
  • 网络vegan
  1. 严格的素食主义者不吃肉,绝对素食者禁食所有畜产品,这些人也有B12缺乏的危险。

    Strict vegetarians , who avoid meat , and vegans , who avoid all animal products , are also at risk of B12 deficiency .

  2. 素食者全被轻视,对绝对素食者的最佳忠告则只能吃三文治。

    Vegetarians are sneered at and vegans are best advised to take sandwiches .

  3. 他十六岁时不再吃肉,两年后不再吃鱼,成为一个绝对素食者。

    He stopped eating meat at the age of sixteen but gave up fish and became a strict vegetarian two years later .

  4. 此人是一个绝对的素食主义者。

    This person is a strict vegetarian .