular biology , biophysics and thermodynamics , prion possesses life phenomenon .

  13. 最优嵌入问题是从稀疏矩阵计算,纠错码,数据结构,VLSI及分子生物学等中提取出来的数学模型,有着广泛的应用背景。

    Optimal embedding ( labelling ) problem for graphs arises from the circuit lay-out of VLSI designs , interconnection networks , sparse matrix computations , error-correcting code designs , data structures , biology , etc , which has extensive back-grounds .

  14. 对植物焦磷酸酶的结构及其功能和分子生物学研究的进展进行了综合论述,并着重阐述了焦磷酸酶在橡胶树橡胶生物合成中的作用。

    Advances on the study of botanic pyrophosphatase are reviewed , especially the role of pyrophosphatase in rubber biosynthesis of Hevea brasiliensis ( rubber tree ) .

  15. 植物作为敏感的环境指示,从植被组成和演替、类群分布和分化、形态和结构、细胞与分子生物学等不同层次上,对这种撞击引发的全球变化都应有所反映。

    Plant kingdom , as sensitive bio-index to environmental changes , should have responded to such kinds of bolide-impact effect at different levels of vegetation succesion , taxon differentiation , morphological and anatomical features , even molecular biology , etc.

  16. 本文综述了其高效可诱导性的启动子及其富含半胱氨酸的结构基因在细胞分子生物学,医学,农业及环保方面的转基因的应用及其发展过程。

    It is reviewed that the high efficient inducible promoter and frame gene coding rich cysteine peptide of MT were used by transgenic experiments in molecular biology , medicine , agriculture and environmental protection , and the process of these development .

  17. 研究蛋白质序列、结构以及序列和结构的关系是分子生物学的重点课题。

    It is the main topic to study the relationship between protein sequence and structure in molecular biology .