
  • 网络Water treatment;Water Supply Treatment;CWT
  1. 生物强化活性滤池是一种经济有效的给水处理工艺,可去除约90%的AOC,保证出水的生物稳定性。

    Biologically-enhanced active filter is an effective and economical technology to drinking water treatment . The removal rate of AOC reaches about 90 % and the biological stability of effluent is ensured .

  2. 给水处理系统高效经济运行研究之一&策略与模式

    A method for effective and economical operation of water treatment system

  3. 为了在给水处理、废水处理中,对其高浊度水质进行有效的、低成本的处理,自行研发了一系列复合无机高分子混凝剂,聚氯化铝混凝剂(ZR_PAC系列产品)。

    Series of multiple inorganic macromolecule coagulants and ZR-PAC are studied to treat waste water of high turbidity effectively at low cost .

  4. AVT(O)给水处理方式在600MW机组上的实践

    Practice of AVT ( O ) at 600 MW Fossil Plant Unit

  5. 动物急毒性试验表明该絮凝剂无急毒性反应,初步预示其在给水处理中具有很好的应用前景。最后对微生物絮凝剂B-16的絮凝机理进行了探讨。

    The animal toxicity test showed that B-16 has no acute reaction .

  6. 主要介绍了目前在给水处理厂投药自动控制系统中较为先进的SCD控制技术在南方某水厂的运用情况。

    In this paper , it discusses the SCD automatic chemical dosing control systems which is the most advanced one now in a south waterworks .

  7. 本文通过饮用水除铝的一系列实验,主要研究在给水处理流程中聚合铝(PAC)混凝剂种类、投加量、余浊等因素对余铝的影响。

    The effect of the kinds and dosing quantity of PAC coagulant and residual turbidity etc on residual aluminium in the course of water supply was studied through a series of experiments for aluminium removal for drinking water .

  8. 讨论了目前在给水处理厂投药自动控制系统中较为先进的SCD控制系统(包括单闭环及串级控制系统)。

    In this paper , We discuss the SCD Single factor and the SCD serial automatic chemical dosing control systems for waterworks , which are the most advanced system at the present time China .

  9. 水环境污染造成的饮用水源水水质下降及传统给水处理工艺的缺陷导致饮用水中含有THMs,MX等致癌物及其它有机物,严重威胁人体健康。

    The deterioration of raw water quality caused by water pollution and the deficiency of conventional water treatment technique results in the drinking water containing THMs , MX and other organic pollutants which seriously threaten human health .

  10. 应用于给水处理的试验结果表明,与传统的聚合氯化铝(PAC)相比,其出水浊度和铝离子含量分别下降了9.5%、53%,并且降低药剂成本约9.5%,具有明显的经济与环境效益。

    The turbidity degree , Al ~ ( 3 + ) ion concentration and cost of this flocculant are reduced by 9.5 % , 53 % and 9.5 % respectively , compared with traditional flocculant PAC . So it is of obvious economic and environmental benefits .

  11. 通过给水处理条件优选试验,确定了适合该机组的水质控制参数,解决了该机组的给水在全挥发处理(AVT)时存在的铁溶出率高等诸多问题。

    Through the test for optimal selection of feedwater treatment conditions , the water quality control parameters suitable for the unit were determined and the problem of high iron content in feedwater during all volatile treatment ( AVT ) of feedwater was resolved .

  12. 介绍了翻板滤池的工作原理、特点以及在昆明市给水处理中的应用情况。

    The working principle and feature of shutter filter are presented .

  13. 含藻水给水处理设计规范

    Code for design of water supply treatment for water with algae

  14. 陶瓷滤料在给水处理中的应用研究

    Study on the Application of Water Supply Treatment by Ceramic Media

  15. 常规给水处理工艺处理效率的神经网络预测与控制

    Efficiency prediction of the conventional water treatment system by ANN model

  16. 给水处理中加氯量的影响因素

    Some important factors influencing the chlorine dosage in water treatment process

  17. 滤池在给水处理中的发展及应用

    The Development and Application of the Filter in Water Supply Treatment

  18. 改性累托石复合絮凝剂用于给水处理的研究

    Study on Application of Modified Rectorite Composite Flocculant in Water Treatment

  19. 给水处理中除有机物研究的现状

    The present situation of studies on organic substances in water treatment

  20. 执行新标准的给水处理工艺改进措施

    Improving measures of the water supply processing technique implementing new criteria

  21. 给水处理厂最佳加药量的研究

    The research on optimal addition dosage in water supplying treatment plant

  22. 内置式热力除氧技术在锅炉给水处理中的应用

    Application of INNER-SPRAY thermal deaerator in boiler feed water treatment

  23. 给水处理中软填料过滤除铁

    Iron Removal by Filtration with Soft Fiber Mass in Feed Water Treatment

  24. 亚硝酸盐在给水处理过程中迁移转化的研究

    Study on the Fate of Nitrite in Drinking Water Treatment

  25. 浅谈给水处理技术现状及发展趋势

    Current Situation and Development Trend of Feed Water Treatment Technologies

  26. 煤气厂锅炉给水处理气泡发生器的流体动力学性能研究

    Boiler Feedwater Disposal in Gasworks STUDY ON HYDRODYNAMICS OF AIR BUBBLE SPARGER

  27. 给水处理工程中去除有机物的方法

    Methods of removing the organic matter in water supply engineering

  28. 给水处理面临的主要问题与技术发展对策

    Main problems in water treatment and strategies of technology development

  29. 建立经济实用的给水处理厂投药系统

    Establish Economical and Functional Coagulant Addition System of Water Works

  30. 臭氧-活性炭工艺在给水处理中的作用研究

    A Study of Effect of Ozone-Active Carbon Process in Feed Water Treatment