
jié jiā
  • scab;crust;form a scab
结痂 [jié jiā]
  • [slough] 由活组织脱落形成死组织块

  • 结痂的烂疮

  1. 这个伤口会疼痛难忍,直到大约10天后结痂才会好些。

    The area can be very painful until scabs form after about ten days .

  2. 他穿着短裤,膝盖的伤口已经结痂。

    He had short trousers and scabby knees .

  3. 你割破了,血会凝固、结痂

    When you cut yourself , blood clots and forms a scab .

  4. 结果比较三组患者止疱、止痛、结痂、痊愈时间比较,B组和C组都与A组存在显著性差异(P<0.05);

    Results There were significant difference showed in Group B or Group C compared with group A from the time of cure of herpes , pain , scab and the shingles clear up ( P < 0.05 );

  5. 在止疱时间、结痂时间比较上经t检验分析p0.05,治疗组的治疗时间相对于对照组要短。

    At the stop time , time to crusting blister comparison inspection by T analysis of P0.05 , the treatment group compared to the control group is shorter treatment time .

  6. 结果与空白组相比,1%磺胺嘧啶银乳膏和CSP治疗组均能显著提高创面愈合率、缩小结痂面积,缩短脱痂及创面愈合时间。

    Results Compared with negative control group , both 1 % sulfadiazine silver cream and CSP could apparently raise wound healing rate , decrease scab area and shorten decrustation and healing time .

  7. 结果:治疗组热退及结痂时间较对照组缩短(P0.05),且两组治疗前后周围血白细胞和中性粒细胞比较均无明显差异(P0.05)。

    Results : The time of fever relieving and scabbing in treatment group was shorter than that in control group ( P0.05 ) . Blood white cells and neutrophil pre-or pro-therapy in two groups were not significantly different ( P0.05 ) .

  8. 结果:COTAC能减轻鼠耳肿胀度,减少结痂动物数及浸润炎症细胞数。

    Results : Ear swelling thickening , crusts and inflammatory cellular infiltrates in mice of COTAC group were less obvious than in mice of the model group .

  9. 扫描电镜观察:贴油纱侧创面伤后12d,创面中心为坏死结痂,大量炎性渗出物及白细胞存在,覆盖创面表面的为无结构状的坏死组织;

    Observation by scanning electron microscopy : In the wounds applied with oil gauzes 12 days after scald , necrotic scab , a great number of inflammatory exudates and white cells were in central wounds , and necrotic tissues without any structure covered on the surface of wounds ;

  10. 华尔街那些大大小小的伤口终于开始结痂愈合了。

    Scabs are finally growing over Wall Street 's gaping wounds .

  11. 悲伤好象是帮助愈合的结痂。

    It is as if grief is the scab that permits healing .

  12. 在整个华尔街范围内,伤口正在结痂。

    All over Wall Street , the scabs are growing .

  13. 可能需要三周时间结痂才能完全消失。

    Three weeks might be necessary before the complete elimination of the crusts .

  14. 止疱时间,结痂时间,脱痂时间等。

    The time of ceasing new blister , the time of incrustation and decrustation .

  15. 7组瘤体缩小干瘪,结痂脱落。

    The tumors of group 7 were reduced , shriveled , scabbed and desquamated at last .

  16. 在急性发病期,(病人的)抓挠或感染可引起浆液性渗出及结痂。

    During flare-ups , open weeping or crusted sores may develop from the scratching or from infections .

  17. 口腔黏膜表现为斑块状或疣状增生,伴有广泛的水肿、糜烂及渗出,可有结痂形成。

    Oral manifestations included verrucous or papilliform hyperplasia of oral mucosa , with extensive edema and exudation .

  18. 如果伤口没有渗出液体或血肉没有结痂,涂抹外用药水来缓解烧伤处疼痛。

    Apply skin lotion to soothe the burn only if the wound is not weeping fluid or freshly scabbed .

  19. 说明火针在促进疱疹结痂、愈合、脱痂方面,火针疗效更优。

    Description of acupuncture in promoting simplex crusted , healing , fire-needle therapy efficacy is superior to Western medicine . 4 .

  20. 其中21例,25条患肢溃疡在术后1周内结痂,2周内痂皮脱落创面愈合;

    Of which , 21 patients ( 25 extremities ) ulcer scabbed within one week and healed in 2 weeks after operation .

  21. 结果:神经阻滞治疗能使疱疹尽早结痂并脱落,并能降低后遗神经痛的发生。

    Results : The nerve block method showed that herpes zoster was scab and scaling much early and decreased the sequela of neuralgia .

  22. 研究人员的灵感来自伤口的愈合方式:先是结痂,然后皮肤再来填补裂口。

    The idea for the new synthetic was sparked by the way wounds heal : First a scab forms , then skin fills in the hole .

  23. 随着肺部结痂的增多,患者会逐渐丧失呼吸能力,且通常在确诊后两至五年内死亡。

    As scarring builds up in the lungs , people gradually lose the ability to breathe . Death often occurs two to five years after diagnosis .

  24. 皮损以丘疹、结痂、鳞屑为主,且有少量水疱及轻度糜烂,自觉搔痒剧烈,夜间尤甚。

    Skin lesions with papules crusted , dry scaly skin bits , small blisters and mild erosion , consciously intense itching , get worse at night .

  25. 结果:治疗组在水疱开始结痂、消退及疼痛缓解时间上明显优于对照组(P<0.01)。

    Results : The effects of treated group on vesicular scab 、 subside and pain relief were better than control group ( P < 0.01 ) .

  26. 短期与长期观察,下鼻甲与中隔及鼻底距离增宽,通气改善,无结痂与干燥感。

    Through short-term and long-term observation , the inferior turbinate shrinked and the interval to the septum and basis nasi was broadened , which greatly improves the ventilation .

  27. 结果0.3%17997显示治疗效果,可减轻皮损评分,促进结痂,缩短病程。

    Results Local treatment of 0.3 % 17997 cream showed therapeutic effects , it reduced the average scores of skin lesion , accelerated crusting time and healing time .

  28. 主要病变包括大脑皮质、丘脑、海马、小脑和脊髓的神经细胞尼氏体溶解、核浓缩和细胞表面结痂。

    The major lesions included dissolution of Nissl bodies , pyknosis , and incrustation of neuronal surface in the cerebral cortex , thalamus , hippocampus , cerebellum and spinal cord .

  29. 日久或经治疗后急性炎症减轻,皮损乾燥、结痂或鳞屑,而进入亚急性期。

    After it lasts for a long time or is treated , the skin will become dry , form the scab or scale bits , and enter the sub-acute stage .

  30. 病变常为片状或弥漫性,皮损常有红斑、潮红、丘疹、丘疱疹、水疱、结痂、流滋同时存在。

    Lesions often to flake or diffuse , skin lesions often have erythema , flush , papules , papulovesicles , blisters , scabby , effusion exist at the same time .